Page 24 - Boca ViewPointe - January '25
P. 24

Page 24, Viewpointe                                                 January 2025
      Local Federations Partner With A Kibbutz

      On Their Path To Renewal

         In the aftermath of the harrowing terrorist attacks on      In mid-November, a Men’s
      October 7, which shattered Israel and the global Jewish   Solidarity Mission from the
      community, an extraordinary partnership has blossomed   Jewish Federation of South
      between the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County,   Palm Beach County spent a full
      the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County and Kibbutz   day at Ein HaShlosha. Joined
      Ein HaShlosha in southern Israel.                 by friends from our partnership
         Recognizing the depth of the crisis, the two local   region, Zichron Yaakov, they
      Jewish Federations rallied, forming an alliance under the   heard firsthand testimony from
      Communities2Gether program, with the mission of weaving a   October  7th  and  began  the
      tapestry of support that nurtured the community’s very spirit.  rebuilding process by preparing
         “We have witnessed the resilience of the Ein HaShlosha   the kibbutz’s synagogue and
      community and are honored to stand with them in their time   children’s center for renovation.
      of need,” said April Leavy, Chair of Israel & Overseas Task      “Our  mission  to  Israel
      Force and Chair of Communities2Gether for the Jewish   has been a lot to process,”
      Federation of South Palm Beach County. “Our Federations   said Mission Co-Chair David
      share in their pain, their hope, and ultimately, their future.”  Friedman. “Yet, a singular theme
         Communities2Gether is part of a larger, global initiative   emerged in all our conversations
      launched by the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI), designed   — hope. We had the opportunity
      to foster direct support and collaboration between U.S.   to learn about Ein HaShlosha’s
      communities and the Israeli towns that suffered the greatest   aspirations for the community,
      losses in the October 7, 2023 attacks.            highlighting their commitment  Ein HaShlosha Community Welcome Reception
      More  Than A Year After  The Attacks,  Hope  For   to safety, security, and a thriving
      Normalcy Endures                                  future, despite the challenges
         On that fateful day, the quiet morning erupted into chaos,   they have faced.”
      as Hamas terrorists infiltrated Kibbutz Ein HaShlosha, setting   Support Federation’s Israel
      fires and claiming four innocent lives. In the wake of this   And Overseas Fund
      devastation, the Kibbutz members evacuated, first to Eilat,      As  the  men  toured  Israel,
      then relocated to Netivot, where they preserve the essence   local families in Boca Raton, in
      of their tight-knit community.                    partnership with Project 24, were
                                                        simultaneously opening their
                                                        doors to host visitors from the
                                                        Ein HaShlosha community. On
                                                        Nov. 13, the Palm Beach County
                                                        Federations came together with
                                                        local host families and their
                                                        guests for a welcoming reception
                                                        of camaraderie in Zinman Hall.
                                                           “It has been an honor to host
                                                        one of the families,” said Boca
                                                        Raton resident Mandy Hurwitz.
                                                        “These families are suffering,
                                                        and there is no better way to
      Mission Guide Shlomo and Co-Chair David Friedman   support them than to offer them  Group leadership at Ein HaShlosha
                                                        a bit of peace and tranquility.
                                                        Despite our language differences, our hearts speak the      If you or a neighbor are in need of help, please
           Community Channel                            same language. They have become family.”           contact Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services
                                                           Their week-long visit not only provided relief, but
              Have You Seen It?                           also deepened the bonds between the two communities,   at  561-852-3333. In addition, our main Federation
                                                                                                           telephone number, 561-852-3100, is monitored regularly
                                                        exemplifying the mission’s spirit of mutual support.  for voicemail messages.
             The Boca Pointe Community information channel      Deepest thanks to Boca Pointe Federation      Learn more about our Federation and how you can help at
          is currently broadcast on Comcast channel 63 and   Campaign Chairs and Committee Members for their - or contact Shirley Gross at shirleyg@
          soon will be transitioning to channel 1075. Please   continued dedication and leadership. or 561.852.3182 (leave a voicemail). 
          check both channels on your TV to see which channel
          hosts our community information. If you are unable
          to view either channel, please call our office (561)
          395-7551. Tune in for community updates, BPCA/
          committee meeting dates and current events. 

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