Page 10 - Talk of Tequesta - January '25
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Page 10, The Talk Of Tequesta

                                                                   good Works

                                         Susan G. Komen  Announces

                                         2025 FORD Warriors In Pink

        Warriors represent North Palm Beach, Riviera Beach, Boca   replacement were put on hold when she received a diagnosis of   gives back to the nursing profession as a nursing professor at
      Raton, Palm City, Boynton Beach, Jupiter, Fort Lauderdale   HER2-positive breast cancer. Overwhelmed by the unexpected   a local college.
      and Broward County.                                diagnosis, Allison was advised to focus on her breast cancer     Shae Henderson of Broward was diagnosed with breast
        Susan G. Komen®, the world’s leading breast cancer   treatments as the top priority. Within two weeks, her treatment   cancer at age 23. Shae’s journey with breast cancer was marked
      organization, is excited to announce the 2025 FORD Warriors   began. This year marks her first MORE THAN PINK Walk,   by delays and dismissals. Despite being told she was too young
      in Pink. These nine women from across South Florida will   where she hopes to reclaim her strength and connect with   to have breast cancer and being denied mammograms and
      be honored at the MORE THAN PINK Walk in West Palm   other women, finding inspiration and renewed determination   referrals, she refused to give up. Eventually, she found her team
      Beach on Saturday, January 25, in addition to being featured   through their shared experiences.     at Holy Cross, where a doctor finally listened to and validated
      in a variety of promotional materials and activities.    Lucille Ciaccia of Boca Raton went in for her first   her concerns. For Shae, that compassionate care made all the
        “Susan G. Komen Warriors in Pink represent the strength,   mammogram shortly after turning 40. However, what began   difference—both physically and mentally. Her advice to others:
      resilience and determination of everyone impacted by breast   as a routine screening quickly escalated, and her cancer   “Play an active role in the fight against cancer and draw strength
      cancer,” said Jamie Bellamy, Development Director at Susan   progressed from Stage 1 to Stage 3 in a short time period. Since   from those around you.”
      G. Komen. “These women are beacons of hope and courage,   July 2023, Lucille has undergone a double mastectomy, AC-    Elizabeth Hamma of Jupiter is the market president at
      inspiring us to continue our work to achieve a world without   Thermotherapy and 25 rounds of radiation. Lucille passionately   Hubbard Radio, a wife, mother of two adult children, and
      breast cancer. We are honored to celebrate them as breast   encourages women to advocate for their health. She advises,   grandma to three grandchildren. Elizabeth never expected
      cancer Warriors and join them in standing strong for every   “If you’re told a mammogram before 40 isn’t necessary, don’t   her journey with cancer to extend beyond supporting family
      life touched by this disease.”                     be discouraged. Don’t be afraid to fight for yourself!”  members, friends and her involvement with Komen. However,
      The Susan G. Komen 2025 Warriors In Pink Are:        Nicholle Chadwick of Boca Raton is a Registered   life took an unexpected turn when she was diagnosed with Stage
        Kristen A. Dugan of North Palm Beach is a single mom   Mental Health Counselor Intern (RMHCI) and mom of   1 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. Thrust into the fight herself, she
      of three girls. She was diagnosed with Ductal Carcinoma   two. In 2022, Nicholle’s world shifted dramatically when   made the decision to undergo a bilateral mastectomy. Now,
      Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) in January 2024. Since   she discovered a lump in her breast and was diagnosed   Elizabeth embraces her role as a breast cancer “thriver” and looks
      then, she has undergone a double mastectomy, five months of   with Stage 2 Triple Negative Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.   forward to continuing her advocacy with a renewed perspective.
      chemotherapy and six weeks of radiation. On August 22, she   Further testing revealed she was positive for the BRCA 1     Julie Culpepper of Fort Lauderdale began her journey in
      rang the bell to conclude her final chemotherapy treatment!   genetic mutation. Nicholle has since undergone a double   2017 when her oncologist identified an atypical (precancerous)
      While her experience has not been easy, she has dedicated   mastectomy, chemotherapy, radiation, and IVF treatments.   lump during a routine screening. Given her family history—
      herself to being a role model who embraces hope, inspiration   Through it all, her children became her driving force—her   both her mother and sister are cancer survivors—and a
      and bravery.                                       “why.” Nicholle encourages others to find their own reason to   decade-long pattern of benign biopsies, she initially underwent
        Erin M. Correa of Riviera Beach is a registered nurse,   fight, saying, “Why are we fighting? The answer can simply   a lumpectomy but later opted for a mastectomy for peace of
      wife and mother of two young sons. In 2022, Erin was   be yourself and the will to survive.”         mind. The path, however, wasn’t without its challenges. Over
      diagnosed with gastroparesis followed by Stage 2 Mesenteric     Stephanie R. Baker, RN, MSN, of Boynton Beach is   two years, Julie faced difficulties with implant reconstructions
      Follicular Lymphoma and in July 2023 she was diagnosed with   a Registered Nurse who teaches at Cambridge College of   before successfully undergoing a DIEP flap procedure. Now, a
      Invasive Lobular Carcinoma. Erin advocated for herself and   Healthcare & Technology. During a routine mammogram 17   year and a half later, she is thriving and grateful for the choices
      met with multiple doctors before choosing her oncology team.   years ago, Stephanie’s life was turned upside down with a   that have supported her health and well-being.
      By April 2024, she had completed her bilateral mastectomy   breast cancer diagnosis. She met brave women who offered     The MORE THAN PINK Walk is open to the public and
      and chemotherapy, began physical therapy, and resumed her   her tools to cope, make plans, dream and continue with her   free. Please register in advance at
      infusion therapy.                                  treatments ahead. With the support of her husband, kids,   Participants are encouraged to fundraise.
        Allison Jones of Palm City has faced a series of health   siblings, family and friends, she survived and later earned her     Visit or call 1-877 GO KOMEN. Connect with
      setbacks over the years. In 2023, plans for a dual hip   BSN and MSN in nursing. She has since retired to Florida and   us on social at

