Page 11 - Palm City Spotlight - February '21
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Palm City Spotlight, Page 11
Visby, Gotland: Starting Its a few people whether
they had ever heard of
Fifth Millennium Gotland or Visby. As one
might expect, the replies
By Don Kiselewski, MCC, were about the same as
D.S., Palm Beach Gardens Jay Leno gets when he
Travel Leaders conducts his “person on the
Perhaps you watched street” interviews – lots of
TV, as I did, 20 years ago positive answers, but none
on New Year ’s Eve, when were right. Visby, Gotland
we celebrated the end of got the same results.
the second millennium The first thing you
and beginning of the third. should know is that Gotland
As the world turned, the is an island. It’s actually the Windmills dot the countryside in Gotland.
television presentations biggest island in the Baltic
from each of the most Sea, some 75 miles long by
prestigious cities in each time zone created an image 35 miles wide. The island is
of the occasion that excited the imagination. It was located about 55 miles off
communications and technology at its best and it rightly the west coast of Sweden,
should be given credit for the spectacular event that we with Latvia as its closest
witnessed. But, it was the beauty of the cities themselves neighbor. Several bays
that left the lasting impression of entering into the new interrupt the limestone
millennium. Man has truly built wonders on our earth. coastline of Gotland, while
As I watched, it became apparent that the majority the interior of the island
of the cities highlighted during the presentation weren’t has numerous clay-covered
there a half millennium ago. And then, there are cities bogs. The western side has
like Visby, Gotland that preceded Christ by 2,000 years. steep cliffs and is covered
Names like Sydney, Paris, Washington, and New York by conifers, while most
automatically paint pictures in our mind – but Visby? of the island is used for
I tried a little experiment last week and asked farming. Visby’s brightly painted buildings line the cobblestone streets, reflecting a period locked in time.
MCOST to Present Open Studio Tour Examples of the Bronze Age were found in coinage
discovered on the island. Gotland’s inhabitants traded
during this period with peoples on the eastern and
By Jackie Holfelder southern shores of the Baltic. Later evidence pointed
Information about the exhibiting artists, studio locations toward the ties the island had with Rome and the Islamic
If you’re ready for some safe and distanced enjoyment, and more is available at, Martin and Byzantine empires. The 12 century brought Gotland
Martin Artisans Guild hears you! Artisans Guild Facebook page or on Instagram at into prominence. Its traders – representing the peasant
#MartinCountyOpenStudioTour. society on the island – had trading houses to Novgorod
They are delighted to extend an invitation for you to attend and dominated the routes between Western Europe and
the 5th annual Martin County Open Studio Tour (MCOST) on Photos provided by Martin Artisans Guild Russia. The German trading class was quickly drawn
March 6-7, during which you can visit 32 artists who will be to Gotland activities and as a result, Visby was invited
displaying their work in 22 studio locations in Martin County. to join the Hanseatic League. Trade flourished until the
mid-14 century, with most of the Novgorod (northwestern
MCOST’s hours are 10 a.m.-5 p.m. both days. Russia) trade passing through the island. The prosperity
of the time was reflected in the many fine churches and
Just about the only differences between the four previous cathedrals built during this period (97 in the countryside
MCOSTS and this one will be the change of month from and 17 in Visby).
January to March (for obvious reasons) and the safety Gotland became part of Sweden around 900 A.D.,
precautions that will be taken at each studio. paying its taxes and looking only for protection.
Otherwise Gotland wished to remain an independent,
Masks will be required of all attendees and exhibitors, and passive community. It remained fairly peaceful until
social distancing will be practiced at all sites. 1361, when Danish King Valdemar IV Atterdag conquered
Gotland in a battle just outside the wall at Visby. The next
As in years past, MCOST – which is free to the public - will 300 years brought shifts to the trade route and dominance
highlight local artists working in a wide range of mediums: by Denmark, the Hanseatic League and other privateers,
painting, drawing, sculpture, glass, ceramics, jewelry, mixed as well as the Teutonic Knights. Sweden got it back in
media and textiles. 1645, but by then the island had become impoverished
and had lost its importance in the Baltic.
You can see the exhibitors at work in ateliers in the Jensen Diana Rell Dean Visby, “the city of ruins and roses” and administrative
Beach, Stuart, Port Salerno, Palm City and Hobe Sound capital of Gotland, is a city frozen in time. Very little has
areas. Watch as magnificent items are created and interact changed since the 13 century when it was in its heyday.
with the skilled masters as they work. To protect the riches of the city, a two-mile, 30-foot-high
Original pieces will be available for purchase.
Help kick the event off with a flourish at a special Preview
Event on February 17 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Elliott
Each participating artist will display two samples of their
work to give event attendees a taste of his or her style and
medium. The preview party is open to the public and there
will be a $5 per person donation at the door.
Informational guide booklets are available now at numerous
locations including The Palm Room at Harbour Bay Plaza,
Court House Cultural Center at Arts Council of MC, Red
Barn Furniture and Stuart Art Supply, as well as at each
studio on the tour.
Major sponsors include Women Supporting the Arts, Arts
Council of Martin County, Frugal Framer, Elliott Museum,
Stuart Art Supply, Visionary School of Arts, Whiticar
Boatworks, Jewelry by Whiticar, Curt Whiticar Collection
and Aya Fiber Studio,
There are gates peppered along the two-mile wall that circles
Here’s your opportunity to experience the process of Visby. This one has a large opening for carriages and a
art being made, as well as to meet the renowned people Torenzo Gann smaller one for pedestrians.
creating it.
Travel on page 12