Page 16 - Boca Ezposure - February '22
P. 16

Page 16, Boca Exposure
      Dining Out: I Was Purring All The Way Through This Meal!

      By Alan Serinsky of Bocaire                           First Impressions: If you have ever eaten at the well-     Straight From The Kitchen: Hungry D. loves anything
      Country Club. Hungry Al’s love                     established Rebel House, you’ll know what to expect at   that ends with a taco in its name. The Alley’s version is a
      for food started very young.                       the Alley Cat. Chef Eric Baker has made the transition   King Crab Taco ($28) that is like nothing you have ever had
      Never satisfied with his Mom’s                     to bring his own excellence to this new Asian fusion   before. We are talking about the freshest and sweetest king
      dishes, he started to cook his                     starter. It’s no surprise that he’s off the starting blocks in   crab that roams the ocean floors. Surprisingly, Chef Eric has
      way through her “Betty Crocker                     a big way. My son-in-law, who lives in Fort Lauderdale,   creatively utilized the nori seaweed in a process that results
      Cookbook.” During the years                        happens to be a sushi fanatic and already had this one on   in a taco shell much like a Parmesan crisp.
      to follow he spent many hours                      his radar.                                           Don’t pass this one up. I assure you these tiny but mighty
      working in restaurants, both as server and cook, attending      To locate this hidden alley, go no further than the   bites will have you debating if a second helping is needed.
      cooking classes and traveling the world in an effort to expand   well-known “Pink Mall” off of Federal Highway, south of      Hungry Al honed in immediately on the Miso Sea Bass
      his palette. As a professional writer, Hungry Al offers his   Mizner Park. And yes … if you eat at one of the outside   ($37). Rarely have I had a miso sea bass that is prepared
      perspective on current food trends and guides you through   tables it seems like an alley. The interior is mostly made   properly. But his recipe deserves to float to the top of the list.
      your local restaurant options.                     up of an extended bar and a few high-tops and seated   This buttery melt-in-your-mouth tender fish is so perfectly
                                                         tables. Don’t expect décor renovations fit for a pedigree.   complemented by the brushing of a glaze consisting of yellow
      The Alley Cat                                      This one is basically a street cat. I also highly recommend   miso, mirin, and sake to offer just a hint of sweetness.
      409 S.E. Mizner Blvd.                              reservations during the weekends.                    The best part of this dish is how the sea bass is presented.
      Boca Raton, FL 33432                                  Prime Your Taste Buds: For me, there was no way I   This beautiful charred fish was delivered in a wooden bowl                               was passing up a taste of their quality sushi. I certainly   soaking in a rich Dashi butter broth, joined by charred gem
                                                         had done my homework and know that one of the partners   lettuce and shitake mushrooms.
         Food For Thought: There were simply two reasons   in this venture is David Bouhadana from Sunset Sushi. If      From The Dessert Tray: Unfortunately, this alley cat
      why I decided to catwalk my way to this new restaurant.   you haven’t been there, I assure you it’s a true Japanese   only has one sweet tooth, but this week it was a good one.
      First, and most sentimental reason, is that our cat Maxi   experience.                               Advertised as a Key Lime Brulee ($12), it was only partially
      passed away during the Christmas holiday, and anything      Hungry Al (that’s me) decided on the King Salmon   right. Made in-house, this version was more like a Key lime
      “cat” related is foremost on my mind. So, it seemed fitting   ($14) tasting, comprised of four distinctly separate sushi   pie with a caramelized sugar topping. Even though this alley
      that Alley Cat was an appropriate choice. Secondly, I just   preparations. I was flapping my fins with every bite I   cat is a little mischievous, it didn’t disappoint. The lime filling
      got fed up with the quality of sushi at my current “go to”   took. To best explain the quality of fish, it was like the   was seated on a squared shortbread crust and packed with a
      favorite stop. I know you probably want me to confess its   salmon was reeled in from the ocean and delivered to our   fresh Key lime juice taste and a silky sweet texture. Baker
      name, but I won’t.                                 table within the last 24 hours. From the beginning slice   Al is certainly going to try to duplicate this one at home!
         For years I had been a samurai loyal to this location,   with dill, next one truffle topped, followed by a seared      Check Please: Sometimes you have to go outside the grid
      but for some reason the sushi chef’s sword started slicing   version, and finally the Yuzu Kosho preparation. Even the   to find what you’ve been missing. An adventure to this cattery
      fish like he was cutting lox at a deli. As they say, “as thin   sticky rice is exceptionally perfect in texture and taste.   was a joy from the moment we opened the door. Greeted by a
      as you can!” Here, a simple Rainbow Roll was simply an   Believe me, you won’t be disappointed.      staff of friendly waitresses, wearing cute cat-ear headdresses,
      understated California Roll.                          Note: The Cat also has an Omakase ($36), consisting   was a clear indication someone was making sure that your
         For many of us, we tend to gravitate to restaurants   of eight pieces beautifully displayed by the chef.   first impression would not be your last.
      we feel most comfortable with, or find to be predictable      Hungry D., being the health conscious one of this duo,      Every detail – from service to food quality and preparation
      in its menu and food preparation. Unfortunately, this is a   was happy to select the House Salad ($12). I know we   – was well planned to make sure your experience in the alley
      double-edged sword because even though we can rely on   all think of a house salad being comprised of a bunch of   was cat-worthy. Whether you’re a cat lover or not, this one
      consistency, we don’t challenge our palates or expand our   lettuce pieces, one slice of cucumber, a token watered-  will have you clawing your way back for more. No way we
      awareness of innovating styles of cooking or ingredients.   down tomato and a sprinkle of carrots for color. This   could not give Alley Cat five big golden cat paws!
         For me then, this visit to the newly opened Alley Cat   is not your ordinary house salad! Instead, it is a well
      was a revelation of what it’s like to eat quality sushi, and   composed and generously portioned mix of gem lettuce,
      how a seasoned chef is delivering a menu that will have   quality hearts of palm, perfectly ripe avocados, cashews
      me pawing for another return.                      and a sweet citrus dressing.
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