Page 24 - Southern Expsoure - June '20
P. 24
Page 24, Southern Exposure
CluB newS
Panhellenic Alumnae Holds March Fundraiser
In ‘Nick Of Time’
On March 14, the Panhellenic Alumnae Chapter of Palm This year’s speaker was Courtney Scianandre, a graduate school, maintain a 3.0 GPA or above, and show
Beach County held its annual scholarship luncheon fundraiser licensed doctor of Oriental Medicine. She’s a specialist in a need for a scholarship. A committee will meet after the
at the Abacoa Golf Club in Jupiter. The chapter was able to functional medicine, nutrition, and acupuncture, and more, June 1, 2020 deadline to choose the women to receive
be the one of the final two events held at the venue before the who practices in holistic healthcare at Access Wellness in these scholarships. To apply go to the chapter’s website:
rules changed. Although a number of members and invited Palm Beach Gardens. Her talk was “Natural Approach to
guests chose to stay home, the chapter still raised more money Women’s Health.” She discussed healthy ways to build up The Panhellenic Alumnae Chapter is a member of
on the raffle baskets, silent auction, lottery hat, and 50/50 one’s immunities and what foods to eat or avoid especially the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) which is
than the previous year. Everyone pitched in where they could during the COVID-19 pandemic. Suggestions were to comprised of twenty-six national sororities. This year
whether it was in helping to set up, man the registration and eat fewer meats and more plant foods. She mentioned the chapter won an award from the NPC in programming
raffle tables, make centerpieces, or bid on the silent auction elderberry and zinc as good sources for immunity. for the second time. Women in the alumnae chapter come
items. A few days before the fundraiser, some met at the home This year’s fundraiser raised enough money for the from colleges they attended throughout the United States,
of Treasurer Nancy Stainback to create the raffle baskets, and scholarships that will be given to the several deserving so they bring a diversity of regions, ages, and ideas to the
First Vice President Meg Kravetz again designed, typed, and young women. To qualify an applicant must live in Palm chapter.
donated the program brochures from her company, Emerson Beach County and be a USA citizen, attend a four year
Management Group, Inc. college or university, be in the third or fourth year or Club News on page 26
Joyce Garberoglio and
Speaker Courtney Jeanne Hibbard took Sailynn Doyle, Barbara Palmer, and Julia
After checking in, next came the purchase Scianandre following donations for the lottery Kristine Polo poses by one of the many Pichette were there to greet and sign in
of raffle tickets from Mary Rafter and her informative talk hat as another way to raise birdcage centerpieces she created for the attendees as they arrived to the luncheon
Honnie McClear. on women’s health money at the fundraiser. luncheon tables. fundraiser.
BBBS of Palm Beach and Martin Counties
– Now More than Ever
By Jackie Holfelder of friendship. You decide together what you want
Whenever life as we’ve known returns to to do and the “Little” gets approval from his or her
“normal”, people will have to deal the changes the parent.
pandemic has wrought, whether negative or positive. Share an activity that gives you something in
Everyone will be faced with working those changes common to talk about. Go to the library, check out a
into the reality of their lives going forward. book and read together. Hit a bucket of golf balls at
Children are going through a lot now. Many are the local driving range. Take a ride in the car with the
left to navigate their school work basically on their radio on and talk about the music you like. Choose
own and some have food and financial insufficiency activities that give each of you a chance to learn
which is creating mental health struggles. more about one another. Keep it simple and enjoy
That is why the well-established and highly- yourselves!
respected mentoring program of Big Brothers Big BBBS of Palm Beach and Martin Counties raises
Sisters (BBBS) of Palm Beach and Martin Counties funds at four signature events each year. The 24th
– the well-known duo of “Bigs” and “Littles” - is Teen Mentor of the Year Emily Osborn and Amiyah Annual Big Taste of Martin County at the Stuart Jet
more important than ever. Center is scheduled for October 13, 2020. Be on the
The stated mission of the nonprofit is to create need a “Big” to spend quality, one-on-one time with lookout for the Golf Par-Tee, Mac & Cheese Festival
and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that them; someone to have fun with, someone they can and Bowl for Kids’ Sake events.
ignite the power and promise of youth. confide in. Realizing the importance of its mentoring
World-wide, the program has been in effect for Matches are made by utilizing a questionnaire program, BBBS remains committed to its mission,
110-plus years, providing children (“Littles”) with with children, parents, and mentors that includes especially during times of crisis. Due to COVID-19
trained and professionally screened caring mentors considerations such as location, interests, skills, concerns, activities are no longer face-to-face. That
(“Bigs”). BBBS has been serving Martin County hobbies, and other information key to selecting the is why Big Brothers Big Sisters has transitioned to
youth since 1986 and since 2010 in Palm Beach. best matches. virtual mentoring, launched an e-mentoring program,
“Littles” are aged six through high school age and Some mature high school students are welcome and is holding its first virtual orientation sessions.
to mentor, although the majority are adults. Anyone interested in being either a "Big" or a
One-on-one attention from a caring adult role "Little" should contact Kristine Gunn, (561) 727-
model has always been a key part of developing 3450. Potential "Bigs" can attend a virtual orientation
self-confidence, and research shows that “Bigs” and training session at
help “Littles” feel more confident in several areas.
That’s especially important now. National research
has shown that by participating in our programs,
“Littles” are:
• more confident in their schoolwork performance
• able to get along better with their families
• 46-percent less likely to begin using illegal drugs
• 27-percent less likely to begin using alcohol
• 52-percent less likely to skip school
A “Big” only has to commit to a few hours a couple
Volunteer of the Year John Sedwitz and Erick of times a month to give a “Little” the invaluable gift