Page 18 - Talk of Tequesta - December '24
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Page 18, The Talk Of Tequesta

            cLeveLand cLinic                                                                  educaTion

               fLorida news

       Commonly Asked                                                             Gifting Greatness

         Questions About                                                    With College Planning

         Cervical Cancer                                                                       By Peggy Forgan, M. Ed.

                                                              Give a high school                           personalized plan to maximize financial resources and
        Cervical cancer is the                              aged loved one a                               minimize student debt. Using Class 101’s approach,
      fourth most common cancer                             college planning gift                          the college planning process can begin as early as ninth
      among women worldwide.                                that will last beyond                          grade, ensuring that students have ample time to build a
      With the development of                               the  holiday  season.                          strong academic and extracurricular profile that aligns
      advanced treatment options,                           The many steps of the                          with their college and career goals.
      this cancer has become very                           college application                              Class 101’s comprehensive 1:1 services are designed
      treatable. As with most                               process are stressful. I                       to provide expert college planning. Our approach
      cancers, early detection                              offer a comprehensive                          offers speed reading, SAT prep courses, college essay
      increases the chances of                              roadmap for students to                        writing workshops, career assessment, applications,
      survivorship. Adria Suarez                            stand out in the crowd                         and scholarship opportunities. These services help
      Mora, M.D., a gynecological                           and help them connect                          your student become positioned to succeed. The SAT
      oncologist at Cleveland                               all the details and meet all the deadlines. My flat fee   prep courses are tailored to improve test scores, while
      Clinic Weston  Hospital,                              and all-inclusive 1:1 approach helps your student build   the college essay workshops guide students in crafting
      answers  commonly  asked                              a college resume, increase test scores, and find the   compelling essays that stand out in the competitive
      questions about cervical  Adria Suarez Mora, M.D.     best schools at the best price, which all helps students   admissions process. Additionally, the career assessments
      cancer.                                               achieve greatness.                             help students explore their strengths and interests, giving
      Q: What are the most common symptoms of cervical        Giving the gift of college planning to children   a clearer sense of direction for the future. No detail is left
      cancer?                                               and grandchildren is a thoughtful and impactful way   unnoticed in the application process. Ultimately, gifting
        A:  The  most  common  symptoms  include  vaginal   to support their future success. As the cost of higher   the college planning services through Class 101 is an
      discharge that may be heavy and can have a foul odor;   education continues to rise, many families feel the   investment in your student’s academic success, financial
      vaginal bleeding after intercourse or between menses;   financial strain of paying for college. By gifting college   well-being, and future career opportunities.
      and heavy menstrual periods that last longer than normal.   planning, you can help ease that burden and set the next     For information or to schedule a free consultation
      Precancerous changes of the cervix don’t have symptoms,   generation up for financial stability. I offer expert, 1:1   please contact Peggy Forgan at (561) 418-7897 or www.
      which is why it’s important to have routine gynecological   college planning services, helping you navigate the
      exams and Pap tests.                                  complexities of the admissions process and create a     Happy Holidays from Class 101!
      Q: How is cervical cancer treated?
        A: At Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital, we employ a
      multidisciplinary approach to develop an individualized
      treatment plan that will provide the best possible outcome
      for each of our patients.
        Prior to discussing treatment options, we consider
      many  factors  including  the stage of  the disease, the
      patient’s age and general health, and if the patient wishes
      to have children in the future. Our team may recommend
      radiation, chemotherapy, surgery, targeted therapy and/
      or immunotherapy.
        In recent years, cisplatin-based chemotherapy given along
      with radiation, called chemoradiation, has emerged as the new
      standard of care for treating locally advanced or high-risk,
      early-stage cervical cancer. This combination has improved
      response rates and survival compared to prior therapy with
      radiation alone.
        More  recently,  new  combinations  of  treatment  with
      chemo-radiation have been found to improve outcomes
      for patients with cervical cancer including combinations
      with chemotherapy  and immunotherapy.  This makes
      individualizing treatment options for each patient through
      a multidisciplinary approach critical to achieve the best
      outcomes for each individual patient.
      Q: What are the surgical options for treating cervical
        A:  In  its  earliest  stages,  cervical  cancer  is  usually
      curable by removing the cancerous tissue.  This may
      involve undergoing a deep resection of the cervix (cold
      knife cone), a minimally invasive simple hysterectomy or
      a radical hysterectomy.
        A simple hysterectomy involves the removal of the
      uterus but not the tissue next to the uterus. The vagina
      and  pelvic  lymph  nodes  are  not  removed. A radical
      hysterectomy removes the uterus, parametrium, cervix,
      upper vagina and pelvic lymph nodes.
        Premenopausal women who wish to preserve the uterus,
      may be able to choose a fertility-sparing surgery, such as
      cone biopsy or trachelectomy. In the former procedure,
      the surgeon removes a cone-shaped piece of tissue from
      the cervix. The latter procedure removes only the cervix
      and upper vagina.
      Q: What are the best ways to help prevent cervical
        A: Receiving regular gynecological exams and getting
      Pap  tests  are  the  most  important  steps  to  take  toward
      preventing cervical cancer. In addition, women should
      get the HPV vaccine, if eligible; use condoms or other
      barrier methods during sex; limit sexual partners; and stop
      smoking or using tobacco products.
        To make an appointment with Dr. Suarez Mora or another
      specialist at Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital, call (877)
      463-2010 or visit
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