Page 16 - Boca ViewPointe - August '19
P. 16

Page 16, Viewpointe                                                  August 2019
      From The Desk Of Commissioner Robert S. Weinroth

       County Leads State in Ag                          such as heat stroke and heat exhaustion.            juice. Avoid high-protein foods.
                                                                                                             • Eat smaller meals. Eat fruits high in fiber and natural
                                                           Heat stroke occurs when the body no longer sweats,

       Production                                        and body temperatures reach dangerous levels. Symptoms
                                                         include dry, hot reddish skin and lack of perspiration, high   Keep Your Pet Safe in the
          Palm Beach County is                           body temperature, strong rapid pulse, chills, confusion and
       Florida’s  top  agricultural                      slurred speech.                                   Heat
       producing county and takes                           Heat exhaustion is our body’s response to the loss of
       the title of largest agricultural                 water and  salt, typically  through  sweating.  Symptoms      Don’t forget
       producing county east of the                      include excessive perspiration, weakness/fatigue, dizziness   your pets also
       Mississippi River! Some                           or confusion, clammy skin, muscle cramps and flushed   are subject to
       Palm Beach County farmers                         complexion.                                       the  effects of
       have been in business                                For anyone spending time outdoors working or playing,   the heat! Here
       since the 1800s planting                          here are some helpful tips:                       are some tips to
       pineapples and tomatoes.                             • Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of fluids; drink about   help keep your
          In 2017-18, Palm Beach                         16 ounces before starting and 5 to 7 ounces every 15 or 20   pets safe in the
       County generated over $1.4                        minutes.                                          summer:
       billion in agricultural sales.                       • Avoid dehydrating liquids. Alcohol, coffee, tea and      • Pets can get
          In western Palm Beach County billions of dollars are   caffeinated soft drinks do not hydrate the body and can hurt   dehydrated quickly, offer them plenty of fresh, clean
       generated by farming industries from packing houses to   more than help.                            water. If outdoors, make sure they have a shady place,
       sugar mills, harvesting equipment, and transportation      • Wear protective clothing. Lightweight, light-colored   out of the sun and be careful not to over-exercise them.
       systems. Major growers continue to produce in the   and loose-fitting clothing helps protect against the heat.      • Symptoms of overheating in pets include excessive
       Agricultural Reserve west of the turnpike in South County,   Change clothing if it becomes saturated.  panting or difficulty breathing, increased heart and
       a 21,000 acre area that was designated as a preservation      • Pace yourself. Work at a slow, even pace. Know your   breathing rate, drooling, mild weakness, stupor or even
       (primarily for agriculture) by the Board of County   limits and ability to work safely in heat.     collapse. Symptoms can  also include seizures, bloody
       Commissioners in 1980.                               • Schedule frequent breaks. Take time for rest periods   diarrhea and vomiting with an elevated body temperature.
          Palm Beach County currently leads the nation in the   and water breaks in a shaded or air conditioned area.     • It’s illegal to leave your pet alone in a parked vehicle
       production of sugar cane, sweet corn and sweet bell peppers.      • Use a damp rag. Wipe your face or put it around your   which can lead to fatal heat stroke. It’s ok to trim longer
       It leads the state in the production of rice, lettuce, radishes,   neck.                            hair on a dog but don’t shave your dog. Their layers of
       Chinese vegetables, specialty leaf and celery.       • Avoid getting sunburn. Use sunscreen and wear a hat   hair serve to protect them from overheating and sunburn.
          For seven months out of the year, fresh fruit and   if working outside.                             •  Brushing  cats  more  often  than  usual  can  prevent
       vegetables coming out of Florida feed over 80 million      • Be alert to signs of heat-related illness. Know the   problems caused by excessive heat.
       people worldwide. New technology and improved disease-  warning signs of heat stroke and heat exhaustion. Look for      • Apply sunscreen or insect repellent that is labeled
       resistant crop varieties have helped Florida’s farms become   and check on other workers who might be at high risk.  safe for use on animals.
       more efficient and productive.                       • Avoid direct sun. Find shade or block out the sun if      • Be careful of very hot asphalt which can cause burns
          Hemp is a hot topic right now. After the most recent   possible.                                 on to your pet’s paws. 
       legislative session in Tallahassee, the Governor signed
       into law a bill establishing a state hemp program to be
       overseen by the Florida Department of Agriculture. Hemp   Community Association Meetings Monthly Schedule
       is projected to become a multibillion-dollar industry over
       the next few years.
          Hemp is used for hundreds of products including fiber,      All meetings take place at the Community Association Office, 6909 S.W. 18th St., Suite 120.
       cattle feed, building materials, and food such as hemp seed      The following is our regular schedule of monthly meetings, however, sometimes meetings are canceled or schedules
       oil, greens and medical Cannabidiol (CBD) extract. Hemp   are revised due to holidays, etc.
       is not marijuana but they are cousins coming from the same      If you would like to attend, please call in advance just to double check that the meeting will take place as regularly
       species of plant.                                  scheduled.
          Industrial hemp has less than 0.3 percent of the THC
       (the psychoactive chemical that at higher levels defines   Access Control & Safety Committee           2nd Thursday of each month at 9:30 a.m.
       marijuana). For the near term, hemp production is limited
       to University of Florida facilities.                 Architectural Control Site Committee              1st Friday of each month at 9:30 a.m.
       Infectious Disease Elimination                       Board of Directors                                3rd Tuesday of each month at 9:30 a.m.

       Program                                              Budget & Finance Committee                        The Friday before the third Tuesday of
                                                                                                              each month at 9:30 a.m.
          Palm Beach County recently became the first Florida
       county to adopt an Infectious Disease Elimination Program
       ordinance establishing a countywide Syringe Exchange
       Program. The Board of County Commissioners unanimously
       adopted the ordinance after recent state legislation was    Bo c a P oin t e is
          The objective of the program is to reduce HIV
       transmission, hepatitis C, skin infections and other blood-
       borne diseases. It is also expected to provide a bridge to
       drug treatment and recovery support as well as other primary   m y LoK a tion!!!
       health and social services for intravenous drug users.
          The program, which will not receive any state or county
       dollars, will rely on grants and private donations to operate.
          In 2017, there were 647 opioid-related deaths in Palm
       Beach County. More than 8.400 county residents are   My goal is to provide excellent service and to
       currently living with HIV with nearly one new infection
       occurring every day. Recently, there was also a recent
       Hepatitis C scare making this program more important than   keep my clients informed of market activity,
       ever to protect the public health of our community.
                                                              so they can make the best decisions about
       Ten Hot Weather Safety Tips

          It’s hot outside! We are currently experiencing record-                    buying and selling!
       breaking temperatures in South Florida this summer so it’s
       important to take precautions to avoid heat-related disorders

         Wanted to Rent

               Garage or 1-car parking space                                          Stephanie Scheller
            beginning mid October for 6 months                                        Broker Associate
                                                                                      LoKation Real Estate
                   516-967-6183                                                       954-494-8490
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