Page 6 - Boca Exposure - June '23
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Page 6, Boca Exposure
      Does Sun Protective (UPF) Clothing Really Work?

                                                         sun exposure. And while it’s recommended to use UPF   Purchasing UPF Clothing
                                                         clothing in addition to sunblock, wearing it will certainly      The biggest downside to UPF clothing is the expense.
                                                         help reduce the amount of times you have to reapply!   The fabrics are expensive and that makes the cost to you, the
                                                         What Is UPF?                                      consumer, expensive too. There are a lot of companies that
                                                            UPF stands for ultraviolet protection factor. While   claim that their clothing protects you from the sun, but it’s
                                                         all clothing provides some protection from the sun’s   important to note that the Skin Cancer Foundation only awards
                                                         harmful rays, UPF clothing is made from a special   its stamp of approval to clothing with a UPF rating of 30 or
                                                         fabric with a tighter weave, which helps block UV   higher. Think of buying UPF clothing as an investment in
                                                         rays from penetrating through microholes in the fabric.   your health. Afterall, wearing UPF clothing now will certainly
      By Siperstein Dermatology Group                    UPF clothing has a rating that indicates how much UV   help keep you out of the dermatology office for skin cancer
         If you are a Floridian, an avid beach goer, or a   radiation the fabric blocks. UPF ratings typically range   treatment in the future!
      person who enjoys the great outdoors, you have likely   anywhere from 15 to 50 UPF. But what do those numbers      Remember UPF clothing alone isn’t enough to protect you
      complained about having to lather on sunscreen all the   actually mean? Well, if your new sun shirt comes with a   from the sun’s harmful rays. So when packing your beach bag
      time. Let’s be honest, with the recommendation to reapply   50 UPF rating that means your shirt will only allow 1/50   be sure pack your UPF clothing and hat, sunblock, and umbrella!
      every two hours … who can keep up? UPF clothing can   or 2 percent of UV rays to get through. Sounds pretty   And, regardless of how great you are with sun protection, you
      be a great addition to your arsenal while combating   good, right?                                   will still benefit from a skin check with your dermatologist!
      The Inside Scoop On Life Care Communities

