Page 12 - Stuart Exposure - February '21
P. 12

Page 12, Stuart Exposure


      Visby, Gotland: Starting Its

      Fifth Millennium

      By Don Kiselewski, MCC,
      D.S., Palm Beach Gardens
      Travel Leaders
         Perhaps you watched
      TV, as I did, 20 years ago
      on New Year ’s Eve, when
      we celebrated the end of
      the second millennium and
      beginning of the third. As the
      world turned, the television
      presentations from each of
      the most prestigious cities in
      each time zone created an image of the occasion that excited the
      imagination. It was communications and technology at its best
      and it rightly should be given credit for the spectacular event that
      we witnessed. But, it was the beauty of the cities themselves that   Red-tiled roof buildings in Visby, built outside the great wall, now fill the land from the city to the harbor.
      left the lasting impression of entering into the new millennium.
      Man has truly built wonders on our earth.
         As I watched, it became apparent that the majority of the
      cities highlighted during the presentation weren’t there a half
      millennium ago. And then, there are cities like Visby, Gotland
      that preceded Christ by 2,000 years. Names like Sydney, Paris,
      Washington, and New York automatically paint pictures in our
      mind – but Visby?
         I tried a little experiment last week and asked a few people
      whether they had ever heard of Gotland or Visby. As one might
      expect, the replies were about the same as Jay Leno gets when
      he conducts his “person on the street” interviews – lots of
      positive answers, but none were right. Visby, Gotland got the
      same results.
         The first thing you should know is that Gotland is an island.
      It’s actually the biggest island in the Baltic Sea, some 75 miles
      long by 35 miles wide. The island is located about 55 miles off

                                                        Multicolored fishing boats dot the small harbor in Gotland.

      There are gates peppered along the two-mile wall that circles
      Visby. This one has a large opening for carriages and a
      smaller one for pedestrians.

      Travel on page 13                                 Visby’s brightly painted buildings line the cobblestone streets, reflecting a period locked in time.

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