Page 22 - The Jewish Voice - January '25
P. 22

Page 22, The Jewish Voice

      Lifestyles from page 21                           have both pre- and after-tax dollars in your traditional IRA, the   Tip of the Tail
                                                        taxable amount is based on the percentage of pre-tax dollars.)
      When Is a Good Time for Roth                        the key benefits:                                New Year’s Resolution:
                                                           Why is a Roth IRA desirable for some people? Here are
      Conversion?                                          If you have large amounts in a traditional IRA, the tax bill on   Get Your Pet Bikini Ready!
                                                        conversion can be significant. The key to potentially lowering      Obesity is not only a
      By Sally Sima Stahl                               this tax bill is timing. Generally speaking, the lower your income   growing concern among
         In life, you often get second                  in a given year, the more favorable it is for you to convert to a   humans but also among
      chances — and the same is true                    Roth IRA. So, for example, if you have already retired, but have   our furry companions.
      with investing. To illustrate:                    not started collecting RMDs, your income may be down.   It is estimated that 56
      You might not have been able                         • Tax-free withdrawals: You put in after-tax dollars to a Roth   percent of dogs and 60
      to contribute to a Roth IRA                       IRA, so you can withdraw your contributions at any time, free   percent of cats are overweight or obese. As pet owners it is crucial
      during your working years due                     of taxes and penalties. And if you’ve had your account for at   for us to recognize and address this issue that can significantly
      to your income level, but you                     least five years and you’re at least 59 1⁄2, you can also withdraw   impact the health and well-being of our beloved pets.
      may get that opportunity as you                   your earnings free of taxes.                          Obesity in pets is more than just an aesthetic concern; it is a
      near retirement or even when                         • No RMDs: With a traditional IRA, you’ll have to start   serious medical condition that can lead to a plethora of other health
      you are retired — through a                       taking withdrawals — called required minimum distributions,   problems. Just like in humans, obesity in animals can increase
      Roth conversion.                                  or RMDs — when you turn 73, or 75 if you were born in 1960   the risk of various diseases such as diabetes, osteoarthritis, heart
         And you can do so by converting your traditional IRA to a   or later. But there’s no RMD requirement with a Roth IRA —   disease, and even certain types of cancer. It can also worsen pre-
      Roth. While this sounds simple, there’s a major caveat: taxes.   you can essentially leave the money intact as long as you like.   existing conditions like arthritis and respiratory issues, ultimately
      You’ll be taxed on the amount in pre-tax dollars you contributed      Timing also comes into play with the financial markets.   decreasing the quality of life for our pets.
      to a traditional IRA and then converted to a Roth IRA. (If you   When the market is going through a decline, and the value of      The primary cause of obesity in pets is an imbalance
                                                        your traditional IRA drops, you could convert the same number   between calorie intake and energy expenditure. Factors such
                                                        of shares of the underlying investments and receive a lower tax   as overfeeding, lack of exercise, and genetic predisposition
                                                        bill or convert more shares of these investments for what would   can contribute to weight gain in animals. Veterinarians play
                                                        have been the same tax bill.                       a crucial role in educating pet owners about proper nutrition,
                                                           • Tax-free legacy for your heirs: When your heirs inherit your   portion control, and the importance of regular exercise to help
                                                        Roth IRA, they can withdraw the contributions without paying   prevent obesity in pets.
                                                        taxes or penalties, and if the account has been open for at least      When addressing obesity in pets, it is essential to develop
                                                        five years, they can also withdraw earnings tax-free.   a tailored weight management plan that takes into account the
                                                           Finally, you could lower your tax bill in any given year by   individual needs and circumstances of each animal. This may
                                                        stretching out your Roth IRA conversions over several years,   involve adjusting the pet’s diet to a low-calorie formula or
                                                        rather than doing it all at once.                  metabolic management diet, increasing physical activity levels,
                                                           But even if you were aware of these advantages, you might   and closely monitoring their progress. Regular check-ups and
                                                        not have been able to invest in a Roth IRA for much of your   monitoring by veterinary professionals are essential to ensure
                                                        life. For one thing, you might have earned too much money — a   that the weight-loss program is effective and safe for the pet.
                                                        Roth IRA, unlike a traditional IRA, has income limits. Also, a   In addition, if your pet is not losing weight as expected, your
                                                        Roth IRA has only been around since 1998, so, in the previous   veterinarian can perform bloodwork to check for diseases
                                                        years, you were limited to a traditional IRA.      such as hypothyroidism or Cushing’s disease that can make it
                                                           You’ll want to consult with your tax advisor before   difficult for your pet to maintain a healthy weight.
                                                        embarking on this conversion — but if it’s appropriate for your      As veterinary professionals, we must emphasize the
                                                        situation, you could find that owning a Roth IRA can benefit   importance of addressing obesity in pets to improve their
                                                        you and your family for years to come.             overall health and well-being. By working together with pet
                                                           As you approach retirement, though, you might start thinking   owners to implement tailored weight-management strategies,
                                                        of just how much you’d like to benefit from a Roth IRA.   we can help our pets live longer, healthier lives free from the
                                                           This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local   burdens of obesity-related illnesses.
                                                        Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward Jones, Member SIPC.     Remember, a healthy pet is a happy pet – let’s work together
                                                           Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in all states   to tackle obesity in our furry companions and promote a better
                                                        and Washington, DC, through Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P., and   quality of life for all.
                                                        in California, New Mexico and Massachusetts through Edward      Established in 1981, Palm City Animal Medical Center is
                                                        Jones Insurance Agency of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones   dedicated to providing the best possible care for your pets. With
                                                        Insurance Agency of New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones   focuses on compassionate care in surgery, physical therapy and
                                                        Insurance Agency of Massachusetts, L.L.C.          rehabilitation, preventative medicine, extensive diagnostics, and
                                                           Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors cannot   emergency service, Palm City Animal Medical Center combines
                                                        provide tax advice. You should consult your qualified tax advisor   exceptional medical care with a caring philosophy for pets and
                                                        regarding your situation.                          their owners. For more information, call 772.283.0920, visit
                                                           Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, CFP ,, or find us on Facebook
                                                        AAMS™, 1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.  at
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