Page 1 - The Shores of Jupiter - January '25
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Our Village Voice
VOL. 36 NO. 1 JANUARY 2025
Town Of Jupiter News Northern Notes
Cheers To 100 Years: Jupiter’s What’s On Tap For The Big Year?
The Centennial Celebration festivities are shaping up to
Centennial Celebration In 2025! be an unforgettable mix of nostalgia, community spirit, and Nightjars, Nighthawks And
just the right amount of Jupiter flair. Here’s a small sampling Chuck Will’s Widows
By Jim Kuretski, Mayor, at what’s in store:
Town of Jupiter 1. Celebrate At Jupiter Jubilee By Katie Roundtree,
Grab your party hats Jupiter’s biggest hometown celebration returns better than Director of Finance and
and sunscreen, because ever this year on Saturday, February 8, from 11 a.m. until 4 Administration,
the Town of Jupiter is p.m. This year’s Jubilee, which will be held at the Municipal Northern Palm Beach
gearing up for a once-in- Complex (210 Military Trail), will serve as the town’s official County Improvement
a-lifetime celebration! In birthday party, with live music, food trucks, and local vendors District
2025, our charming coastal at the business expo and fun for all ages. Ni ght h a wk s a n d
community will mark 100 Don’t miss this community event. Mark your calendars. Chuck Will’s Widows
years of history, growth, Join in the fun and help celebrate Jupiter turning 100. are common birds in
and beachy bliss with a 2. Eat Your Way Around Town South Florida, but most
Centennial Celebration Jupiter restaurants and businesses are getting in on the fun by people have never seen
that promises to be offering discounts and special food items throughout the year. one. They are members
as vibrant and unique 3. Walk Or Ride, Through Jupiter’s History of the Nightjar family and are medium-sized nocturnal
as the town itself. To History lovers will have plenty of opportunities to learn or crepuscular (active at dawn and dusk) birds in the
help celebrate this more about Jupiter, from before incorporation through family Caprimulgidae. Nightjars are found worldwide,
momentous time in modern times, throughout the year. except Antarctica and certain island groups such as the
our town’s history, 4. Get Out Into Nature Seychelles. Nightjars are primarily found in Europe,
events are planned Trot your way through this year’s Centennial-themed while Nighthawks and Chuck Will’s Widows are found
throughout 2025. Turtle Trot, help bring more beauty to our beaches through more in the New World. Nightjars, Nighthawks and
A Little Slice Of History the Jupiter Beach Cleanup or learn more about Jupiter’s Chuck Will’s Widows belong to a family of birds
Jupiter’s journey began on February 9, 1925, when waterways on a paddleboard tour in just a few of the outdoor with the folk name “goatsuckers.” The family name,
it was officially incorporated as a town. Known for its events that will highlight Jupiter’s nature and open spaces. Caprimulgidae, literally means “milker of goats” and
iconic red lighthouse, pristine beaches, and small-town Stay In The Know
feel, Jupiter has grown from a quaint fishing village into With the Centennial Celebration spanning the entirety Northern Notes on page 3
a thriving community that attracts families, adventurers, of 2025, everybody will have plenty of opportunities to
and sun-seekers alike. But even as it has evolved, Jupiter participate in the festivities. Find a complete schedule of
has never lost its small-town charm or deep-rooted events on the Town’s website at
connection to nature and the water. Stay tuned.
Commissioner’s Update
Palm Beach County: Driving Public Safety is the foundation of any thriving community.
Innovation, Safety, And From emergency management during storms to initiatives by
Palm Beach County Fire Rescue and the Palm Beach Sheriff’s
Growth For A Brighter Future Office (PBSO), we are committed to ensuring residents feel
secure. A shining example is our whole blood program, one of
By Mayor Maria G. Marino only 121 in the nation, which enables medically trained first
It’s truly an honor to responders to perform life-saving blood transfusions in the
become the mayor of a county field. Through its safety education, the Drowning Prevention
that is a driving force for Coalition reached nearly 24,000 people, and 2,200 kids ages
economic growth, innovation 2 to 12 took free or reduced-cost swim lessons.
and quality of life. Palm Beach Investments in public safety provide tangible returns:
County stands as a beacon of stronger communities, lower insurance premiums, and
progress, built not by chance, enhanced quality of life. When people feel safe, businesses
but through thoughtful thrive, families grow, and communities flourish. That’s the
planning, consistent effort, kind of return on investment we can all celebrate.
and unwavering commitment What makes Palm Beach County such a desirable destination
to excellence. for businesses and families? It’s the outstanding quality of life,
Palm Beach County thrives on strategic investments that with 110 parks, beaches, and recreational areas that turn living
yield transformative results. For every dollar invested in here into a dream. These spaces are more than just amenities;
economic development, we see exponential returns—more they are vital investments in our shared well-being. Programs like
January 20
businesses, more jobs, and a stronger tax base. We’ve proven January 20
that we act local while thinking global. Commissioner’s Update on page 2
(561) 799-4445
Use 911 for emergencies only. Lock car doors.
Do not leave valuables in the car.