Page 10 - Southern Exposure - December '24
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Page 10, Southern Exposure

              aLL about Kids                              art Happenings from page 9
                                                            Benzaiten Center For Creative Arts

        My Child Is Slow                                                        South Florida Studio Showdown

             To Get Going                                 Benzaiten Center For Creative Arts
                                                          For more information call (561) 508-7315
                                                            We are kicking off our 10th Anniversary
         By Jim Forgan, Ph.D., Licensed School Psychologist  Season with our own version of the Netflix
                                                          show, Blown Away. We call it the great South
        Eve’s nickname is                                 Florida Studio Showdown. This is where we
      “Eeyore” one parent told me.                        bring together all the top glassblowers who are
      She was feeling frustration                         living and working in South Florida from both
      when dealing with her child                         coasts. Participating will be international artist,
      completing tasks slower                             Rob Stern and Brenna Baker who both appeared
      than everyone else. Whether                         on Blown Away!
      it was doing homework,                                All the artists will work on their own
      completing simple household                         individual  pieces,  and  then  they  will  all  be
      chores, or getting out the                          assembled to make one large, impressive piece. Last     By being on our mailing list you will always be up
      door in the morning, Eve                            year’s work had an ocean theme. See pictures below   to date about our class offerings as well as our much-
      was slow or the last one                            showing the front and back of the piece.         anticipated visiting artist events. We have a stellar
      to go. It required constant                           We are continuing with our holiday classes and   lineup of glassblowing artists this year, so we don’t
      reminders and mom felt like she was always nagging. She   workshops in Fused Christmas Ornaments, Glass-blown   want you to miss out. If you have never been to one of
      hypothesized her daughter was perhaps lazy, unmotivated,   Christmas Ornaments, and Flameworked Christmas   our “artist blow-outs,” you are really missing a great
      or did not understand what to do. But what really perplexed   Ornaments, as well as our Fused Glass Menorah   opportunity to see some of the best glassblowers from
      this mom was that Eve was slow regardless of if the activity   Workshop. Besides all these seasonal workshops   around the world perform in real time. Besides a three-
      was something fun or routine. It could be getting ready for a   we conduct our normal classes in glassblowing,   hour fiery, muscular glassblowing demonstration by our
      fun day at the waterpark and she was still slow.    flameworking, fusing and welding. As for our fun,   visiting artists, we pump up the action by providing live
        There are many reasons why a child is completing tasks   two-day welding workshops, where else in Palm Beach   music from some of our most talented, local musicians.
      at a much slower pace than their peers. One reason is your   County can one sign up for a two-day workshop to play   We also provide tasty nibbles and two drink tickets
      child could have slower processing speed so even simple tasks   with sparks?                         (you can purchase more). All these events were sold out
      will take them longer to complete. This can leave your child     And please think of us for all your other holiday   last year. So this year, we have been forced to raise the
      feeling overwhelmed, mentally fatigued, and discouraged.   gift-giving needs. We have unique and affordable items   reservation price to $25 per person, and extra to reserve
      Second, your child could have a weak working memory   in our gift shop that are perfect for office gifts as well   front row seating.
      and struggle to keep track of the tasks they are assigned and   as friends and family. Also, our gift certificates make     Check out their website for all the fun classes,
      often forget what to do next. This can especially be noticed if   great gifts and there are a lot of different options. Call   workshops, visiting artists’ events and fundraisers planned
      you give your child multiple tasks at once. Third, your child   the center to find out about them.   for this upcoming season. Do not miss out on the fun!
      may have weaker inhibition which means that they have a
      hard time resisting distractors. Your child could be cleaning                                      
      their room and find something they misplaced and become                                                      (561) 508-7315
      distracted playing with this and not cleaning up. Fourth,
      your child might have ADHD, Predominantly Inattentive                                                        Hours
      Presentation or what we used to call ADD.                                                                    Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to
        Seek answers and understanding so you can do something                                                     5 p.m.
      different instead of becoming frustrated with your child and
      straining your relationship. A school neuropsychological                                                     Find Us
      evaluation will help you get to the root cause of why your                                                   1105 Second Avenue South, Lake  Worth
      child is completing tasks so slowly. Our evaluations assess                                                  Beach, FL 33460
      all of these potential causes and provide specific and helpful                                                 GPS doesn’t always get you here: Exit
      recommendations to improve your child’s functioning in the                                                   I-95 at Sixth Avenue and go east. Take a left
      home and school settings.                                                                                    at the blue Kwik Stop Store and then a right
        Call us at (561) 625-4125 to discuss your child or learn                                                   on Third Avenue South. Park in our parking
      more at                                                                                   lot or anywhere on the street.

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