Page 15 - Palm City Spotlight - January '25
P. 15

Palm City Spotlight, Page 15

      Crystal Lake Elementary School

                                                         Immanuel Lutheran Preschool

                                                         Holiday Village

                                                            What a fantastic evening we had at Palm City’s Holiday
                                                         Village! The event was a true success, thanks to the incredible
                                                         turnout from our community. It was heartwarming to see our
      Gratitude Steel Drum                               Palm City community come together to celebrate the season   Martin County High School Opus
                                                         and enjoy the festive atmosphere.
                                                            A  special  shoutout  goes  to  the  talented  steel  drum
                                                         performers who set the perfect holiday vibe, filling the
                                                         air with joyful sounds. We were also treated to incredible
                                                         performances by the students from Immanuel Palm City,
                                                         Crystal Lake Elementary, Palm City Elementary, and Martin
                                                         County’s OPUS. Their talent and energy truly made the
                                                         evening unforgettable.
                                                            Commissioner Ed Ciampi provided his outstanding
                                                         M.C. skills, keeping the energy high and the crowd engaged
                                                         throughout the night. His enthusiasm added so much to the
                                                         event’s success.
                                                            The evening wouldn’t have been complete without the
                                                         amazing food trucks and vendors who provided a delicious
                                                         variety of treats and unique items for everyone to enjoy.
                                                            Most importantly, we are grateful to our community for
                                                         coming together and making this year’s Holiday Village a
                                                         celebration to remember. Here’s to more memorable events
                                                         in the future!

                                                                                                           RDI Train

      Treasure Coast Wildlife

                                                         Palm City Elementary School Chorus and Band
      Dish With The Commish

         As  the  year  comes                            Championship  Belt.
      to  a  close,  we  gathered                        This  symbolic  gesture
      for a special edition of                           reflects  the  respect  and
      “December  Dish  with                              admiration he has earned
      the  Commish,”  hosted  by                         from  all  those  who
      Commissioner Ed Ciampi,                            have  worked  alongside
      with  a  very  special  guest                      him  over  the  years. A
      – Sheriff William Snyder.                          heartfelt video message
      As Sheriff Snyder embarks                          from Congressman Brian                            Video message from Congressman Mast
      on  his  well-deserved                             Mast  further  touched
      retirement,  we  took  the                         our hearts, as he shared
      time  to  reflect  on  his                         his appreciation for the
      incredible  career  and  the                       Sheriff’s  service  and
      profound  impact  he’s  had                        leadership.
      on our community.        Commissioner Ed Ciampi
         Sherif f  Snyder ’s  and Sheriff William Snyder
      leadership, dedication, and
      unwavering commitment to keeping Martin County safe                      B oar d Me mbe r St e v e
      have left a lasting legacy. His compassion, integrity, and               Klaassen, Ambassador  Evie
      tireless  work  ethic  have  set  an  example  for  all  of  us.         Klaassen, Colorado Pawn
      Today, we celebrated not only his remarkable career but                  and  Jewelry; Ambassador
      the positive influence he’s had on every corner of our                   Cher  Fischer,  Kiwanis
      community.                                                               Club.;Ambassador Mandi
         During the event, the Martin County Police Athletic                   Roe, Susan Maxwell Team     Sheriff William Snyder, Commissioner Ed Ciampi and Noel
      League  honored  Sheriff  Snyder  with  an  incredible                   Remax of Stuart.            DelValle Founder/Executive Director of Martin County PAL
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