Page 5 - Palm City Spotlight - December '24
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Palm City Spotlight, Page 5

                                                    Tip Of The Tail

      Puppy “Potty” Training Tips                       in comfortably, but small enough so that they don’t have     This rigid routine can be a few weeks to a couple
                                                        room to pee or poop on the floor of the crate. If you’re   of months depending on the breed and consistency of
                                                        using a plastic crate, make sure it has ventilation holes so   training  before  he  or  she  is  officially  “potty”  trained.
                                                        that your puppy doesn’t get too hot or too cold inside of it.   Just remember that even the most diligent owner should
                                                        Do not use the wire cages because they will feel exposed.   expect accidents and should not get upset. If you happen
                                                        When the pup wakes up, take him directly outside to the   to catch your pup in the act, just say no potty to him or
                                                        same spot each time and stand there, do not distract him   her to make them stop and take out right away to allow
                                                        or her. You can use the cue word “potty” just once so he or   your pup to finish and then offer a treat. If you punish
                                                        she associates the word with the action. Once he has gone   your pup you could cause them to be scared. This can lead
                                                        to the bathroom, both pee and poop, reward him or her   to him or her sneaking off to go potty in the house where
                                                        with a treat. If he or she has not done both pee and poop   you cannot see them instead. Just saying no will confuse
                                                        then put him or her back in the crate and try again in 15   them. No potty is specific to the situation.
                                                        minutes. Once he or she has done both then you can feed     Having a puppy is fun but is a serious commitment.
                                                        and have a play session. Keep your eyes on your pup at all   The potty training process requires, above all, patience
                                                        times. Watch for signs of sniffing the ground, wandering   and consistency. It will be well worth it to have a fully
        Like infants and toddlers, young puppies require an   off away from play area. If these signs are noticed, then   house trained pup!
      extensive amount of time, planning and energy-usually   take outside immediately. If less than 12 weeks of age,     Established in 1981,  Palm  City  Animal  Medical
      much more than one predicts. Potty training a puppy, one   take him or her outside every 30 minutes until he or she   Center is dedicated to providing the best possible care
      of the most trying tasks, can be difficult. You can make   begins going potty outside consistently. Then extend the   for your pets. With focuses on compassionate care in
      this process easier by understanding your puppy and the   time to 1 hour, then 2 hours and so on until no accidents   surgery, physical therapy and rehabilitation, preventative
      tricks that will help you train him or her.       occur. Always take him or her out about 15-20 minutes   medicine, extensive diagnostics, and emergency service,
        First, you should get a crate for your puppy. A crate   after eating or drinking, wakes up from a nap or has been   Palm City Animal Medical Center combines exceptional
      is a place where your dog can feel safe and secure. It’s   playing hard and then slows down. Also have your pup go   medical care with a caring philosophy for pets and their
      important that they have their own space in which they can   in the crate for naps throughout the day and go through   owners. For more information, call 772-283-0920, visit
      go when they need to be alone-it is their den. The crate   the same process as in the morning each time he or she or find us on
      should be big enough for them to stand up and lie down   is taken out.                               Facebook at
                                                lOCal GOverNmeNT

      Martin County Tax Collector                       PAYPAL as a new payment option to online property tax
      By Ruth “Ski” Pietruszewski,                        The best alternative if the individual needs to make
      Martin County                                     payments is the installment plan. This plan almost gives
      Tax Collector                                     you the same cost as paying the entire bill at one time,
                                                        except you are paying your taxes in advance. The first-
      We LOVE To Offer                                  year installments may be a little difficult, unless you are a
      Choices! Make The                                 new property owner and choose this option for your first
      Right Choice For You!                             tax bill, but once the property is put on the installment
                                                        cycle, this option really gives you almost the same value
        People come from all                            as paying one lump sum, while you make four smaller
      walks  of  life  and  have                        payments instead of one large lump payment.
      all different types of                              For individuals who are self-employed or live on
      lifestyles.  We try to help                       straight commission, we offer a partial payment plan. On
      our constituents have a better quality of life by offering   this plan the taxpayer may make as many payments and
      different payment options to accommodate their lifestyle,   any amount they can afford, as long as the entire amount
      relieving their stress and lessening the financial burden.   is paid in full by April 1. The downside to this plan is that
      Let’s talk about property tax, since usually that is an   the individual loses all discounts.        part of. The fee charged for an international or business
      individual’s largest bill.                          We also offer several different payment options. The   credit card online is 3.95 percent, which we get no part of.
        The option that gives you the lowest cost is to pay your   quickest and easiest is online. E-checks are $1.50. Visit   Payment may be made by mail (postmark determines the
      entire bill in the 4 percent discount period in one lump   our website at Credit cards are also   discount period), dropped off at our drive-through window
      sum; however, some people are unable to come up with   offered online; however, the credit card processing company   at the Palm City branch, dropped off in our convenient
      that large amount of money at one time. We have added   charges a 2.75 percent convenience fee, which we get no   drop boxes at all of our four locations or in our after-hours
                                                                                                           “24/7/365” lock box at our drive-through window at the
                                                                                                           Palm City location. We opened a speedy walk-in Payment
                                                                                                           Express office at the Willoughby location in Stuart. (Look
           EVERY SUNDAY | FLAGLER PARK                                                                     for the big blue banner.) A taxpayer may walk into any of
                                                                                                           our four convenient locations and we are ready to serve you.
                     9AM-2PM                                                                               We are here and waiting to serve and help with whatever
                                                                                                           option you choose. Make the best choice for you!

                                                                                                           Drop Your Property Taxes Off At The Drive-
                           Live Music                                                                      Through At The Palm City Branch Office

                   Fresh Local Produce
                       Artisanal Foods

             Unique Handcrafted Goods
                    Monthy FREE Yoga
                   & Wellness Activities

           Kids Market (1st & 3rd Sunday Monthly)

                                                                                                             Ruth “Ski” Pietruszewski, Martin County Tax Collector,
                                                                                                           opens the drive-through tax collector service at the Palm
                                                                                                           City location. The window is used for individuals with
                                                                                                           handicapped parking placards, license plates, and disabled
                                                                                                           veterans. Others wishing to use the drive-through window
                          SCAN TO                                                                          will be limited to three transactions and payment may be
                            LEARN                                                                          made by cash or check.
                                                                                                             “I opened our drive-through service,” stated Ruth “Ski”
                            MORE                                     Operated by Stuart Main Street        Pietruszewski, “to include property tax payments. It has been
                                                                                                           one of my goals to make life easier for the busy on-the-go
                                                                                                           residents. People have limited time and parents of young
                            Gift Local this Holiday Season!                                                children, and the elderly don’t want to get out of the car.
                                                                                                           We’re bringing customer service to a higher level.”
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