Page 14 - Boca Ezposure - February '22
P. 14

Page 14, Boca Exposure
       Healthy Answers – A Guide To Healthy Living:

       ‘A Super Way To Slow Down Aging!’

      By Dale Brown, B.S.,                               cheeseburger. However, even among the healthiest choices   cholesterol and increases insulin effectiveness. It gives
      M.A., C.E.C. Dale is a                             of foods, there are some that stand out above the rest.   you a feeling of fullness and helps lower your risk of
      motivational speaker who                           What Makes Superfoods Super!                      heart disease.
      has spent many years as a                             Superfoods are natural foods that are especially   How Can You Add More Superfoods To Your Diet?
      Certified Life Coach and has                       nutrient-dense while generally being low in calories.      The federal dietary guidelines for adults recommend
      written numerous articles                          They are high in essential vitamins, minerals and   1½ to 2 cups of fruit and 3 cups of vegetables every day.
      and e-books relating to self-                      phytochemicals–the  substances  in  all  plants  that  give   Unfortunately, just 1 in 10 adults in the United States
      improvement and ways to                            them color and flavor. Superfoods help to increase your   meet that guideline. It’s easy to add a few superfoods
      build a high-performance                           immune system and help to decrease the chance of disease   to your daily meal by being creative with recipes. Pick
      team. She is the author of                         and its progression.                              one or two that you like and enjoy its benefits. Here are
      the recently published book,                          Although all fruits and vegetables contain vitamins   a few of the most popular that you can pick up at your
      “Small Steps…Big Changes:                          and nutrients, superfoods contain much higher amounts   local grocery store.
      The Personal Stories of a Life Coach.” Her education and   of these nutritional properties. It’s as if nature loaded   Avocado – One of the most popular items on menus
      years of experience in physical fitness and training of   all the nutritional necessities into a wonderful array of   these days is avocado toast, rich in heart-healthy
      elite athletes has enabled her to sharpen her knowledge   foods for all to enjoy. Let’s take a look at the three major   monounsaturated fats. Just one avocado contains more
      in many health-related areas. The following introduces   benefits jam-packed in all superfoods, and why they are   potassium than a banana.
      a new approach to Brown’s series of columns devoted to   so important: antioxidants, nutrients and fiber.      Berries – Try working in your fruit requirement by
      many topics that deal with the mind/body connection and      Antioxidants – Antioxidants strengthen the immune   making a berry smoothie, or adding berries to your salads.
      the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. Dale, a Bocaire   system, muscles, bones and skin by protecting the body      Beets – A very versatile veggie, it can be made into a
      resident, can be reached at  from wear and tear. As we age, cell-damaging “free   soup, roasted beet salad, or meatless beet burgers.
         We’ve come a long way when it comes to understanding   radicals” begin to form due to stress, excessive exercise,      Cinnamon – This spice not only tastes good, it smells
      the health benefits of foods. Years ago, most meals   extended sun exposure, and unhealthy processed and   divine. Use it in oatmeal, coffee, muffins or baked apples.
      consisted of meat and potatoes, and maybe a side veggie.   sugary foods. Antioxidants stabilize cell-damage  and      Garlic  – Toss  chopped  garlic into  stir-fries,  soup,
      Although that’s still an option, there are many more   minimize the damage caused by free radicals.  sauces, or anything you desire. It has been known to boost
      choices and opportunities to include fresh salads and      ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance   immunity, aid as an anti-inflammatory while adding a
      vegetables with your meal. However, there are some   Capacity. This acronym is one of the critical anti-aging   tasty kick to any dish.
      people who are born carnivores and turn their nose up   functions of superfoods. Experts recommend 3,000 to      Salmon – Stick to wild salmon rather than farmed, if
      on anything leafy and green.                       5,000 points daily intake to slow down the aging process.   possible. The American Heart Association recommends
         One of my friends refuses to eat anything green   To give you a better idea of what this means to you, here   two servings of fish each week. You can’t go wrong with
      (broccoli, kale, lettuce), and gladly hands her salad or   are a few examples of superfoods and their values based   this delicious fish prepared by grilling, poaching, pan
      veggie to me whenever we’re out together. I worry that   on 3½-ounce servings… (cranberries 9,584; fresh basil   frying, eaten hot or cold. Yum!
      she’s missing out on her quota of vitamins and minerals   4,882; peanuts 3,166; red cabbage 3,145; hazelnuts 9,645).     There’s no excuse for not getting all the healthy
      by passing up on the healthiest part of her meal. Green   Nutrients – Most superfoods contain important   nutrient-rich greens and superfoods to help slow down
      foods are some of the highest “nutrient-dense” foods on   vitamins and minerals needed in your diet that are usually   the aging process. The most important thing is to find
      the planet, and few people eat enough servings to reap   lacking. They include vitamin A, vitamin C, and B vitamin   a  way  to  consume  the  recommended  daily  number  of
      their benefits.                                    folate, magnesium and potassium. Certain superfoods also   superfoods in a way that works best for you. What have
         If you’re a health-conscious eater, you may be thinking   contain good carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats.  you got to lose?
      you already know that some foods are better for you      Fiber – The recommended amount of fiber needed in
      than others. For instance, you may choose a green salad   a healthy diet is 25 to 30 g/daily. The typical American
      over french fries, or a salmon filet instead of a loaded   usually takes in half that amount. Fiber helps decrease

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