Page 8 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - December '24
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Page 8, Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens
      TGH Pulmonologist Uses New Technology

      To Diagnose And Treat Early-Stage Lung Cancer

        According to the American Cancer Society, lung cancer   advancements in robotics,                    “If  an  abnormality  appears  on  a  patient’s  lung  CT
      is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S. among   software, data science                     scan, the robotic bronchoscopy is used to pinpoint the
      both  men  and  women.  Often  asymptomatic,  it  can  go   and endoscopy (the use of                nodule’s location and take a biopsy of the tissue,” said
      undiagnosed  for  an  extended  period. When  symptoms   small cameras  and  tools                   Wellikoff.  “The  technology  works  in  concert  with  the
      do  appear,  it’s  usually  because  the  cancer  has  spread,   to enter the body through           CT scan, offering us a more precise road map to reach
      and there’s less chance for survival, which makes early   its natural openings). Dr.                 problem areas in a patient’s lung that are hard to access.
      screenings critical to diagnosing and treating the disease.  Wellikoff  was  among  the              It’s a real game changer because it means we can detect
      Who  should  be  screened  for  lung  cancer?  The  U.S.   first pulmonologists in the               and treat the disease earlier.”
      Preventive Services Task Force recommends yearly lung   United  States  to  utilize                    Wellikoff is board certified by the American Board
      cancer screening for people who:                   the  technology,  which                           of Internal Medicine in the subspecialties of pulmonary
        • Have a 20 pack-year or more smoking history    was recently cleared by                           diseases and critical care medicine. Additionally,
        • Smoke now or have quit within the past 15 years  the  U.S.  Food  and  Drug                      Wellikoff  was  the  first  board-certified  interventional
        • Are between 50 and 80 years old                Administration (FDA).   Adam Wellikoff            pulmonologist in Florida.
        Dr. Adam  Wellikoff,  a  Palm  Beach  County-based     A physician operates the                      TGH PCSI recently joined Tampa General as part of
      pulmonologist  with  Tampa  General  Hospital  (TGH)   robotic bronchoscopy via a video game-like controller.   the hospital’s initiative to serve more patients on Florida’s
      Pulmonary Care and Sleep Institute (PCSI), offers a new,   The bronchoscopy utilizes a flexible robotic endoscope   East Coast. Tampa General has been creating a framework
      minimally invasive technology that enables earlier and   to  navigate  through  the  periphery  of  the  lungs  with   of  state-of-the-art  services  for  patients  in  the  Palm
      more accurate diagnosis of lung cancer. The technology   improved  vision,  reach  and  control.  The  technology   Beach and Treasure Coast areas, with the expertise and
      is  a  robotic  bronchoscopy  that  integrates  the  latest   allows physicians to reach locations in the lung that are   innovation of an academic health system. TGH PCSI has
                                                         inaccessible  by  a  traditional  bronchoscopy,  making  it   offices conveniently located in Atlantis and Wellington.
                                                         possible to detect and diagnose lung cancer earlier for
                                                                                                             For more information about TGH PCSI, please call
        My Child Is Slow                                 better treatment options and outcomes.            (561) 739-4TGH (4844) or visit

        To Get Going                                     Medicare Corner With Kathy O

                                                           Since  the  Medicare                            the month you move and continues for two full months after
        By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.                             Annual Enrollment Period                          you move or 2) If you tell your plan after you move, your
        Licensed School                                  is  ending  Dec.  7,  I’d  like                   chance to switch plans begins the month you tell your plan,
        Psychologist                                     to offer some general                             plus two more full months.
          Eve’s  nickname  is                            Medicare tips and advice.                           It  is  also  important  to  change  your  address  with
        “Eeyore”  one  parent                              The  single  most                               Medicare. This is done through Social Security by phone
        told  me.  S he  w as                            important thing you can do                        or online at
        feeling frustration when                         for yourself is to have your                        Why is Social Security involved when I need services with
        dealing  with  her  child                        own agent. Your agent is an                       Medicare? Social Security (SSA) is the gatekeeper for Medicare.
        completing tasks slower                          amazing resource to reorder                       Your earnings are tracked by SSA and you must qualify with
        than  everyone  else.                            lost  cards,  answer  benefit                     40 work quarters to receive Medicare. Medicare also relies on
        Whether  it  was  doing                          questions,  give  a  list  of                     SSA to determine your Part B Premium and if you receive SSA
        homework,  completing                            specialists, review notices, claim statements and so much   benefits, to collect your premium. If you are not receiving SSA
        simple household chores, or getting out the door in the   more. Your agent can even answer questions about those   benefits, you will be billed quarterly by Medicare.
        morning, Eve was slow or the last one to go. It required   pesky TV ads and all the gossip from your friends about     If you still need to review or change your Medicare plan,
        constant reminders and mom felt like she was always   Medicare. Best of all, there is no cost to have an agent.  Open Enrollment is Jan. 1 to Mar. 30 and you may qualify
        nagging. She hypothesized her daughter was perhaps     Moving? Do  not  change  your  address  with  your   for a Special Enrollment. Call me! If you have new Medicare
        lazy, unmotivated, or did not understand what to do.   Advantage, supplement or drug plan carrier prior to your   Topic suggestions, email me at
        But what really perplexed this mom was that Eve was   move without first speaking to your agent – if you don’t have     I  speak  Medicare:  Supplement,  Drug  Plan  and
        slow regardless of if the activity was something fun   one, find one. When you call member service and change your   Advantage Plan.
        or routine. It could be getting ready for a fun day at   address, they may cancel your plan at the end of the current     For your free Medicare Plan review please call me.
        the waterpark and she was still slow.            month, even if you don’t move until next month. This could   Kathy Olejniczak, Agent, at (561) 835-5413 or cell/text
          There are many reasons why a child is completing   unknowingly leave you with no coverage.       (561) 212-7640.
        tasks at a much slower pace than their peers. One reason     The Special Enrollment Period for moving outside your
        is your child could have slower processing speed so   plan service rules are: 1) If you tell your plan before you
        even simple tasks will take them longer to complete.   move, your chance to switch plans begins the month before
        This  can  leave  your  child  feeling  overwhelmed,
        mentally fatigued, and discouraged. Second, your child
        could have a weak working memory and struggle to
        keep track of the tasks they are assigned and often        Susan Has Moved To A
        forget what to do next. This can especially be noticed
        if you give your child multiple tasks at once. Third,
        your child may have weaker inhibition which means                        New Location!
        that they have a hard time resisting distractors. Your
        child could be cleaning their room and find something
        they misplaced and become distracted playing with    Androcles Hair Salon
        this  and  not  cleaning  up.  Fourth,  your  child  might
        have ADHD, Predominantly Inattentive Presentation          4031 Hood Rd., Suite C-108
        or what we used to call ADD.                             Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
          Seek answers and understanding so you can do
        something different instead of becoming frustrated with
        your child and straining your relationship. A school                       Susan
        neuropsychological evaluation will help you get to the
        root cause of why your child is completing tasks so slowly.
        Our evaluations assess all of these potential causes and               Swafford
        provide specific and helpful recommendations to improve
        your child’s functioning in the home and school settings.
          Call us at (561) 625-4125 to discuss your child or learn   561-312-0457
        more at




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