Page 15 - Palm City Spotlight - February '21
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Palm City Spotlight, Page 15

       New Members Spotlight

        I am a floral designer specializing in floral arrangements
       to fit your needs. I love doing parties, weddings, funeral     We believe in giving our clients a small firm customer     MAS Technology Group was founded in 2018 by a team
       pieces, or any arrangement to make someone's day special.   experience  with  big  firm  results. We  specialize  in  car   of expert Information Technology resources providing IT
       I remember every holiday, I would work starting from   accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, slip and   services to the Fortune 500 and 100 clients. Seeing the need
       sweeping the floors, cleaning buckets, help with billing, and   fall, homeowners insurance claims, malpractice, abuse and   to give the same level of expertise to the SMB marketplace,
       even waiting on customers at a very young age of about 7   all forms of personal injury. Many people are injured as a   we developed a way to continue to retain the experts in their
       or 8. As I grew older, I was more interested in designing   result of negligence in Florida each year. These incidents   respective fields while also delivering the same services the
       and delivering to see the excitement on the faces of those   take many forms and can result in catastrophic injuries and   Enterprise market expects at a cost the SMB market can
       receiving the flowers. The more I learned, the more I wanted   disabilities. When another individual is to blame for your   consume.
       to be better. When my father passed away, when I was 16,   injuries, you may have the ability to hold the responsible     Our goal at MAS is simple: to take the complexity of
       they sold the shop, and I ran the shop for many months.   parties accountable for their negligence by filing a personal   technology away and deliver best in class IT solutions
       That is when I knew I wanted to work with flowers as my   injury lawsuit against them. The experienced personal   through our innovative managed services offerings at a cost
       career. For years I have had my own side business doing   injury attorneys at The Eberst Law Firm help clients to   that is lower than bringing on a full-time IT resource. By
       weddings, parties and have worked in a flower shop in any   recover the maximum monetary damages possible so that   doing this, you can focus on taking your business forward
       given city where I live. Flowers and their expressions are   you can get on with your life!         while we focus on keeping all of your technology running
       in my blood!                                                                                        smoothly and most importantly SECURE! Our approach
                                                                                                           to the pain points of our clients is both comprehensive
                                                                                                           and holistic, readily available to adapt and grow with your
        Ribbon Cutting for the Owen                                                                        changing business technology needs. MAS’s highly skilled
                                                                                                           and certified team will assess your business needs to deliver
        Insurance Group                                                                                    IT Solutions which provides value to reduce downtime,
                                                                                                           meet compliance regulations, increase productivity while
                                                                                                           improving processes and boost your ROI.
                                                                                                             MAS offers comprehensive services to Architect,
          The Palm City Chamber of Commerce was welcomed                                                   Solution, Integrate, and Support your strategic operations
        by the Owen Insurance Group to their new office at 1611                                            with a lean agile project management mindset and quality
        N.W. Federal Hwy. in Stuart. We had a wonderful time                                               assurance validations to meet your delivery expectations
        networking and sharing wonderful snacks provided by                                                the first time. We specialize in network infrastructure, cloud
        Gary Owen and his team.                                                                            services, VOIP systems, managed services, point of sale,
                                                                                                           E-commerce and Software design. MAS also provides a
                                                                                                           fully staffed IT help desk with full redundancy and 99.9%
                                                                                                           availability. Our help desk team members monitor and
                                                                                                           maintain your technology assets, performs incident tracking
                                                                                                           and resolution with structured service level agreements -
                                                                                                           taking away the headache of our customers having to manage
                                                                                                           things on their own while also focusing on building their
                                                                                                           business. We are a trusted ally in managing the challenges
                                                                                                           of daily operations as well as navigating the complexity of
                                                                                                           new deployments.
                                                                                                             We offer free, no obligation technology consultations
                                                                                                           where we assess your entire technological footprint. This
                                                                                                           includes that state of your hardware, services you are
                                                                                                           consuming (paid and free), and where you can combine
                                                                                                           services to lower your monthly spend with respect to
                                                                                                           technology services. Over 90% of the time, we are able to
                                                                                                           save our clients more than 20% of their monthly spend with
                                                                                                           the services they are using leveraging our knowledge of
                                                                                                           Enterprise methodologies. Combining that with our expert
         Gary Owen of the Owen Insurance Group cuts the ribbon at his new office                           services in all areas of IT, MAS can provide you a custom-
                                                                                                           tailored solution to get you running efficiently!
                                                                                                             For more information, please reach out to Shawn Sloan

                                                                                                             We are a multifaceted print shop located in Stuart, Florida.
                                                                                                              Reel Graphics Signs & Embroidery can create and print
                                                                                                           signs, banners, decals, vehicle and boat wraps in addition to
                                                                                                           screen printed and embroidered apparel.
                                                                                                              With over 30 years experience in our shop we can
                                                                                                           customize any order to fit your needs.
                                                                                                             Our graphic design team can bring your ideas to life with
                                                                                                           unique branding for your company or product.
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