         St.  Andrews                                       “And the food is fantastic. I don’t have any reason to      Ted, a retired medical physicist who works with doctors,
      Estates, a Boca                                    cook and wash dishes, that’s a big plus. I love to cook. We   nurses, technicians, and patients, living in a high-quality
      Raton retirement                                   would host 60 to 70 people in our old house. Guess what, I   continuing care retirement community was a must. “The skilled
      community, is offering                             haven’t cooked in seven years! It’s because the food is that   care area is the first place I wanted to look at. It’s totally different
      an informative July                                good. If not, I would be cooking,” she added.     than nursing homes I’ve visited in our neighborhood. We haven’t
      presentation on                                       Before moving to Florida 60 years ago, Abi and Ted   needed it, but it’s there for when and if we do.”
      senior living options                              lived in Pennsylvania where they were familiar with Acts      “It is a good financial investment,” said Ted, “There
      that work best for                                 Retirement-Life Communities and its unsurpassed reputation   are so many advantages living here. Owing a home, you’ll
      retirees with an active                            as a leading provider of senior retirement living.  always have electrical, water bills, home repairs. There’s a
      lifestyle.                                            “We used to live near seven or eight Acts communities   lot of complexity and expenses. Regardless of the situation
         “I wanted to move                               and knew many people who lived and worked there,”   you’re in, it’s worth analyzing the amazing possibilities
      to an Acts community                               said Abi. “This is a life care community and that’s what   living at an Acts community.”
      but it took years                                  attracted me. We have many, many friends in independent      Find out more about St. Andrews Estates, by joining
      t o  c o n v i n c e  m y                          living now. That gives me security, if we will follow each   its introductory “Sweet Life” Presentation and Ice Cream
      husband about the                                  other in the three levels of care, I’m with my friends. I’m   Social on July 13 at 1:30 p.m. Call (561) 363-0604 to
      advantages,” said                                  not going to a nursing home where I know no one.”  reserve your spot today!
      Abi  Villafana.  She
      and her husband Ted  Abi and Ted Villafana, residents of   • Air Condi�oning Service and Repair   Are you breathing clean air?
      lived in a large and  St. Andrews Estates           • New Equipment Sales and Installa�on
      beautiful  home in                                                                              Receive a custom and personalized analysis today
      Florida with a swimming pool and lovely gardens. With   • Duct Cleaning and Sani�zing           561.899.5000      
      it came a lot of maintenance.                       • Smart Thermostat Technologies
         “We had three huge air conditioning units we’d   • Air Purifica�on and Filtra�on Systems
      have to replace every three years, expenses of the pool,   • Preven�ve Maintenance Plans
      landscaping, HOA …” Abi began.
         “I had just finished paying $5,000 for an air                %        FREE
      conditioning unit,” Ted added. “The real estate taxes,   15
      insurance, electricity, and water bills – and needing to   OFF DUCT CLEANING  AIR QUALITY TEST
      replace the roof. It got to the point I said, let’s find out   SERVICES  $300 VALUE
      more about St. Andrews Estates.”
         It’s been seven years since Ted’s epiphany, and the   Breathe Smart
      couple has happily lived at St. Andrews Estates, in Boca
      Raton, Fla., for seven years now. Their only regret was   Smart technologies for indoor air comfort, health and energy efficiency.
      not moving sooner.
         “When we talked to the various residents, almost 100                                            Licensed Florida State Certi ed Air Conditioning Contractor License #CAC1817554
      percent will say, ‘I resisted coming but we should have
      come sooner.’ We get involved in the various activities.
      I look forward to the entertainment and dining, I’m very
      satisfied here,” Ted said.
         “The sooner you move, the better, to be involved in
      all the many activities and trips,” Abi said. “I’m from                   ARCHIVE GALLERIES
      Puerto Rico, we have such a wonderful community, people
      from everywhere – Germany, England, Sweden, Cuba,
      Argentina, and Chile. That makes me feel at home.”
                                                                  PAYS HIGHER PRICES FOR FINE ART AND ANTIQUES

        Second Annual Delray Beach Concours D’Elegance
        from page 1                                         • Oil Paintings                   • Sterling Silver               • Collectibles
                                                            • Oriental Rugs                   • Objects of Art                • Fine Crystal
           To become a sponsor, visit  • Tapestries                   • Sculptures                    • Orientalia
          For more information, visit   • Fine Furniture                  • Bronzes                       • Tiffany Items
        About Achievement Centers For Children & Families   • Service Plates                  • Porcelain                     • Clocks
          At Achievement Centers for Children & Families,
        children are involved in early learning (toddler and            We Also Purchase Men’s And Ladies’ Items Including:
        preschool), after school, teen, and summer camp
        programs that help prepare them for academic and social   • Old Watches • Cufflinks • Smoking Items • Coins • Antique Jewelry
        success and inspire them to discover their talents. Our   • Designer Handbags • Fine Modern Jewelry • Vintage Costume Jewelry
        families are served through our family strengthening
        and economic stabilization services which benefit the
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        them to serve as the foundation of their child’s growth.
        Family strengthening services are embedded within our       CALL NOW FOR A FREE CONSULTATION, NO OBLIGATION
        four core early learning, after school, teen and summer
        camp programs. ACCF serves 900 local children and
        families yearly from three locations in Delray Beach:
        Nancy K. Hurd Campus, Village Academy, and Pine Grove     CASH                      561-498-7536                                COURTEOUS
        Elementary. For more information or to take a tour of our   PAYMENTS                                                              IN HOME
        campus, call (561) 266-0003 |   UPON REQUEST                                                             SERVICE
        or visit
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