Page 2 - The Shores of Jupiter - February '25
P. 2

Page 2, The Shores

            Deadline for the March                      Northern Notes from page 1                         impacting stormwater management or causing sinkholes from
                                                                                                           collapsed pipes.
               Issue is February 11                     it is recorded with the Palm Beach County Clerk of the     It’s important to understand the significance of easements

                      Mail or email to:                 Court. This ensures that any future owners of the property   on your property and to keep these areas clear of personal
                                                                                                           belongings. Easements provide necessary access for district
                                                        are aware of the easement’s existence. If the property is
          Bill Thompson, 18583 Lake Bend Drive          sold later, the easement will be noted in the title search   employees and contractors to legally enter properties
                     and property survey to document the easement area.  located on the other side. Without this access, maintenance
                                                          A water management maintenance easement typically grants   of preserves and stormwater facilities becomes impossible,
                                                        the easement owner the rights of ingress and egress, allowing   which could put the district in violation of regulations with
            The Shores of Jupiter                       access to the property for maintenance of water management   the South Florida Water Management District. In some cases,
                                                                                                           this lack of access may even result in improper functioning
                                                        tracts or preserves located on the other side. The easement also
                       website:                         allows the agency’s agents and contractors to pass through the   of these systems.
                                                        property, with or without equipment and vehicles.
                                                                                                             For more information, please visit our website at www.                       As the property owner, you are responsible for maintaining, where you can view facility maps that display
                                                        the easement area and keeping it free from plants, trees,   the locations of easements. Additionally, the site includes a
                                                        fences, and structures, unless specifically permitted through   link to our geographical information system (GIS), which
                                                        the official permitting process. You cannot block access to   presents property information and district facilities in an
                                                        the easement. If a permitted fence with gates exists within the   interactive map format.
        Disclaimer                                      easement, access should not be hindered by dogs or security     NPDES tip: Dirt, oil, and debris that collect in parking lots
          Copy appearing herewith may not be the viewpoint   systems. The owner and their contractors have the right to   and paved areas can be washed into the storm sewer system
        of The Shores Board of Directors or its newsletter   pass through the property safely and without harassment.   and eventually enter local waterbodies. Sweep up litter and
        editor. Nor should responsibility be assigned for   Additionally, trees planted in water management easements   debris from sidewalks, driveways and parking lots, especially
        accuracy or validity or articles contributed by   can grow into and damage pipes and structures, potentially   around storm drains.
        residents or other articles chosen by the publisher or
        the editor.
                                                              Advertise in this Newspaper! Call 561.746.3244

           Realtime Property Management
                 of South Florida LLC

             Alexa Schuck, Property Manager
               612 N. Orange Ave., Bldg C-4,
                     Jupiter, FL 33458

                   The Shores Of

              Jupiter Homeowners
                  Association Inc.                                                                                     747-PALM

              Board Of Directors, Committee                                                                                 747-7256
                     Board Of Directors:
                    David Lindley, President
                  John Hornyak, Vice President
                  Cynthia Clemente, Secretary
                     Barry Parker, Treasurer
                      Sal Greco, Director
                     Brian Martin, Director
                     Ryan Warren, Director

               Architectural Control Committee:
                     Brian Martin, Co-Chair
                      Sal Greco, Co-Chair
                        John Hornyak
                    Compliance Committee:
                      Ryan Warren, Chair
                 Lakes And Parks Committee:
                     David Lindley, Chair
                   Crimewatch Committee:
                    Bill Thompson, Co-Chair
                      Sal Greco, Co-Chair
                    Welcoming Committee:
                      John Hornyak, Chair
                         Sylke Lopez
                     David Lindley, Chair
             Communications and Newsletter Editor:
                     Bill Thompson, Chair
               Events & Social Media Committee:
                     Barry Parker, Co-Chair
                     Kristi Parker, Co-Chair
                       Francesca Brown
                        Tracey Lavoll
                         Sylke Lopez
                     Anais Maristany-Diaz
                         Dena Martin
                         Kristi Parker

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