Page 9 - The Jewish Voice - August '23
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The Jewish Voice, Page 9

      Local Happenings from page 8

      living situations. Specific benefits are assigned to each class,   post-traumatic stress disorder. With the increasing number   this Florida nonprofit the needed funding in order to extend
      meaning not all veterans may receive comprehensive dental   of veterans suffering from mental health disorders, the VA   its dental program to a larger number of qualified Florida
      care. Only veterans who are 100 percent disabled or sustained   reports approximately 17 veterans die by suicide every day.  disabled veterans. The governor signed the proposed bill on
      an oral injury while serving are given dental care at the VA.      This veteran-led nonprofit is filling in the gaps when it   May 26, 2023.
         WVRF Executive Director and Army Veteran Michael   comes to veteran dental care by partnering with oral health      A list of basic qualification criteria is listed at
      Durkee said the low VA dental care statistic is a critical   professionals and clinics across the state to provide veterans   Veterans who qualify for assistance and are interested in
      concern, as poor oral health can lead to a range of serious   with access to the critical dental care they deserve. Partners   dental care should contact their VA social worker or County
      health and mental issues, placing more burdens on our   include over 60 independent dental offices statewide, The   Veteran Service Officer to submit a dental referral to WVRF.
      military members who already face challenges when   Stiles-Nicholson Foundation, Nobel Biocare, and Quantum      “We hope that by providing dental care to veterans, we can
      transitioning back to civilian life.              Foundation.                                        help improve their overall health and well-being, and provide
         The connection between poor dental hygiene and mental      “We are thrilled to be the first organization in the state   a clear path for employment and a better life,” Durkee said.
      health issues is evident. According to the American Academy   to provide this much-needed service to veterans,” Durkee   “We are grateful for the support of our partners, as well as
      of Family Physicians, 60 percent of veterans with mental   said. “We believe that every veteran deserves access to   the state legislature, in making this initiative possible.”
      health conditions have fair to poor oral health, with 33 percent   quality dental care, and we are committed to working with      Visit, call 561-855-4207 or email info@wvrf.
      finding it difficult to eat due to dental issues. Poor oral health   our partners to make this a reality.”  org for more information about WVRF and its veteran dental
      affects veterans’ overall health, including their mental health.      WVRF has already funded $332,419.74 in veteran dental   care initiatives.
      According to the VA, up to 50 percent of veterans returning   support in 2023 and has donated over $1 million to veteran   About the Wounded Veterans Relief Fund
      from Afghanistan and Iraq have been diagnosed with a mental   dental care since the start of the program in 2021. Florida      The Wounded Veterans Relief Fund (WVRF) is a veteran-
      health disorder associated with substance use disorders   State House Bill 635: Dental Services for Veterans was   led nonprofit organization that provides urgent financial
      (SUDS), and 63 percent with SUDS also met the criteria for   approved and signed by Florida’s governor, and now can give   assistance, critical dental care, and access to professional
                                                                                                           services  for  Florida’s  eligible  wounded  veterans.  The
                                                                                                           nonprofit was founded in 2009 and Army Veteran Michael
        The Singles Scene Column                                            ©                              Durkee is the executive director. WVRF is headquartered in
                                                                                                           North Palm Beach, Florida with additional team members
                                                                                                           located in the Pensacola, Tampa, and Orlando regions.
        By: Kelly Leary, M.S.,                          to feel important and interesting. If you can make your   “Like” WVRF on Facebook at /WoundedVeteransReliefFund
        CEO & Head Matchmaker                           date feel these things, chances are he/she will be more   and follow on Instagram at @wvrelieffund and Twitter @
                                                        attracted to you. It’s human nature. How can you not like   WVReliefFund.
           Back to school means                         someone interested in what you have to say?
        back to the the dating
        pool! Half of our clients                          •   8. Let Your Date Know You’re Having a Good    Dental Facts from the Mayo Clinic
        are single parents of                           Time! If you’re having a good time, let it show. Smile.
        school-age children or                          Laugh. A well-placed, “I’m having a great time” is good.     Poor dental  hygiene  is  directly  linked  to  other
        college-age children, so                        We all want to be with people that we can make happy. Let   chronic  health  care  conditions  like  diabetes  and
        typically August is all                         him/her know, and thank them for it too. This eliminates   heart disease. Studies have found that people with
        about our kids, right? So                       guessing games!                                      periodontal or gum disease have a greater risk of
        NOW is the time to get                                                                               experiencing a major cardiovascular event, such as
        back to you as they go back to school. As the “School     • 9. Be Passionate. When your date asks you about   a heart attack or stroke. Gum disease leads to an
        Principle” of Matchmaking, I have provided you with my  yourself be passionate about the information you choose   increased arterial inflammation, which is responsible
        “Proprietary Dating Success Guide” to help you become  to share. Be decisive in your answers and don’t wallow   for cardiovascular problems.
        the star dater we know you can be. Confidence in what you  back and forth. However, avoid talking too much about     Studies  suggest  that  oral  bacteria  and  the
        have learned from us will be the key to your success, but  yourself, and don’t bring up past relationships...for as   inflammation associated with a severe form of gum
        note, what you receive from this homework assignment  long as humanly possible.                      disease  (periodontitis)  might  play  a  role  in  some
        will be in direct correlation with the work you put into                                             diseases.  And  certain  diseases,  such  as  diabetes
        it (just like the advice we give to our children). Not a           10. Keep It Light and Be Positive. Please eliminate   and HIV/AIDS, can lower the body’s resistance to
        single one of our matchmakers wants to see our students  ALL talk of medical conditions, politics, religious ideas,   infection, making oral health problems more severe.
