Page 1 - The Shores of Jupiter - February '25
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Our Village Voice

        VOL. 36 NO. 2                                                                          FEBRUARY 2025

      Town Of Jupiter News                                                                                  Bill’s Box

      By Jim Kuretski, Mayor,                             One of the new strategic initiatives that I identified
      Town of Jupiter                                   relates to historic preservation.  We should continue   By Bill Thompson
        The Town  Council                               on-going efforts to collaboratively work with the Suni   This Is It
      works with our town                               Sands property owner to respect and preserve the unique     When the to-do list
      manager, staff and others to                      archeological and historical nature of portions of this   is complete, I tend to
      address issues affecting our                      unique site.                                        lay down for a nap. This
      residents and businesses.                           Specific action plans are being developed for each of   apply  to  anyone  out
      The following provides                            strategic initiative item. Funding needs are then addressed   there?
      a summary of actions                              during the town’s annual budget process as well as     The past, present and
      and achievements since                            those  of  other  governmental  agencies  with  associated   future. I was refreshing
      last  month’s  community                          accountabilities. Action plan assignments are made to   my mind on Stoicism and
      newspaper report:                                 town staff and Town Council members to collaboratively   came upon one aspect to mention. A stoic is not just about
      Strategic Plan 2025-2027                          work to achieve the desired outcomes and results.   a person who seems non-reactive. It is about a person
        The Town Council began work in January 2025 on the   U.S. 1 Bridge                                  who looks back in his life and enjoys the memories but
      annual update of the Town of Jupiter’s Strategic Plan.     The first two lanes of the under construction,   realizes a return to yesteryear is not possible and he can do
      New strategic initiatives have been identified as well as   replacement/new U.S. 1 bridge were placed into service on   nothing about the way it was. The present is now. A time
      key next steps to take on multiyear strategic initiatives   December 31, 2024. The remaining two lanes are expected   to plan and work toward improving conditions, culture,
      that were already in the overall strategic plan.  to be placed into service during the second quarter,   attitudes and developing for the future. The future is not
        There will continue to be significant efforts to bring   2025. The new bridge is taller and will therefore require   yet … down the road a bit. Maybe present-day planning
      to  fruition  a  number  of  traffic  mitigation  solutions  for   much less openings for boat traffic. The pedestrian and   can help shape a peaceful and productive future. But
      the western portion of Indiantown Road. These roadway   bicyclist facilities on the new bridge represent exceptional   that is being hopeful. What the stoic can influence is the
      capacity improvement project  solutions are being   enhancements for public use, as the old bridge had no   present. He may be seen as uncaring about the first and
      implemented in phases spanning years due to FDOT   such provisions.                                   last stages of time, but he is simply being realistic.
      and Town of Jupiter funding constraints. We will also be   Jupiter’s Centennial Celebrations          Recent Past
      reactivating a project to implement traffic signalization     Our Town of Jupiter reaches 100 years of existence on     Halloween is fun to trick or treaters and grownups.
      improvements along the western portion of Indiantown   February 9, 2025. We have planned for an entire year of   It seemed a little quiet in 2024? Thanksgiving. A day of
      Road including use of new technologies and equipment.   celebrations and community events. Find the complete   family and gratitude. Gathering of family and friends
      This will require collaborative efforts by our town along   schedule of events at the town’s website at  accented by roasted turkey and all the fixings. A time of
      with FDOT and Palm Beach County. Palm Beach County   Centennial.                                      love and laughter. Christmas lights and color. Our HOA
      has overall accountability for managing traffic signalization     Stay tuned.                         improves our lighting even more each year. Our entrance
      throughout most of the county, including Jupiter.                                                     way was magnificent. Wish it could stay that way all year.
                                                                                                            But to most that might seem excessive. And the light bill
      Northern Notes                                                                                        would soar.

                                                                                                            Bill’s Box on page 3
      Easements On Your Property

      By Katie Roundtree,
      Director of Finance and
      Administration, Northern
      Palm Beach County
      Improvement District
        If you own property in
      Florida, you may come
      across the term “easement.”
      An easement can influence
      how you use your property,
      and the rights associated
      with it.  These legal
      agreements are often present in areas where the Northern
      Palm Beach County Improvement District has facilities
      and maintenance responsibilities. Easements are essential
      for allowing the district to access locations where it does
      not have ownership rights, particularly near its facilities,   of being charged with trespassing. For instance, a water
      preserves, or waterways.                          management maintenance easement may exist between
        An easement is a legal arrangement that permits another   two homes, designating an area where the easement holder   REPORT SUSPICIOUS
      party to use a specified portion of property for a particular   can travel to access something on the other side. Another
      purpose. It does not grant ownership of the property; rather,   example is a flowage easement, which allows water to   ACTIVITY IMMEDIATELY
      it allows the user to utilize the property without the risk   flow from one location through a body of water owned
                                                                                 by someone else. A common     TO THE JUPITER POLICE
                                                                                 easement  in  this  context
                                                                                 is a water management                  DEPARTMENT
                                                                                 easement, usually covering
                                                                                 areas where pipes, used for          (561) 799-4445
                                                                                 stormwater management,
                                                                                 may be buried.                     Use 911 for emergencies only.
                                                                                   Once both parties agree           Lock car doors. Do not leave
                                                                                 to the terms of an easement,
                                                                                                                         valuables in the car.
                                                                                 Northern Notes on page 2
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