Page 26 - PGA Community News - February '25
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Page 26, PGA C.A.N.! 2 Spaces February 2025
February 2025
The Pet Cottage Secures $15,000 Grant For Veterinary
Expenses Supporting Forever Guardianship Program
The Pet Cottage is thrilled to announce a generous The Forever Guardianship program is a cornerstone The Pet Cottage invites the community to join us in
$15,000 grant from the Knopf Family Foundation of The Pet Cottage’s mission. By pairing pets with loving celebrating this incredible opportunity and to learn more
dedicated to covering veterinary expenses for pets in Forever Guardians, the program ensures each animal finds about how they can support our programs. Together, we
our Forever Guardianship program. This vital funding a stable, nurturing home. This grant will be utilized to cover can make a lasting impact on the lives of pets and their
ensures that pets who have lost their human due to death, essential veterinary needs, including routine check-ups, humans.
disability, or deployment will continue to receive the care vaccinations, surgeries, and chronic condition management. For more information about The Pet Cottage and the
they deserve while living with their dedicated Forever Since its founding, The Pet Cottage has worked tirelessly Forever Guardianship program, please visit thepetcottage.
Guardians. to support the emotional and physical needs of both pets and org or contact Wendy at
“This grant represents a significant milestone for our their human guardians. With this funding, we can expand About The Pet Cottage
organization,” said Wendy Derhak, founder/executive our reach and continue to uphold the quality of care that The Pet Cottage is a nonprofit organization dedicated
director of The Pet Cottage. “It reaffirms our mission to defines our organization. to honoring the human-animal bond by providing lifetime
provide lifetime care and support for pets in need, and it “This grant enables us to give our pets the healthiest lives care for pets who have lost their human due to death,
directly impacts their health and well-being. Veterinary possible while easing the financial burden on their Forever disability, or deployment. Through innovative programs
care is one of our most pressing expenses, and this funding Guardians,” Wendy added. “We are deeply grateful to the like Forever Guardianship, The Pet Cottage ensures pets
allows us to provide necessary medical services without Knopf Family Foundation for believing in our mission and find new loving homes with individuals committed to their
compromise.” investing in the futures of these beloved animals.” lifelong care.
Concierge Care Is A Family Affair
W h e n Ki m with TGH Concierge Health, but also her husband physician or staff, annual executive-level physical
Hoffman began and two adult sons. Diagnosed with several different examinations, and more.
experiencing autoimmune disorders, Hoffman has a complicated Since 2020, Tampa General has been creating a
complications medical history. She says Dr. Rothman is truly at framework of state-of-the-art services for patients
following an the center of her care – a master of coordinating and in the Palm Beaches and on the Treasure Coast,
emer gency communicating with multiple medical specialists so with the expertise and innovation of a preeminent
appendectomy everyone is on the same page. Hoffman notes that academic health system.
at a community Dr. Rothman excels at breaking down information One of the leading academic health systems in
hospital in Palm into ways she can understand. “She remembers the nation, Tampa General has been affiliated with
Be a c h C ount y, everything,” notes Hoffman. the USF Health Morsani College of Medicine at
Tampa General Along with coordinating Hoffman’s health care, the University of South Florida since the school
Hospital’s (TGH’s) Dr. Rothman monitors Hoffman’s husband and was created in the early 1970s. Today, more than
Dr. Laurie Rothman sons’ well-being, ensuring preventative measures 700 medical school residents and fellows receive
was the first person like specialized blood tests for her adult sons, one specialty training at the academic health system
she called. “She of whom has type 1 diabetes. “When our younger in areas ranging from general internal medicine to
answered on the son is home from college, he can easily reach out neurosurgery.
first ring,” says Kim Hoffman to Dr. Rothman to get a refill on a prescription. Tampa General is the highest-ranked hospital in
Hoffman. “I was She is like an old-fashioned family doctor,” notes the market in U.S. News & World Report’s 2024-
upset and concerned about what the doctors at the Hoffman. “She treats patients holistically.” 2025 Best Hospitals, with two medical specialties
hospital were telling me. She reassured me that Prior to joining TGH Concierge Health, Dr. ranking among the top 20 in the nation and eight
she’d speak with them and that everything would be Rothman served the brave men and women in law medical specialties ranking among the top 50 best
okay. I was incredibly grateful and relieved knowing enforcement as the dedicated doctor for the Palm hospital programs in the United States.
she was there for me, and would determine the next Beach County Sheriff’s Department. She is also a “Dr. Rothman has been there for all my ups and
best course of action.” member of the Florida Medical Association, the she’s been there for the downs, and it’s been quite
Hoffman has been a happy patient of Dr. American Academy of Family Physicians and the the journey,” says Hoffman. “But we’ve come to the
Rothman’s for more than 12 years. A friend American Board of Obesity Medicine. other side, so everything’s going pretty well right
recommended her after Hoffman moved to Florida. TGH Concierge Health is part of Tampa General’s now. I’m so very happy.”
“They told me that I would love her, and I do!” Dr. commitment to connecting the Palm Beach County For more information about TGH Concierge
Rothman has been practicing medicine in Palm and Treasure Coast communities to innovative care. Health, please visit or
Beach County for more than 20 years. Recently, TGH Concierge Health patients receive the highest call (561) 739-4TGH (4844).
when Dr. Rothman joined TGH Concierge Health, level of primary care, with after-hours access and
a service of TGH Primary Care, Hoffman jumped at personalized care plans. TGH Concierge Health
the chance to reunite with her trusted primary care includes same-day or next-day appointments,
physician. In fact, she not only signed herself up after-hours communication with the concierge
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Samantha Fisher, M.D., F.A.A.D., sees patients of all ages at the Dermatology Associates of the Palm Beaches is a group practice
Dermatology Associates in the Palm Beach Gardens office after more of board-certified dermatologists and fellowship-trained Mohs
than 13 years of experience practicing medical, cosmetic dermatology and surgeons providing general dermatology, surgical dermatology,
and cosmetic dermatology services. These physicians trained
Mohs surgery for skin cancer treatment. at some of America’s great medical institutions and conduct
research into the most advanced treatments. Our physicians are
Dr. Fisher received her Medical and Bachelor of Science degrees with also recognized leaders in the diagnosis and
honors from the University of Florida, where she completed her post- treatment of skin cancer.
graduate training, including serving as Chief Resident in Dermatology.
Her past professional experience includes providing Dermatology services
to patients in Stuart , FL from 2013-2024, Naples, FL from 2012-2013, and
as Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Florida Department of Make an appointment to see Dr. Fisher
Dermatology in Gainesville, FL from 2011-2012. in Palm Beach Gardens at
10355 N. Military Trail, Suite A,
Dr. Fisher looks forward to providing you with excellent by calling (561) 622-6976.
dermatology care.
10/15/24 7:38 PM
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Fisher Seebreeze ad.indd 1 10/15/24 7:38 PM