Page 8 - Martin Downs Bulletin - January '25
P. 8

Page 8, Martin Downs

                                                fuNdraisiNG News

      Quantum Foundation                                                                                   our shared history and furthers our ongoing commitment
      Makes $500,000 Grant To                                                                              to this area.”
                                                                                                             “The Palm Beach County African American Museum and
      Community Foundation For                                                                             Research Library initiative would not be possible without the
                                                                                                           generosity and support of partners like Quantum Foundation,”
      Palm Beach And Martin                                                                                said Danita R. DeHaney, president and CEO of Community
                                                                                                           Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin Counties. “Quantum
      Counties’ African American                                                                           Foundation’s $500,000 grant, dedicated to architectural

      Museum And Research                                                                                  planning and design, represents a crucial first step in creating
                                                                                                           a lasting cultural institution that will preserve and celebrate
      Library (AAMRL) Project                                                                              African American history for generations to come.”
                                                                                                             According to DeHaney, the AAMRL will stand as a
                                                                                                           transformative anchor institution in the historic Coleman
      Funding Will Support Architectural Design And                                                        Park neighborhood, fostering community pride, economic
      Planning For AAMRL On Historical Roosevelt                                                           growth, and cultural vitality while honoring the area’s
      High School Site In West Palm Beach                                                                  rich African American heritage.  This initiative is a
                                                        Danita DeHaney and Eric Kelly                      collaboration between the Palm Beach County Board of
        Quantum Foundation has announced a $500,000                                                        County Commissioners, Community Foundation for Palm
      grant to Community Foundation for Palm Beach and   of Florida, and beyond. The project will include exhibit   Beach and Martin Counties, The School District of Palm
      Martin Counties’ newly established African American   space, a research library, and extensive opportunities for   Beach County, and various community stakeholders.
      Museum and Research Library (AAMRL) Fund. The     community engagement through lectures, educational     Once home to West Palm Beach’s two all-Black high
      grant will support architectural planning and design for   programming, workshops, seminars, special exhibitions,   schools, in recent years, the Roosevelt High grounds became
      the project. Quantum Foundation’s mission is to inspire   cultural  programs,  oral  history  projects,  research   the Roosevelt Full-Service Center. The Roosevelt Center,
      and fund initiatives that improve the health of Palm   opportunities, and youth programs.            owned by the The School District of Palm Beach County,
      Beach County residents. Community Foundation is a     “Over the past five years, we have strategically   became a community center with neighborhood resources,
      nonprofit organization that leads partnerships with donors,   supported projects and programs to enhance the physical   services, and alternative school programs on site.
      nonprofits, and community members to solve the region’s   and social conditions for residents in Coleman Park,” said     The school district has already commenced phase one
      chronic and emerging issues.                      Eric Kelly, president of Quantum Foundation. “These   of the Roosevelt Center renovation project. Phase two of
        Earlier this year, Community Foundation received   neighborhoods, which reflect the lowest life expectancy   the project will provide for renovation of the buildings at
      approval for funding from the Palm Beach County Board   in Palm Beach County, are home to some of the most   the Roosevelt Center that will house the research library
      of  County Commissioners to plan and  develop a  new   extraordinary cultural landmarks. While we’ve made   and for construction of a new 20,000-square-foot two-story
      African American Museum at the historic Roosevelt   strides, there is still much work to be done in addressing   building to house the museum.
      High School site (1601 N. Tamarind Ave.) in West Palm   the underlying systems that impact this community. We     For  more  information  or  to  donate  to  Community
      Beach. The AAMRL will celebrate and preserve African   are proud to support the African American Museum and   Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin Counties, please
      American history and culture in West Palm Beach, the state   Research Library, which serves as a powerful reminder of   visit

                                                   tip of the tail

      New Year’s Resolution: Get                        or obese. As  pet owners it is crucial for us to recognize   weight loss program is effective and safe for the pet. In
      Your Pet Bikini Ready!                            and address this issue that can significantly impact the   addition, if your pet is not losing weight as expected, your
                                                                                                           veterinarian can perform bloodwork to check for diseases
                                                        health and well-being of our beloved pets.
                                                          Obesity in pets is more than just an aesthetic concern;   such as hypothyroidism or Cushing’s disease that can
                                                        it is a serious medical condition that can lead to a plethora   make it difficult for your pet to maintain a healthy weight.
                                                        of other health problems. Just like in humans, obesity in     In conclusion, as veterinary professionals, we must emphasize
                                                        animals can increase the risk of various diseases such as   the importance of addressing obesity in pets to improve their
                                                        diabetes, osteoarthritis, heart disease, and even certain   overall health and well-being. By working together with pet
                                                        types of cancer. It can also worsen pre-existing conditions   owners to implement tailored weight management strategies,
                                                        like arthritis and respiratory issues, ultimately decreasing   we can help our pets live longer, healthier lives free from the
                                                        the quality of life for our pets.                  burdens of obesity-related illnesses.
                                                          The primary cause of obesity in pets is an imbalance     Remember, a healthy pet is a happy pet – let’s work together
                                                        between calorie intake and energy expenditure. Factors   to tackle obesity in our furry companions and promote a better
                                                        such  as  overfeeding,  lack  of  exercise,  and genetic   quality of life for all.
                                                        predisposition can contribute to weight gain in animals.     Established in 1981, Palm City Animal Medical Center is
        Obesity is not only a growing concern among humans   Veterinarians play a crucial role in educating pet owners   dedicated to providing the best possible care for your pets. With
      but also among our furry companions. It is estimated that   about proper nutrition, portion control, and the importance   focuses on compassionate care in surgery, physical therapy and
      56 percent of dogs and 60 percent of cats are overweight   of regular exercise to help prevent obesity in pets.  rehabilitation, preventative medicine, extensive diagnostics,
                                                          When addressing obesity in pets, it is essential to   and emergency service, Palm City Animal Medical Center
                                                        develop a tailored weight management plan that takes   combines exceptional medical care with a caring philosophy
                                                        into account the individual needs and circumstances of   for pets and their owners. For more information, call (772)
                                                        each animal. This may involve adjusting the pet’s diet   283-0920, visit or find
                                                        to a low-calorie formula or metabolic management diet,   us on Facebook at
                                                        increasing physical activity levels, and closely monitoring
                                                        their progress. Regular checkups and monitoring by
                                                        veterinary professionals are essential to ensure that the

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