Page 18 - PGA Community News - January '25
P. 18

January 2025
      Page 18, PGA C.A.N.!                                        2 Spaces                                                                                                                                                               January 2025

      Nick Mastroianni Joins Hannah’s Home Board

         Hannah’s Home has                                  Hannah’s Home offers a two-
      added local business                               year residential and educational
      leader, Nick  Mastroianni                          program that serves pregnant
      II, to its Board of Directors.                     women aged 18 to 30 who face food
         For three consecutive                           insecurity, homelessness, unhealthy
      years, Mastroianni has                             relationships, educational disruption,
      been a generous supporter                          a lack of transportation, and physical
      of the organization. From                          and social isolation. To date, the
      aiding Hannah’s Home’s                             home has offered safety, restoration,
      residents with hotel                               hope, and a more secure future to over
      stays during hurricane                             90 women and their babies.
      evacuations to sponsoring                             For more information about
      the home’s annual fundraising galas and donating to the   Hannah’s Home and its programs,
      campus expansion, Mastroianni’s involvement reflects a   visit or  Nick Mastroianni II, Audrey Mastroianni, Pastor Paul and Carol Beresford, Jessica
      long-standing commitment to investing in the community   contact (561) 277-9823.  and Nicholas Mastroianni, Anthony Mastroianni
      and in those who are disadvantaged.
         Mastroianni serves as president and chief executive
      officer of U.S. Immigration Fund and Allied Capital and                                      “Service is our number one priority”
      Development. He is also founder of the Mastroianni
      Family Foundation.                                                                                        561-743-0070
         “These mothers and babies represent the future of
      our community,” said Mastroianni, whose philanthropic
      journey began in 1995 in pediatric healthcare, neurological                                  
      research, and environmental preservation. “Hannah’s
      Home founder Carol [Beresford] and I share a vision for
      empowering families with the education, healthcare, and
      resources they need for lifelong success.”
         The addition of Mastroianni to the board is timely.
      Hannah’s Home is nearing completion of construction on
      two duplex cottages to house for more young mothers in
         “We are so blessed to have Nick join our board,”
      said Beresford, who founded the home in 2003. “Nick is
      committed to advancing the Lord’s work and I know his
      expertise and dedication will truly help my dream for this
      campus come to life and bring hope to those in need.”
                                                                                                                                    Expires 2/15/25.

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