Page 16 - The Jewish Voice - January '25
P. 16

Page 16, The Jewish Voice

                                                         aLL about Kids

      All I Have to Do Is Dream!                            Would you rather dream a good dream or a bad dream?      Chabad of Palm Beach Gardens Hebrew School recently
                                                         Rabbi Hisda says “a bad dream is better than a good dream   hosted the first session of Mom, Dad & Me for the 5785
      By Andy Greenberg                                  because it incites one to repent.”                season. Parents and babies to age 2 were welcomed to a
         The title of the song that was recorded by The Righteous      The great Talmudic sage Maharsha explains that there   bounce house especially for tots, soft mats, and music during
      Brothers contains the words dream dream dream dream   are three types of dreams: The first has more than one   the bustling Hebrew school morning, enjoying the sunshine
      dream (etc). The song is featured on a 45 RPM whose original   interpretation, the second can be either positive or negative,   and camaraderie of other young parents.
      technology of recorded discs was invented by a Jewish person   and the third is prophetic.              The Mom, Dad & Me program featured Jewish songs
      — Emile Berliner.                                     The Talmud goes on to say that “a man is shown in a dream   accompanied by a keyboard and various props like egg
         Dreams are extremely Jewish — they appear in the Book   only what he would have suggested by his own thoughts.”  shakers, colorful scarves, and other exciting objects. A baby-
      of Genesis 10 times.                                  In my life, I have had many dreams. Some, of course, were   appropriate craft left children and parents clean and with a
         In the Babylonian Talmud, there is a section in Tractate   nightmares. Yet in others I took the words of Jewish education —   hand-painted Star of David to take home. Babies and parents
      Berakhot (Blessings) called “One Who Sees” often referred   the Talmud — to heart and actually made some lifelong changes   especially enjoyed throwing artificial fall-colored leaves in
      to as the Book of Dreams. The whole Talmud contains over   the very next morning, which proved exceptionally beneficial.  the air and then cleaning them with a toy dustpan and broom.
      217 references to dreams.                             The topic of dreams is really not studied in adult education
         Some of the lessons we learn include: If you have good   classes or yeshivas. It is another indication of the wealth of   Havdallah Pajama Party
      dreams, confirm and reinforce them, and if they require a   knowledge that our ancient texts and Torah provide us if only
      remedy, heal them.                                 we take the opportunity to study them.               Informal Jewish education is a vital component of Chabad
         Rabbi Yohanan concludes, “Every dream becomes valid      Even Dr. Martin Luther King, in his infamous “I Have   of Palm Beach Gardens’ Hebrew school and Jewish kids
      only by its interpretation.”                       a Dream” speech, referred to Jewish text with the phrase,   club. Their interactive events and Hebrew school workshops
                                                         “Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill   are often more memorable, constructive, and effective than
                                                         shall be made low,” which came from the Book of Isaiah,   formal academic classes and sessions.
                  simcHas                                and in other places he alluded to the Book of Psalms.    in their pajamas to experience the third annual Havdallah
                                                                                                             On a recent Saturday night, excited kids and parents arrived
                                                           So, all you have to do is dream about expanding your

                                                         Jewish and life knowledge through enhanced education.  Pajama Party at the shul. The kids created their own wax candles
       Jack Chane                                           Andy Greenberg is a 25-year Conservative Jewish   and spice bags with their parents, then used their handmade
                                                         educator of grades 3-12 and a lecturer for adults of all ages.   Havdallah sets to join along in a musical Havdallah ceremony.
          Jack Chane is a seventh                                                                             The evening culminated with the screening of The
       grader at Palm Beach Day                          Mom, Dad & Me                                     Maccabees, a Jewish educational movie about Chanukah.
       Academy. He is an avid
       tennis player and plays
       many times during the
       week. He also loves the
       Mets, Dolphins, and the
       Miami  Hurricanes  and
       going to their games. Jack
       loves to travel and has
       been to five countries so
       far. During his travels,
       Jack has become an excellent skier and surfer. Jack is a
       history buff and loves learning about all parts of history,
       especially WW2. Jack’s curiosity is infectious. He’ll try
       anything, such as growing any kind of seed into a plant
       to building model rockets to 3D printing.
       Gabe Goodman
          Gabe Goodman will                                      Your family dentist in
       become a Bar Mitzvah on
       January 25, 2025. Gabe
       is a seventh grader at
       Watson B. Duncan Middle
                                                           Palm Beach Gardens
       school. He has a love for
       all things sports. Whether                          Palm                       Beach                        Gardens
       he’s playing football for
       the Palm Beach Gardens
       Gators, shooting hoops
       during basketball season,
       or playing with friends in the neighborhood, Gabe is always
       on the move. He loves watching sports as well and is a big
       Pittsburgh Steelers fan. He also enjoys spending time with his              Cosmetic & Comprehensive
       friends, playing video games, card games, fantasy sports, and
       hanging out with his brother and sister. He loves trying new
       foods and spending summers at Camp Wildwood. Gabe has                            Restorative Dentistry
       a great sense of humor and a giving heart. In this spirit and
       to honor his Bar Mitzvah he is collecting new mouth guards
       to donate to local football leagues in need.             Implant Dentistry & Orthodontics / Clear Aligners
       Sloane Rachel Miller

          Sloane Rachel Miller                                 Eduardo Marmelstein Lima, D.D.S.
       became  a  Bat  Mitzvah
       on January 11, 2025, at
       Temple Judea. Sloane is
       a seventh grade student
       at The Benjamin School.                                    10887 N. Military Trail, Suite 6
       Her favorite subjects in
       school are math, science,                                  Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
       and history. She is a
       competitive soccer player
       and greatly enjoys travel                                          (561) 622-2815
       soccer with the Palm Beach
       Gardens Predators team. Sloane is kindhearted and a natural
       leader, serving as treasurer for The Benjamin Student
       Council this year. She enjoys hanging with friends, travel,
       and attending sporting events with her family.        University of Texas Health and Science Center at San Antonio, Texas

          Send us your simchas! The Jewish Voice welcomes              Residency and Masters in Orthodontics -  Brazil
       announcements of life-cycle events in the local Jewish                Implant fellowship training  - Brazil
       community. The copy deadline is the 15th of the month.                 Prosthodontics training - Brazil
       Send text and images to
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