Page 18 - Talk of Tequesta - February '25
P. 18

Page 18, The Talk Of Tequesta

                                                                   peT maTTers

                                                     The Pet Cottage Post

                               Love In Action: Thor’s Heartwarming Journey To A New Home

        As February rolls in with its                                                                      the founder and executive
      celebration of love, we at The Pet                                                                   director of The Pet Cottage,
      Cottage are reminded of the                                                                          assured  him that  miracles
      countless ways love shines                                                                           do happen.
      in the bonds between people                                                                            And happen they did.
      and their pets. For us, love is the                                                                  Just days before Jerry’s
      foundation of everything we do                                                                       departure, Marcia reached
      — the love it takes to relinquish                                                                    out to us. She and her
      a cherished companion when life                                                                      husband, Michael, had been
      circumstances make it impossible to care                                                             following Thor’s story and
      for them, and the love that finds these pets a new family                                            felt a  pull to  reach out.
      to cherish them.                                                                                     Experienced  with  large
        Take Jerry and Thor, for instance. Jerry, a cancer                                                 dogs and with a spacious
      survivor, shared an unbreakable bond with his 120-pound                                              acre of land and a pool — a
      Dutch Shepherd,  Thor, for five wonderful years.                                                     dream for Thor, who loves to swim — they were eager to
      Thor was not just a dog; he was Jerry’s best friend,                                                 meet him.
      constant companion, and loyal confidant. But when   health, but the lengthy flight                     When we visited Marcia and Michael’s home, it was
      Jerry’s cancer returned unexpectedly, he faced a heart-  and mandatory quarantine                    clear: this was the one. Jerry had the chance to meet them
      wrenching decision. Moving to Australia to live with   would be too much for Thor.                   and see the wonderful environment Thor would call home.
      his  daughter  for treatment was the best choice for his     Jerry’s priority was                    The bond was instant, and Jerry left for Australia with
                                                         finding a loving new home                         peace of mind, knowing his beloved companion was in
                                                         for Thor, where he could                          loving hands.
               all abouT KiDs                            thrive. He tried on his own                         Today, Thor lives happily with Marcia and Michael,
                                                                                                           enjoying his new home and their expansive backyard. Jerry
                                                         and  through  his  vet,  but
                                                         no match felt right. Then                         stays in touch through WhatsApp, sharing updates and
                                                         a friend, Jane, told Jerry                        photos, and The Pet Cottage remains committed to supporting
                                                                                                           Thor and his Forever Guardians for the rest of his life.
                                                         about The Pet Cottage, and
             When Young                                  he reached out to us in late                        At The Pet Cottage, we witness love in its purest forms
                                                                                                           every day. Whether it’s the selfless act of rehoming a
                                                         November.  With  a  flight
                 Kids Hate                               booked for December 23,                           beloved pet or the joy of welcoming a new furry friend
                                                                                                           into your heart, love truly is all around us.
                                                         the timeline was tight, but our mission was clear: find
                                                                                                             If you’d like to learn more, donate, or become a Forever
                                                         the perfect Forever Guardians for this intelligent, active,
               Themselves                                and affectionate dog.                             Guardian, visit Together, we can
                                                                                                           create a world where pets and people truly belong.
                                                           At The Pet Cottage, we believe every pet deserves
                                                                                                             This February, we celebrate the love that makes miracles
                                                         a home that matches their unique personality.  We
                                                         arranged  two  meet-and-greets  with  potential  families,   happen — the love that brought Thor to Marcia and Michael,
         By Jim Forgan, Ph.D., Licensed School Psychologist  one even including a skilled dog trainer for introductions.   giving Jerry peace of mind during a difficult time. Thank you
                                                         However, despite their interest, neither was the right fit   to everyone who supports our mission and helps us create
          My first grader has                            for Thor. Jerry began to worry that Thor might need to   these beautiful stories of love and connection.
        recently  said,  “I  hate                        be boarded while we continued the search. But I, Wendy,     Happy Valentine’s Day from all of us at The Pet Cottage!
        myself” because she
        doesn’t feel smart. She
        says things are too hard
        and I can see her getting
        discouraged. She has
        trouble remembering
        letters, sounds, some
        numbers. She can’t keep
        up with everyone. Her
        teacher says she is the
        lowest one in her class.”
          This concerned parent’s description of her child
        cried  out  for  help  and  understanding.  It  is  highly
        unusual for a young student to make statements such
        as they hate themself, they feel dumb, or they want to
        die. No student wants to go to school and repeatedly
        fail. Furthermore, it is a giant red flag when your
        child’s teacher says your child is the lowest one in
        the class. Given these challenges, this young child’s
        self-esteem is at risk of long-term damage.
          As a concerned parent, you can provide your child
        with  support  and  understanding.  If  you  suspect  an
        underlying learning disability like dyslexia, our school
        neuropsychological testing provides answers.  We
        also test for processing problems such as a weakness
        in phonics development and memory. Once you
        understand the specific problem you can then provide
        the right treatment to help.
          The testing revealed this child had dyslexia
        with anxiety. Her mom followed up with one of the
        specialized tutors and started three times a week
        tutoring. Once she received our written report, the
        teacher helped get the child an IEP for school support.
        The IEP allowed the school’s special education teacher
        to work with her in addition to her private tutoring.
        Parents used children’s books to help with her anxiety
        of  being  embarrassed  for  her  reading  struggles.  In
        a  follow-up  conversation,  her  mom  said  she  had
        renewed hope for her child’s future.
          We test students from age 2 through college for
        dyslexia, ADHD, anxiety, depression, autism, and
        more. Call us at (561) 625-4125 to discuss your child
        or learn more at
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