Page 28 - PGA Community News - December '24
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Page 28, PGA C.A.N.!                                        2 Spaces                                                                                                                                                              December 2024
                                                                          December 2024

      Benzaiten Center For Creative Arts

      South Florida Studio


      Benzaiten Center For Creative Arts
      For more information call (561) 508-7315
         We are kicking off our 10th Anniversary Season with
      our own version of the Netflix show, Blown Away. We
      call it the great South Florida Studio Showdown. This
      is where we bring together all the top glassblowers who
      are living and working in South Florida from both coasts.
      Participating will be international artist, Rob Stern and
      Brenna Baker who both appeared on Blown Away!
         All the artists will work on their own individual pieces,
      and then they will all be assembled to make one large,
      impressive piece. Last year’s work had an ocean theme.
      See pictures at right showing the front and back of the
      piece.                                              Financial Focus                          ®
         We are continuing with our holiday classes and
      workshops in Fused Christmas Ornaments, Glass-blown
      Christmas  Ornaments,  and  Flameworked  Christmas   Consider Tax-Smart                                Of course, if you need some or all your RMDs to help
      Ornaments, as well as our Fused Glass Menorah Workshop.                                              sustain yourself in retirement, the use of QCDs may not be
      Besides all these seasonal workshops we conduct our   Charitable Gifts                               of interest to you. Keep in mind, though, that you can start
      normal classes in glassblowing, flameworking, fusing                                                 making QCDs at 70½, even before you must start taking
      and welding. As for our fun, two-day welding workshops,   By Sally Sima Stahl                        RMDs. QCDs up to $105,000 can be taken in 2024.
      where else in Palm Beach County can one sign up for a     As we enter the annual                        • Consider a donor-advised fund. If you’re interested in
      two-day workshop to play with sparks?               season of giving, you might                      a long-term charitable giving arrangement, you might want
         And please think of us for all your other holiday gift-  be thinking of charities you             to consider establishing a donor-advised fund. You can put
      giving needs. We have unique and affordable items in our   wish to support. But you                  many types of assets into this fund, and then direct it to
      gift shop that are perfect for office gifts as well as friends   also might be wondering             make grants periodically to the charities you’ve chosen.
      and family. Also, our gift certificates make great gifts and   how to gain some tax                  You get an immediate tax deduction for your contribution,
      there are a lot of different options. Call the center to find   benefits from your gifts.            and, if you donate appreciated assets, such as stocks, you’ll
      out about them.                                       It used to be pretty                           avoid the capital gains taxes you would have incurred if
         By being on our mailing list you will always be up   straightforward: You wrote                   you simply sold the stocks and then gave the money to the
      to date about our class offerings as well as our much-  a check to a charity and                     charities. One note of caution, though—your contributions
      anticipated visiting artist events. We have a stellar lineup   then deducted the amount              to a donor-advised fund are irrevocable, and once the assets
      of glassblowing artists this year, so we don’t want you   of the gift, within limits, from your taxes. But a few years  are in the fund, you can’t use them for anything except
      to miss out. If you have never been to one of our “artist   ago, as part of tax law changes, the standard deduction  charitable giving.
      blow-outs,” you are really missing a great opportunity to   was raised significantly, so fewer people were able to    These strategies—QCDs and donor-advised funds in
      see some of the best glassblowers from around the world   itemize deductions. Consequently, there was less financial  particular—can be complex and involve several issues
      perform in real time. Besides a three-hour fiery, muscular   incentive to make charitable gifts.     of which you should be aware. So, you should consult
      glassblowing demonstration by our visiting artists, we     Of course, this didn’t entirely stop people from making  your tax advisor before taking action. But if any of these
      pump up the action by providing live music from some of   them. And it’s still possible to gain some tax advantages, too.  techniques are appropriate for your situation, give them
      our most talented, local musicians. We also provide tasty     Here are a few tax-smart charitable giving strategies:  some thought—because helping a charitable group and
      nibbles and two drink tickets (you can purchase more).     • Bunch your charitable gifts into one year. If you  getting tax benefits for doing so is a “win” for everyone.
      All these events were sold out last year. So this year, we   combine a few years’ worth of charitable gifts in a single    This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
      have been forced to raise the reservation price to $25 per   year, you could surpass the standard deduction amount and  your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward Jones,
      person, and extra to reserve front row seating.     then itemize deductions for that year. In the years following,  Member SIPC.
         Check out their website for all the fun classes,   you could revert to taking the standard deduction.     Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in
      workshops, visiting artists’ events and fundraisers planned     • Make qualified charitable distributions. Once you turn  all states and Washington, D.C., through Edward D.
      for this upcoming season. Do not miss out on the fun!  73 (or 75 if you were born in 1960 or later), you must start  Jones & Co., L.P., and in California, New Mexico and                             taking withdrawals from your traditional or inherited IRA.  Massachusetts through Edward Jones Insurance Agency
      (561) 508-7315                                      These withdrawals—technically called required minimum  of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones Insurance Agency of
      Hours                                               distributions, or RMDs—are taxable at your personal  New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones Insurance Agency
      Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.     income tax rate, so, if the amounts are large enough, they  of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
      Find Us                                             could push you into a higher tax bracket or cause you to    Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors
      1105 Second Avenue South, Lake Worth Beach, FL 33460  pay larger Medicare premiums.                  cannot provide tax advice. You should consult your
         GPS doesn’t always get you here: Exit I-95 at Sixth     But if you donate these RMDs directly to a qualified  qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.
      Avenue and go east. Take a left at the blue Kwik Stop   charity, you can avoid the taxes. And because these    Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl,
      Store and then a right on Third Avenue South. Park in   donations, known as qualified charitable distributions  CFP , AAMS™, 1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106,
      our parking lot or anywhere on the street.          (QCDs), will reduce the balance on your IRA, you may  Jupiter, FL 33458.
                                                          have lower RMDs in the future.
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