Page 16 - Southern Exposure - January '25
P. 16
Page 16, Southern Exposure
All About Kids
Helping Disorganized,
Forgetful, And Scattered Adolescents
By Jim Forgan, Ph.D., Licensed School Psychologist
A parent described her remembering, self-regulating, attending, and completing We will use games, scenarios, and videos to illustrate
eighth-grade son to me, tasks. School success depends, in part, on having strong points and practice skills. Students receive written
“He has struggles following executive functioning skills. Executive functioning handouts to keep which summarize the new skills. We
multiple oral instructions weaknesses can cause smart kids to become scattered, are approaching this mastermind course for teens using
at the same time. His disorganized, and forgetful. These weaknesses might be a cognitive behavioral framework. That means that if
information retention in the accompanied with ADHD or learning disabilities but can you can change your thinking and learn new skills, you
short term is challenging also be stand-alone difficulties. Our executive functions can change your behavior. Your student can learn skills
especially for unpreferred improve with age and fully mature in our late teen years for success this year and beyond. Are you tired of being
topics. He has completed to early 20s. Thus, there’s hope for your student’s growth. your child’s only executive assistant and ready for your
homework and forgot to Executive functioning skills can be learned, practiced adolescent to hear about success skills from someone
turn it in. He waits until the and improved. This month I am offering an in-person other than yourself?
last minute to start projects executive functioning course for students in grades 6 Call (561) 625-4125 if you would like to sign up or if
or studying for exams. What a hot mess!” through 9. Your student can join us for three, 90-minute you need school neuropsychological testing to give you
This mom was describing her son’s executive sessions of fun, interactive activities to learn executive understanding and answers. Learn more at JimForgan.
functioning weaknesses. The term executive functioning functioning skills related to organization, planning, time com/executive.
encompasses our brain’s ability to manage different management, memory, and attention. The group size is
systems such as planning, organizing, maintaining effort, limited to 10 students.
Super Junior:
Getting A Jump Start On College Planning
By Peggy Forgan, M. Ed.
Junior year is a critical and begin the college admissions process. All of this is 3. Take DISC assessment & review report
time for college planning. time-consuming and overwhelming, from prepping for 4. Establish baseline SAT score
It’s when high schoolers standardized tests to finalizing resumes. The Super Junior 5. Document top 10 trends from baseline score
start to focus on their future program alleviates the stress of college planning by helping 6. Create a resume with all activities listed
and make decisions that students achieve their goals before senior year. 7. Have a parent meeting to review all items on your
really count. And with most All Super Juniors will complete a “Super Junior checklist
students just 10 months Checklist” specifically designed to help them put their best All students who complete the program will earn a
away from applying to foot forward. Here’s a look at the seven things they will Super Junior certificate and will be entered for a chance to
college, it’s clear that the accomplish in 90 days: win a new laptop! The Class 101 Super Junior is underway.
11th grade is crunch time. 1. Create a top 10 list of colleges and universities Call (561) 418-7897, email or
Class 101’s Super Junior 2. Complete three college visits (either virtual or in- visit if you are ready for your
program helps students get person) student to become a Class 101 Super Junior.
ahead of the curve before application season even begins.
Here’s everything you need to know about becoming a
Super Junior, and why it’s one of the best ways to bring
your student up to speed.
A Super Junior is an 11th grader who wants to get a head
start on college planning. By completing our fast-track
Super Junior program, students start the planning process
when it matters the most: during the application preseason.
That way, when application season rolls around on August
1 of their senior year, they are well ahead of their peers.
Junior year is the most crucial time for students to
take ownership of their grades, sharpen important skills,