                                                             in your CommuniTy

                                                             Save The Date!

                   The Fourth Annual Jensen Beach Garden Expo – Bigger And Better Than Ever!

                                          Mark Your Calendar For Saturday, March 1 From 9 a.m. To 3 p.m. It’s Free!

        Join us for Jensen Beach’s                       sciences, and related fields. We’re also proud to fund camp
      favorite springtime  tradition!                    scholarships for kids at the Florida Oceanographic Society
      The Jensen Beach Garden Expo                       and the Environmental Studies Center, as well as programs for
      returns on March 1, from 9 a.m.                    Junior Master Gardeners and the Community Gardens of the
      to 3 p.m., at the beautiful Indian                 House of Hope.
      Riverside Park, in front of the Dockside Pavilion. With more     Thank you to our sponsors! Special thanks to Lindstrom
      parking, extra food trucks, and fabulous door prizes, this   Air Conditioning & Plumbing, and to our many generous
      year’s Expo promises a garden celebration like no other.   sponsors who make this event possible.
      What’s In Store?                                     Don’t miss this incredible day of plants, community, and
        This specialty garden show showcases the best local vendors   fun—see you at the expo!
      offering lush tropical plants, native species, vibrant orchids,     Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and check out
      and unique finds like succulents, herbs, and outdoor art.   our website:
      Stock up on gardening supplies, learn from live presentations,   garden-expo.
      enjoy hands-on demos, and win free door prizes donated by
      our vendors throughout the day. It’s a fun and educational
      day for all plant lovers, from beginners to seasoned pros!
      Presenters include sessions on dragon fruit, edible plants,
      bonsais and pests
      in the landscape.
      Growing Our
        More than just
      a garden show,
      the expo helps
      our community
      flourish. Proceeds
      support college
      scholarships for                                                                                                 747-PALM
      local students
      pursuing  studies                                                                                                     747-7256
      in horticulture,
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