Page 6 - Jupiter West - February '25
P. 6

Page 6, Jupiter West
      Financial Focus                          ®

      What Should You Know About                        you were born in 1960 or later, your RMD age is 75. You   You may be able to avoid taxes in a particular year if you

      RMDS?                                             can postpone accepting your first RMD until April 1 of the   transfer your RMDs to a qualified charity in what’s known
                                                        year after you reach your RMD age, but this will result in
                                                                                                           as a qualified charitable distribution.
                                                        two RMDs for the year. After you take your first RMD, you     • If I inherit an IRA or 401(k), am I subject to RMDs?
      By Sally Sima Stahl                               must take subsequent ones by December 31 of each year.  Yes. When you take RMDs from an inherited account, you
        You may spend many                                • What penalties will be assessed if I don’t take all my   generally must withdraw all the funds within 10 years, as
      decades contributing to                           RMDs? For every dollar not withdrawn, the IRS will charge   opposed to over your lifetime, which is the RMD window
      your  IRA  and  401(k),  but                      a 25 percent penalty, but this can drop to 10 percent if you   that applies to your own accounts. The rules are somewhat
      eventually you will likely                        subsequently withdraw the correct amount within two years.  different if you inherit an IRA or 401(k) from your spouse.
      need to take the money                              • Which accounts have RMDs? RMDs apply to traditional   In any case, though, you’ll want to consult with your tax
      out  — in  fact,  you  must                       IRAs, as well as other types of IRAs, including SIMPLE and   advisor about how to take RMDs from an inherited account.
      take the money out or face                        SEP IRAs. RMDs don’t apply to Roth IRAs. RMDs also     If you’re already subject to RMDs, be sure you’ve taken
      penalties. What should you                        apply to traditional 401(k)s, but not Roth 401(k)s.  them before the year ends. And if you haven’t yet started
      know about these mandatory                          • Can I withdraw more than the RMD for any given year?   taking RMDs, learn as much as you can about them —
      withdrawals?                                      Yes, you are free to take out as much as you want. However,   because the more you know, the more likely you’ll make the
        Here are some of the                            if you take out more than the RMD for one year, you can’t   right moves at the right time.
      basics:                                           apply the excess to the RMD for the next year.       This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
        • What are they called? Mandatory withdrawals are     • How are RMDs calculated? Typically, your RMDs are   your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward Jones,
      technically called required minimum distributions, or RMDs.  determined by dividing your account balance from the prior   Member SIPC.
        • When must I take RMDs? If you were born before 1951,   December 31 by a life expectancy factor published by the     Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in all states
      you’ve probably already begun taking RMDs. If you were   IRS. Your financial professional should be able to perform   and Washington, D.C., through Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P.,
      born between 1951 and 1959, your RMD age is 73. And if   this calculation for you.                   and in California, New Mexico and Massachusetts through
                                                          • If I have multiple accounts, do I have to take an RMD   Edward Jones Insurance Agency of California, L.L.C.;
                                                                                                           Edward Jones Insurance Agency of New Mexico, L.L.C.; and
                                                        from each one? If you are taking RMDs from a traditional
        Medicare Corner                                 IRA, you must calculate each RMD individually, but you   Edward Jones Insurance Agency of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
                                                        can take the total amount from one or more IRAs. If you’re
                                                                                                             Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors cannot
        With Kathy O                                    taking RMDs from a 401(k) or similar plan, you must take   provide tax advice. You should consult your qualified tax
                                                                                                           advisor regarding your situation.
                                                        the RMD from each of your accounts.
                                                          • How are RMDs taxed? You are typically taxed at your
                                                                                                             Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, CFP ,
                                                        income tax rate on the amount of the withdrawn RMD.   AAMS , 1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.
          Since the Medicare
        Annual Enrollment
        Period is ending Dec.
        7, I’d like to offer some                             Peripheral
        general Medicare tips
        and advice.                                           Neuropathy?
           The single most
        important thing you can
        do for yourself is to have                          FREE Consultation
        your own agent. Your
        agent is an amazing
        resource  to  reorder                               for Acupuncture
        lost  cards,  answer  benefit  questions,  give  a  list  of
        specialists, review notices, claim statements and so
        much more. Your agent can even answer questions
        about those pesky TV ads and all the gossip from your
        friends about Medicare. Best of all, there is no cost to
        have an agent.
          Moving? Do not change your address with your                                                                  561-745-1002
        Advantage, supplement or drug plan carrier prior to
        your move without first speaking to your agent – if                                                              654 West Indiantown
        you don’t have one, find one. When you call member   THE PATIENT AND ANY OTHER PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT HAS THE RIGHT TO   Road, Jupiter, FL 33458
                                                            REFUSE TO PAY, CANCEL PAYMENT OR BE REIMBURSED FOR PAYMENT FOR ANY OTHER
        service and change your address, they may cancel your   SERVICE, EXAMINATION OR TREATMENT WHICH IS PERFORMED AS A RESULT OF AND
                                                            WITHIN 72 HOURS OF RESPONDING TO THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE FREE, DISCOUNTED
        plan at the end of the current month, even if you don’t   OR REDUCED FEE SERVICES, EXAMINATION OR TREATMENT.
        move until next month. This could unknowingly leave
        you with no coverage.
           The special enrollment period for moving outside
        your plan service rules are: 1) if you tell your plan before
        you move, your chance to switch plans begins the month
        before the month you move and continues for two full
        months after you move, or 2) If you tell your plan after
        you move, your chance to switch plans begins the month
        you tell your plan, plus two more full months.
          It  is  also  important  to  change  your  address  with
        Medicare. This is done through Social Security by
        phone or online at
          Why is Social Security involved when I need services
        with Medicare? Social Security (SSA) is the gatekeeper
        for Medicare. Your earnings are tracked by SSA and you
        must qualify with 40 work quarters to receive Medicare.
        Medicare also relies on SSA to determine your Part B
        Premium and, if you receive SSA benefits, to collect
        your premium. If you are not receiving SSA benefits,
        you will be billed quarterly by Medicare.
          If you still need to review or change your Medicare
        plan, open enrollment is Jan. 1 to March 30 and you
        may qualify for a special enrollment. Call me! If you
        have new Medicare Topic suggestions, email me at
          I  speak  Medicare:  Supplement,  Drug  Plan  and
        Advantage Plan.
          For your free Medicare plan review please call me,
        Kathy Olejniczak, agent, at (561) 835-5413 or cell/text
        (561) 212-7640.
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