Page 5 - Jupiter Spotlight - December '24
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Jupiter Spotlight, Page 5
      Jupiter Senior Softball                                                                               Little Smiles from page 4

        A crowd of about 60 Jupiter                                                                           Another highlight was the presentation of awards that
      Senior Softball players turned                                                                        were given to Little Smiles founder Chip Donohue and
      out for a Veterans Day ceremony                                                                       to nurse Judy Martyak who received the Amy A. Reilly
      honoring all who have served in                                                                       Humanitarian Award. Their dedication and compassion
      the military.                                                                                         have made a lasting impact on the organization and the
        The  event  at  Jupiter                                                                             children it serves.
      Community  Park  featured                                                                               The evening would not be possible without the leadership
      players gathered around a large                                                                       of cochairs Samantha Shepherd and Virginia Sinicki and
      American flag donated by the                                                                          the generous support of sponsors including Ameriprise
      family of the late Gerry Elias,                                                                       Financial The Nickler Group, Bronx House Pizza, Cataldo
      the  Jupiter  Senior  Softball                                                                        & Son Plastering, Inc., Debt Helper, David S. Feldman,
      Association’s  2023  Hall  of                                                                         M.D., Ernst Young, FPL Home, Frank and Herta Suess,
      Fame honoree.              The Veterans Day tribute was followed by four regularly scheduled slow-pitch softball games.   Garage Living, Gioia Family, Good Greek Moving &
        Army veteran Gary Vitaletti,                                                                        Storage, Ideal Nutrition, Jackie and Bert Klawonn at BWG
      explained  that  November  11,  1919  was  proclaimed     The ceremony concluded with Ron Nolan, an Army   Realty, Joseph Lubeck, The Donohue Group at J.P. Morgan
      as Armistice  Day  by  President  Woodrow  Wilson  to   veteran of the Vietnam War, playing a recording of the   Wealth Management, The Leandro P. Rizzuto Foundation,
      commemorate the first anniversary of the cessation of fighting   National Anthem in honor of all who have worn a uniform   Ocean Properties, Platinum Title Insurers, Reilly Foam
      in World War I. Following the World War II and the Korean   in defense of our country. Then it was “play ball” as players   Corporation, Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, St.
      War, congress again amended the name of the holiday. “This   took to the fields for scheduled games.  Mary’s Medical Center and Palm Beach Children’s Hospital,
      time to honor those who participated in all U.S. wars, calling     The senior softball program is open to persons 55 and   Vertical Bridge, and Waferworld.
      it Veterans Day in 1954,” Vitaletti said.         older, and new players are welcome. Games are every     Little Smiles Florida has been making a difference in the
        More than a dozen veterans in the audience were also   Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning beginning at   lives of children throughout South Florida for 25 years. In
      recognized for their service with a round of applause when   8:30 a.m. at Jupiter Community Park. Sponsorships are   2023 alone, the organization brought smiles to over 55,000
      they were asked to step forward. They included veterans of   also available.                          local children, working closely with 34 pediatric facilities,
      of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard and     For more information contact Gary Newman at (917) 623-  including hospitals, shelters, medical daycare centers, foster
      National Guard.                                   0791 or to register online go to  homes, and local law enforcement.
                                                                                                              For more information about Little Smiles Florida and
                                                                                                            their ongoing efforts, visit

                                                                                                            Rick and Elizabeth Wilson, Justin and Samantha
                                                                                                            Shepherd, Robert and Christina Bowman
      Veterans of various military branches were honored in a November 11 Veterans Day ceremony.

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