Page 4 - Stuart Exposure - December '24
P. 4

Page 4, Stuart Exposure

      Education Foundation from page 1

      Martin County Middle School Teacher of the Year sponsored
      by Publix Super Markets Charities – Superintendent Michael
      Maine; Dr. Jennifer DiTrapani, EFMC board member;   Gina Prochilo, Josh Muir and Devin                               Martin  County Elementary School
      Middle school winner Alicia Carter, Physical Education,   Carlson, General Manager and Partner   Overall and elementary school winner  Teacher of the Year sponsored by Cook
      Creative Writing and Digital Media teacher at Hidden Oaks   of Murgado Automotive Group Stuart   Vanessa Molina-Council accepts the  Shell Contractors – The Honorable
      Middle School; and Christopher Forte, Hidden Oaks Middle   (Photo by Doreen Poreba)  keys to her brand-new Alfa Romeo  Gayle Harrell, EFMC board member
      School principal (Photo by Paul Careccia)                                           Stelvio from Devin Carlson, general  and Vanessa Molina-Council, Fourth
                                                        students’ curiosity, while integrating   manager and partner at Murgado  Grade Citrus Grove Elementary teacher
         “What  inspires                                innovative teaching methods, is truly   Automotive Group Stuart, event sponsor.  and overall and elementary school
      me today is to see the                            commendable.”                     (Photo by Lisa Rhodes)           winner (Photo by Paul Careccia)
      same joy of learning                                 Carter has worked as an intervention
      in my classroom                                   reading teacher as well as a creative writing and digital      “The students in her
      and the motivation                                media teacher, and a physical education and volunteer   classes benefit from her
      in my students to                                 running coach.                                     details to planning as they
      reach their fullest                                  One of her fellow teachers, Natalie Walters, stated in her   are prepared for the rigor
      potential,” said                                  letter of recommendation, “I have worked with Alicia for   of college or real-world
      Molina-Council.                                   two years at Hidden Oaks Middle School, and I can attest   careers,” said Vogel. “She
      “My students make                                 to the fact that she is a superhuman, dedicated teacher and   is always willing to go the
      me feel like  I  am                               colleague, and she is driven and conscientious. Look no   extra mile to help other
      where I am meant to                               further; because you will not find a more suitable candidate   teachers develop lessons
      be, especially when                               for Martin County Teacher of the Year than Alicia Carter!”  that are engaging for their
      I see those  light                                   Pankhurst has taught almost every social studies course   students, and to  help  our
      bulbs go off!”                                    at  Jensen  Beach  High  School.  Currently  a  teacher  of   students to ensure they meet
         Her principal,                                 advance placement human geography and United States   requirements necessary for
      Rose R ynca,  Treasure Coast Classical Academy    history, her principal, Lori Vogel, noted how Pankhurst   graduation.”
      s aid, “Vanes s a  teacher nominee William Price and   encourages her students to think beyond books to solve      In addition to  Audi
      exemplifies  Mary Beth Price of Treasure Coast    problems and become leaders.                       Stuart,  Infiniti  Stuart,  and  Dr. David L. Anderson Middle
      the qualities of  Classical Academy (Photo by Doreen                                                 Alfa Romeo Stuart as the  School nominee Ashley Kemler
      an outstanding  Poreba)                                                                              presenting sponsor, the  and Christopher Gomez (Photo
      educator in every                                                                                    additional top sponsors were  by Doreen Poreba)
      aspect of her teaching role. She consistently develops                                               Keiser University, Publix
      her instructional craft and is steadfast in her belief                                               Super Markets Charities and Cook Shell Contractors.
      that all students will achieve. Her ability to inspire                                                  The Education Foundation of Martin County is the
                                                                                                           Martin County School District’s strategic nonprofit partner
                                                                                                           with the mission of enriching and enhancing educational
                                                                                                           opportunities and support for students and teachers
                                                                                                           in  Martin  County’s  public  schools. As  an  independent
                                                                                                           group, the foundation promotes this effort by raising and
                                                                                                           distributing private and corporate funds through several
                                                                                                           established programs, including classroom enrichment
                                                                                                           grants, literacy programs, professional development for
                                                        Michael Recinos, Celine Salgado, Anne-Marie Shultz and   teachers, special initiatives, scholarships and programs
                                                        Christina Saltos with iThink Financial Credit Union (Photo   to recognize outstanding teaching. For more information,
                                                        by Doreen Poreba)                                  please visit

      Superintendent Michael Maine; Dr. Tracy Record, Keiser
      University Department chair for Legal Studies; High School
      winner Samantha Pankhurst, Social Studies teacher at Jensen
      Beach High School; and Lori Vogel, Jensen Beach High
      School Principal (Photo by Paul Careccia)

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