Page 4 - Boca Exposure - June '23
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Page 4, Boca Exposure
      Celebrating 75 Years Of The Boca Raton Public Library

      After Closures Due To The 1920’s Real Estate Bust

      And 1947 Hurricanes

         This May marks the 75th anniversary of continuous      • On Jan. 26, 2008, the new Spanish River Library   music,” commented Ellen Randolph, Manager of Library
      service from the Boca Raton Public Library. The city’s library   branch opened. On June 22, 2013, the new Downtown   Services for the City of Boca Raton. “Our library spaces
      has grown from a small space in the city’s Municipal Building   Library opened just up the street from its original location.   are also welcoming hubs for civic engagement and
      in 1948 to two locations – the Spanish River and Downtown      Today, the Boca Raton Public Library offers over 1.6   public information, where we host elections, town halls,
      Public Libraries. The original founding of the library was the   million items to check out, more than 1,700 youth and adult   homeowner association meetings, sustainability programs,
      result of dedicated community builders and took 25 years   programs a year, information and technology assistance,   and more. Visitors can find quiet places to read or work,
      to fully realize. In recognition of the anniversary, the Boca   and wonderful spaces for study, work, and collaboration   book recommendations and tech training from friendly
      Raton Public Library is inviting the community to share   at both locations.                         staff, and wonderful children’s areas to explore.”
      pictures of their time at the libraries over the years.     “The Boca Raton Public Library has served the      Call for photos! Do you have any historical photos
      A Look Back At The Boca Raton Public Library       community for 75 years with popular collections,   of the library (inside or outside) taken during the past 75
         • The first public library was actually started in 1923, by   engaging storytimes and children’s programs, and learning   years? Help the Boca Raton Public Library celebrate its 75th
      the Women’s Club of Boca Raton, and housed in the city’s   classes and events for adults. Over 470,000 library users   anniversary with your favorite library memories. Share your
      Municipal Building. Many books in this first collection came   a year enjoy an innovative library collection that also   photos on social media with the hashtag #BocaLibrary75 or
      from a large donation of fiction books coordinated by a Women’s   includes nontraditional items such as hotspots, puzzles,   email them to the library at The library
      Club member through her friends in Chicago. Due to Florida’s   cake pans, and musical instruments and over a million   will feature the photos on its social media pages and add
      real estate bust in the late 1920s, this first library closed.  ebooks, audiobooks, streaming videos, and downloadable   them to the archives.
         • In 1946, another public library was opened in the city by
      the Women’s Christian and Civic Club in the Administration   Aspirin Use And Colorectal Cancer
      Building on the Boca Raton Army Air Field base through
      monetary and book donations. This library closed in 1947
      after the city was hit with two hurricanes.        By Steven E. Reznick, M.D.,                       conducted a prospective study of over 32,000 female
         • Eleanor Bebout, a previous library secretary, became   FACP – Boca Raton                        nurses participating in the Nurses’ Health Study II.
      a Library Board president in 1948 and moved what books      When I was completing                       The study looked at the relationship of women younger
      remained from the Army Base library, back to a location at   my medical school training,             than 50 years of age who took aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-
      the city’s Municipal Building in 1948. That year, the official   post graduate internship and        inflammatory drugs at least twice a week and the development
      Library of Boca Raton was founded.                 residency training, data from                     of adenomatous colon polyps with the potential to turn
         • The city built and opened the first library building in   a Veterans Administration             malignant. The results clearly supported the theory that aspirin
      1961 at 200 N.W. Second Ave., where the city’s Building   study indicated that men 45                prevents the development of premalignant colon polyps. A
      Department is housed today. In 1966, the Library of Boca   years of age and older should             follow-up study looking at female nurses 50 years of age or
      Raton was renamed the Boca Raton Public Library.   take an aspirin to reduce the                     older found a similar result especially with larger polyps. The
         • As the library grew, a wing to the building was added   risk of heart attack and stroke.        data was presented recently at a gastroenterology conference
      in 1972 and a second expansion was added in 1982. In 1989,   We were taught that taking one          held in Chicago called Digestive Disease Week.
      the City Council approved a 10-year plan that included a new   aspirin prolonged our bleeding time (a test no longer performed      The presentation did not discuss the number of significant
      library branch in the northwest corner of the city. The Friends   prior to surgery) by one week through inhibition of platelets.  bleeding events occurring in their patients. Further research
      of the Library campaigned for two new library buildings,      Over decades, with repeated studies, these   must be done to include men, not just women.
      and in 2003, Boca Raton residents voted in favor of a $19.8   recommendations have changed dramatically. We have      We are currently seeing an explosion of colorectal cancer
      million bond to build two new libraries.           reached the point that taking aspirin to prevent heart attacks   in men and women who are younger than 50 years old and
                                                         and strokes is no longer recommended in the primary   researchers are trying to find a mechanism to stop that trend. It
                                                         prevention of heart attacks and strokes because the risk of   may be that taking an aspirin regularly provides more than just
                                                         bleeding may outweigh the aspirin benefits.       protection against heart attacks and strokes but also colorectal
                                                            The U.S. Preventive Task Force (USPTF) has already   cancers. If it accomplishes that, will the USPTF change its
                                                         made this change to their guidelines while forgetting about   recommendations on the use of aspirin for prevention?
                                                         the other beneficial observations seen with aspirin ingestion.      Voted a “Best Doctor” by his peers, Dr. Reznick is board
                                                         For years, clinicians observed fewer skin cancers and fewer   certified in internal medicine with added qualifications in
                                                         cases of premalignant colon polyps and colorectal cancer in   geriatrics. He has practiced in the Boca Raton area since 1979.
                                                         those who took a daily aspirin product.           His concierge medicine practice is currently accepting a limited
                                                            Cassandra Fritz, M.D., MPHS of the Washington University   number of new patients. To schedule a complimentary meeting
                                                         School of Medicine in St. Louis explored the use of   with Dr. Reznick to discuss your health needs, call (561) 368-
                                                         aspirin as prevention for early colorectal cancer. She   0191 or visit

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              Dr. Mathew
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            Duke University       Cornell University
           Dr. Anna Kurayev     Dr. Anu Parameswaran
          Tufts Medical Center   NYU Medical Center
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