        (clients) fail. Straight A’s are a green flag for your future  and past relationships. Talk about your travels, hobbies,   Conditions that can be linked to oral health?
        dating success, so let’s make your report card a picture  favorite books, or ANYTHING ELSE THAT IS LIGHT     Your  oral  health  might  contribute  to  various
        on your fridge of you and your special someone.   AND FUN. Don’t be so serious; very few people want   diseases and conditions, including:
                                                        to sit through a detailed explanation of your difficulties.    • Endocarditis. This infection of the inner lining of
        School Is In Session:                                     11. Conduct Yourself With Dignity. When you   your heart chambers or valves (endocardium) typically
                                                                                                             occurs when bacteria or other germs from another part
        Lesson 1. Study Our Proprietary Dating          find yourself attracted to a person, sometimes you can get   of your body, such as your mouth, spread through your
        Success Guide                                   carried away. If you want to talk for six hours, go for it   bloodstream and attach to certain areas in your heart.
                                                        if the other person is amenable and on your wavelength.     • Cardiovascular disease. Although the connection
           ☎   1. Make that Date Right Away! Once made, be on  If you want to share another bottle of wine do it... but   is not fully understood, some research suggests that
        time, and don’t cancel or reschedule. This is not a good aware that a first date is “a thing”. This is   heart disease, clogged arteries, and stroke might be
        way to start a first date. You just met, and you don’t want  a time to be the best version of you. Don’t screw it up.   linked to the inflammation and infections that oral
        to start your date with an apology.             Bring your A-Game.                                   bacteria can cause.
                                                                                                               • Pregnancy and birth complications. Periodontitis
                  2.  Your Appearance is Important. Dress to            12. Watch What You Say in Cyberspace. You’d   has been linked to premature birth and low birth weight.
        impress -- for your first date especially -- it’s far better to  be surprised how transparent social media is. So if     • Pneumonia. Certain bacteria in your mouth can
        be overdressed rather than underdressed. Remember we  you decided to document your date on Facebook, it   be pulled into your lungs, causing pneumonia and
        are putting our best foot forward here. Moreover, make  can be pretty easy for your date to find that post. Most   other respiratory diseases.
        sure your inner glow shines too!                importantly, this person may not want to be with someone     Certain conditions also might affect your oral
                                                        who posts every thought on social media. Privacy is hot.   health, including:
                  3. Practice Kindness. The biggest turnoff is a                                               •  Diabetes. By reducing the body’s resistance
        person who walks into a date, room, or party – with a                      XOXO, Your Kelly-Girl     to infection, diabetes puts your gums at risk. Gum
        negative attitude. It is imperative that we all practice                                             disease  appears  to  be  more  frequent  and  severe
        kindness in life, love, work, and play – single or not.  #GetDatingAgain #LoveLocal #LoveOffline #LoveIRL   among people who have diabetes.
        Speak positive words.                           #SummerLoveCanStillHappen #MagicMatchmakers            Research  shows  that  people  who  have  gum
                                                        #TellYourFriends #BeatTheFallRush                    disease have a harder time controlling their blood
           •   4.  Play It Cool.  Don’t go overboard on the                                                  sugar levels. Regular periodontal care can improve
        compliments, it’s hard to be attracted to a person who is  Kelly Leary  has 32 years in the dating industry and a   diabetes control.
        practically drooling over you. Perhaps that seems strange,  Master’s Degree in Psychology. She has been profiled     •  HIV/AIDS.  Oral  problems,  such  as  painful
        and in a way it is flattering, but it makes you come across  by Modern Luxury Magazine this month as a Dynamic   mucosal lesions, are common in people who have
        as too pushy.                                   Business Woman. Look for it on the shelves. She has   HIV/AIDS.
                                                        also been written about in  The Palm Beach Post,       •  Osteoporosis. This bone-weakening disease
           • 5. While on the Date: No Texting. No exceptions.  PalmBeacher Magazine, Stuart News, and many   is linked with periodontal bone loss and tooth loss.
        Leave your phone in the car if you can.         more. Revolution Dating members are pre-screened     Certain drugs used to treat osteoporosis carry a small
                                                        in person including background checks. Professional   risk of damage to the bones of the jaw.
                  6. Be Real. Put your best foot forward. A first date is  photos are taken by the staff. Revolution Dating is NOT     • Alzheimer’s disease. Worsening oral health is
        about being pure and authentic. No “over-the-top” jewelry  online dating or blind dating. In addition to providing   seen as Alzheimer’s disease progresses.
        or makeup. No dirty jokes. Mind your manners and be  matchmaking services that make singles “UN-single”     Other conditions that might be linked to oral health
        nice to the wait staff! Be polite to those around you and  through their exclusive club memberships, Kelly and   include eating disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, certain
        speak highly of life whenever possible...especially on a  her team also provide feedback from your dates when   cancers, and an immune system disorder that causes
        first date. Don’t take over the conversation. There will  appropriate. Mock Dates are available by request. Single   dry mouth (Sjogren’s syndrome).
        be time to share your story but wait for now.   Coaching Sessions and Evaluations are also available     According to the American Diabetes Association,
                                                        by request for non-members or as an add-on to some   diabetes triples the risk of getting periodontal disease,
                  7. Ask Questions on Your Date. Listen too! What’s  memberships. *All inquiries are confidential.    and  an  individual  with  diabetes  and  periodontal
        your date’s favorite topic of conversation? We all love                                              disease  is  three  times  more  likely  to  develop
                                                                                                             cardiorenal mortality.
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