Page 5 - The Jewish Voice - August '23
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The Jewish Voice, Page 5

      Local Happenings from page 4

                                                        Vita Nova Aims to                                    bedroom apartments and house 12 youth.
                                                                                                             The  Laszlo  Fischer  House  will  consist  of  12  one-
                                                        Provide New Housing                                   “Vita Nova is humbled by this generous gift from the
                                                        for Homeless Youth                                 Laszlo  Fischer  Foundation,”  said  Jeff  DeMario,  CEO
                                                                                                           of Vita  Nova.  “This  gift  is  a  statement  to  older  foster
                                                                                                           youth that they are loved and will always have a safe and
                                                           As the voice of homeless young adults, Vita Nova is   affordable place to live. We are honored to be a part of
                                                        working to eliminate homelessness for youth ages 18 to   Laszlo’s vision to end homelessness for older foster youth
                                                        25 years old in Palm Beach County. Serving close to 500   in Palm Beach County and beyond.” Currently, Vita Nova
                                                        homeless youth in Palm Beach County, Vita Nova is a safe   Village is the non-profit organization’s housing program
                                                        bridge to independence for former foster care, LGBTQ,   for young adults ages 18-25 that have turned 18 in the
                                                        and other homeless youth through supportive housing,   foster care system or young adults in the community who
      Marc Hopin and Gary Hoffman                       education, employment, and life skills training.   are homeless. The program is designed to assist young
                                                                                                           adults to learn to live independently while completing
      leadership also spoke to how                                                                         goals related to school and work. Vita Nova Village is
      they are continuously looking                                                                        on a three-building campus encompassing 12 apartments
      ahead to see how to expand                                                                           with shared living rooms, kitchen, and bath areas. Young
      the organization’s reach and                                                                         adults complete an application as well as an interview
      impact, and look forward to a                                                                        process to determine if they are a good fit before they are
      number of exciting initiatives                                                                       considered for residency. They have capacity for up to 31
      on the horizon.                                                                                      young adults in their two and three-bedroom apartments.
         During the annual meeting,                                                                           The  mission  of  the  Laszlo  Fischer  Foundation,  a
      Alpert JFS and Levin JRFS                                                                            non-profit,  501  (c)(3)  organization,  is  to  provide  safe,
      installed six new members                                                                            affordable housing for youth aging out of the foster care
      to the 2023-2024 Board of                                                                            system. The  Foundation  is  named  in  honor  of  Laszlo
      Directors. The organizations   Lesley Sheinberg                                                      Fischer,  a  child  Holocaust  survivor  who  knew  what  it
      also  recognized  several                                                                            felt like to be removed from his home and not know what
      dedicated volunteers for their outstanding service with      The need for supportive housing for homeless youth   the future would hold for him. In 2020, Laszlo passed
      awards.                                           is  critical,  and Vita  Nova  is  making  progress  toward   away from COVID-19 and his son, Michael, established
      New Alpert JFS Board Members                      providing  more  options,  thanks  to  the  Laszlo  Fischer   this Foundation to keep the memory of his father alive
      • Iris Markel                                     Foundation’s generous $1 million pledge that will help   and  to  celebrate  his  dad’s  generous  heart  and  love  of
      • Dr. Paula Newmark                               build  the  Laszlo  Fischer  House. An  event  was  held   children, especially those children in need of a helping
      • Jane Terker Perelman                            recently at the Spot, the only drop-in center for homeless   hand. To donate, or learn more about the Foundation, visit
      • Eva Schlanger                                   youth aged 18-25 in Palm Beach County. The occasion
      • Lesley Sheinberg                                included a check presentation and reception to celebrate      Vita Nova means “new life” in Latin and was founded
      • Jill Weinberg                                   the ongoing efforts of Vita Nova and its supporters.  by  Father  Leo Armbrust,  a  man  who  believed  that
      Award Recipients                                     “We are excited to partner with Vita Nova to build the   foster youth deserved a better quality of care. Through
      “Reb” Sol Freedman Award - Ilene Lampert Goldstein  Laszlo Fischer House,” said Michael Fischer, president of the   the Vita  Nova  team  members’  efforts,  volunteers,  and
      Linda White Award - Margie Feldman                Laszlo Fischer Foundation. “This building will be a testament   benefactors, older foster and homeless youth can lead
      Bernie Silbert Award - Joel Hart and David Naftaly  to my father and the love he had for children, especially those   lives characterized by independence, self-determination,
      Bob Schweitzer Award - Judy Knopf                 in need. We aim to end the stress and anxiety these young   and personal responsibility.
      Award of Distinction - Scott Fuerst and David Weisman of   people feel by having a home waiting for them.”                  Photo by Shaleigha Simione
      Greenspoon Marder, LLP                               The new building will be located in West Palm Beach
                            Photos courtesy of Jeffrey Tholl  and is set to break ground in September 2023.  Local Happenings on page 6

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