Page 37 - Southern Exposure- March '20
P. 37

Southern Exposure, Page 37

                                                          elder esTaTe planning

                       Estate Planning Is Like Building A Snowman

                                                             Submitted by Anné Desormier-Cartwright, Esq.

                                                        delays and costs that accompany the probate proceedings   to make financial decisions for you even if you are fully capable
        A  complete  estate  plan                       required when you use a will. Trusts also provide your family   of making these decisions. In other words, the documents to
      must include certain essential                    with more privacy than a will—as your will becomes part of a   appoint your agent to stand in your shoes immediately upon
      parts. In fact, it is similar                     public record once it is admitted to probate and can be viewed   signing the document. Therefore, the agent you appoint must
      to building a snowman in                          by anyone. Certain types of trusts can also be used to protect   be a trusted individual. If you do not have a financial power of
      some respects. The traditional                    your money and property not only from being accessible to   attorney, your family, including your spouse in some instances,
      snowman has several critical                      satisfy the claims of your future creditors (including a divorcing   will likely have to go to court to be granted the authority to
      components: bottom, middle,                       spouse), but also those of your beneficiaries. These are only   handle your financial affairs. The person the court appoints
      and top snowballs, as well                        some of the benefits that a trust can provide as the bedrock of   to this role may not be the person you would have chosen to
      as “arms” and a “face.” If                        your estate plan.                                  handle your financial matters. You can do your family and
      any of these are left out, the                    Step 2: Form A Solid Core — The Health Care Power Of   loved ones a huge favor by making sure you have named an
      snowman can look a little                         Attorney                                           agent to step into this role, avoiding unnecessary delays or
      odd! The consequences of                            Additional strength and stability are provided by the   disputes.
      an incomplete estate plan are much more serious, however.   snowman’s middle snowball. You can similarly solidify your   Don’t Give Us The Cold Shoulder — Call Us Today
      If you leave out important documents when you create your   estate plan by executing a health care power of attorney that     Without a complete estate plan, you are skating on thin
      estate plan, it is unlikely to accomplish all of your goals, and   names a trusted agent who can make medical decisions on your   ice. Make sure your estate plan has more than a snowball’s
      the benefits you thought you were gaining could melt away.   behalf if you cannot make them for yourself or are unable to   chance in the tropics of accomplishing your wishes. As
        This article discusses the trust and health care power of   communicate them to the relevant health care providers. Your   experienced estate planning attorneys, we can help you create
      attorney and financial power of attorney. Part 2 discusses living   agent is bound, to the greatest extent possible, to make the   a comprehensive plan without being snowed under by all of
      will, funeral instructions and ethical will or letter of instruction.  decisions you would have made if you had been able to make   the details necessary to address your unique circumstances.
      Step 1: Shape A Strong Foundation — The Trust     them yourself. By appointing someone you trust to act on your   Don’t wait for a cold day in July — call us today to set up a
        The foundation of a snowman is the large snowball at the   behalf and making sure they have important information, such   meeting!
      bottom that acts as its base. Likewise, a trust is the foundation   as your preferred providers, medical conditions, treatment and     If you have questions about this article or your estate plan
      of your estate plan. It enables you to name a trusted individual   medical history, medications, allergies, and religious beliefs,   and what documents are necessary schedule a consultation
      as co-trustee or successor trustee to carry out your wishes upon   you can gain substantial peace of mind. A comprehensive   today by calling our office at (561) 694-7827, Anné Desormier-
      your death and to manage your affairs if you become so ill   estate plan describes not only what happens to your money   Cartwright, Esq., Elder & Estate Planning Attorneys PA, 480
      you cannot do it yourself. Using a trust, you can specify that   and property when you die, but also how your care should be   Maplewood Drive, Suite 3, Jupiter, FL 33458.
      distributions from the trust be made to your beneficiaries for   handled during your lifetime.         The content of this article is general and should not be
      specific purposes, e.g., college tuition or health care expenses,   Step 3: Cap It Off — The Financial Power Of Attorney   relied upon without review of your specific circumstances by
      or at a certain age. Trusts are often used to ensure that your     The third step in building a snowman is adding the snowball   competent legal counsel. Reliance on the information herein
      money and property benefit your own family, rather than,   representing the “head.” Although it is typically smaller   is at your own risk, as it expresses no opinion by the firm on
      e.g., the new family of a spouse who eventually remarries. In   than the snowman’s middle and lower sections, it is no less   your specific circumstances or legal needs. An attorney client
      addition, trusts provide a means to pass on your money and   important. In an estate plan, another essential document is a   relationship is not created through the information provided
      property to your family and loved ones without the inevitable   financial power of attorney. It authorizes someone you choose   herein.

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