Page 6 - The Islander - February '25
P. 6

Page 6, The Islander

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                                                   Breathing Easy Again:

            Evelyn’s Journey Through Aortic Valve Replacement

        Evelyn Greenberger had been experiencing                                                           nearby. She also says she felt confident in Umana and his
      shortness of breath and a fluttering heartbeat                                                       team.
      – symptoms she thought indicated she had                                                               “I could not have been in better hands,” she says. “When I
      pneumonia. She got quite a surprise, though,                                                         went in on the day of surgery, I had every question answered.
      when she went to the emergency room and                                                              (The Cleveland Clinic team) just embraced you.
      doctors told her that it was not pneumonia.                                                            There was no fear because everybody wanted to be there
      Instead, she was in heart failure.                                                                   and comforted you for who you were.”
        Juan Pablo Umana, M.D., chair of the                                                                 Umana used a minimally invasive approach to
      Division of  Thoracic and Cardiovascular                                                             Greenberger’s surgery. The minimally invasive approach
      Surgery at Cleveland Clinic in Florida, says                                                         allows surgeons to make smaller incisions without having
      Evelyn had a leaky aortic valve. The shortness                                                       to open up the chest. This way causes less scarring and pain
      of breath she was experiencing was due to the                                                        and a faster recovery than traditional open surgery.
      blood volume overload in her heart, which was                                                          “This was a team effort,” Umana says. “The patient is at
      causing a backup to her lungs. Her symptoms                                                          the center not only of the care but of the decision making.”
      were typical of her condition.          Evelyn Greenberger turned to Juan Pablo Umana, M.D., for minimally     Greenberger couldn’t be more pleased.
        Dr. Umana recommended an aortic valve  invasive valve replacement surgery.                           “There’s a whole new world that’s open to me now. There’s
      replacement  to  restore  the  normal  flow  of                                                      nothing stopping me,” she says. “I’ve got the energy and the
      blood through her aorta to prevent it from flowing back     Greenberger says she chose to have the aortic valve   same zest I had when I was 30-something or 40-something.
      into her heart.                                   replacement at Cleveland Clinic because she knew it was   Umana gave me this gift and it’s now my chance to use it.”
        “The earlier you have the operation the better and easier   “an amazing organization.” Being a resident of Boca Raton
      the recovery,” Umana says.                        she was grateful Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital was

      Dating from page 5                                Kelly Leary© has 34 years in the dating industry and   incredibly rewarding. Much
                                                        a master’s degree in clinical psychology. She has been   of the love you see is
            More Amazing Singles Than Ever              written about in Modern Luxury Magazine Palm Beach   because of all of you. We
            We’re excited to report that we’re meeting more   and Modern Luxury Manhattan, The Palm Beach Post,   are blessed to be surrounded
      incredible, like-minded singles than at any other time in   The Shiny Sheet, Stuart News, Jupiter Magazine, and   by so many vibrant humans.
      our history. Nationwide exposure and a recent article in   many more. Revolution Dating members are pre-screened   We appreciate those of
      The Shiny Sheet have been an astronomical experience   in person, including background checks. Professional   you who share your love
      for the club and its members. Times have changed, and   photos are taken by the staff. Revolution Dating is NOT   openly and talk is up out
      so has our matchmaking style. New candidates for men   online dating or blind dating. In addition to providing   there! We truly are saving
      and women are walking through our doors every day. Our   matchmaking services that make singles “UN-single”   quality singles  one date  at
      database is growing and ever-changing, and the quality of   through  their  exclusive  club  memberships,  Kelly  and   a time! Have an incredible
      matches pack a powerful punch.                    her Team also provide feedback from your dates when   Valentine’s  Day   and
                                                        appropriate.  Mock  Dates  are  available  by  request.   remember to Come Alive   Jason Nuttle Making
            The Right People Are Out There              Single  Coaching  Sessions  and  Evaluations  are  also   in 2025! #TellYourFriends   Magic  in  the  Office!
              We feel so fortunate to work with such attractive,   available by request for non-members or as an add-on   #ReserveYourSpot   #ConfidentialClientDrop
      successful, and positive clients. Our clients are too wise   to  some  memberships.  *All  inquiries  are  confidential
      and too busy for the bar scene or online dating. They want   *Specializing  in  representing  jet-
      quality, and they deserve it too.                 setting  clients  with  a  second  home
        In honor of love month, here’s one final piece of advice.   in  the  Northeast/Tri-State Area.  Call
      “Treat yourself the way you want to be treated by others.   the  central  hotline  at  561-630-9696
      Love yourself, and you will be loved.” Love the world, and   (XOXO) or scan the QR code below to
      it will love you back. It’s the LOVE MOVEMENT. Join us   hold your place in the club.
      and enroll today--before we book solid!
        Happy Valentine’s Day Wishes and Caviar Dreams to  Behind The Scenes at Revolution Dating:
      all of you! May you find love in 2025—with yourself and
      with others. We are obsessed with 2025 and can’t wait to     Matchmaking  is  one  of
      make this year even better—together!              the  oldest  and  most  well-
        Thank you for sharing your time with us today. We   respected occupations
      appreciate all of you.                            Worldwide, and the demand
      Xoxo – Kelly & Miranda                            for matchmakers is soaring.
                                                        We love our job for these
      #34YearsOfExperience                              reasons and many more—as
      #WhyWaitJustDate #LoveOffline                     you can see in our monthly
      #MatchmakingRoyalty #TellYourFriends              column.  Between the end
      #ComeAliveIn2025                                  of 2024 and the beginning
                                                        of 2025, we have been
             Southern Exposure Technologies             inundated with more success
           Computer Install/Setup/Repair                stories than any other   The Team Celebrates another   Kandace Kichler, M.D. with Victoria Larson from The Bachelor
                                                                                                           and Bachelor in Paradise. Recording for The Slimming Surgeon
                                                                                 new Revolutionary Couple!
                                                        year in our history. Seeing
                     (561) 315-0144                     our couples fall in love is   #CheersToLove        Podcast, which previously featured Kelly and Miranda from
                                                                         Revolution Dating! #Connected
                            * DSL, Broadband,Wireless Install
                            * Networking, Troubleshooting
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              Call S.E.T. to install your “new computer, printer
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                  BASIS RATE OF $75.00 P/HOUR.
                        (561) 315-0144
          CALL S.E.T. TODAY FOR YOUR COMPUTER NEEDS!    Recently Engaged Couple Celebrate their Love in Hawaii!
                                                        #Engaged                                           The REV Takes on Rio De Janeiro! #JetSetters
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