Page 10 - Jupiter Ocean Mile - December '24
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Page 10, Jupiter Ocean Mile
      Financial Focus                          ®

      Consider Tax-Smart                                deductions for that year. In the years following, you could   avoid the capital gains taxes you would have incurred if
                                                                                                           you simply sold the stocks and then gave the money to the
                                                        revert to taking the standard deduction.
      Charitable Gifts                                    • Make qualified charitable distributions. Once you turn   charities. One note of caution, though—your contributions
                                                        73 (or 75 if you were born in 1960 or later), you must start   to a donor-advised fund are irrevocable, and once the assets
      By Sally Sima Stahl,                              taking withdrawals from your traditional or inherited IRA.   are in the fund, you can’t use them for anything except
        As we enter the annual                          These withdrawals—technically called required minimum   charitable giving.
      season of giving, you might                       distributions, or RMDs—are taxable at your personal income     These strategies—QCDs and donor-advised funds in
      be thinking of charities you                      tax rate, so, if the amounts are large enough, they could push   particular—can be complex and involve several issues of
      wish to support. But you also                     you into a higher tax bracket or cause you to pay larger   which you should be aware. So, you should consult your tax
      might be wondering how to                         Medicare premiums.                                 advisor before taking action. But if any of these techniques
      gain some tax benefits from                         But if you donate these RMDs directly to a qualified   are appropriate for your situation, give them some thought—
      your gifts.                                       charity, you can avoid the taxes. And because these donations,   because helping a charitable group and getting tax benefits
        It used to be pretty                            known as qualified charitable distributions (QCDs), will   for doing so is a “win” for everyone.
      straightforward: You wrote                        reduce the balance on your IRA, you may have lower RMDs     This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
      a check to a charity and then                     in the future.                                     your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward Jones,
      deducted the amount of the                          Of course, if you need some or all your RMDs to help   Member SIPC.
      gift, within limits, from your taxes. But a few years ago, as   sustain yourself in retirement, the use of QCDs may not be     Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in all states
      part of tax law changes, the standard deduction was raised   of interest to you. Keep in mind, though, that you can start   and Washington, D.C., through Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P.,
      significantly, so fewer people were able to itemize deductions.   making QCDs at 70½, even before you must start taking   and in California, New Mexico and Massachusetts through
      Consequently, there was less financial incentive to make   RMDs. QCDs up to $105,000 can be taken in 2024.  Edward Jones Insurance Agency of California, L.L.C.;
      charitable gifts.                                    • Consider a donor-advised fund. If you’re interested in   Edward Jones Insurance Agency of New Mexico, L.L.C.; and
        Of course, this didn’t entirely stop people from making   a long-term charitable giving arrangement, you might want   Edward Jones Insurance Agency of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
      them. And it’s still possible to gain some tax advantages, too.   to consider establishing a donor-advised fund. You can put     Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors cannot
        Here are a few tax-smart charitable giving strategies:  many types of assets into this fund, and then direct it to   provide tax advice. You should consult your qualified tax
        • Bunch your charitable gifts into one year. If you combine   make grants periodically to the charities you’ve chosen.   advisor regarding your situation.
      a few years’ worth of charitable gifts in a single year, you   You get an immediate tax deduction for your contribution,     Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, CFP ,
      could surpass the standard deduction amount and then itemize   and, if you donate appreciated assets, such as stocks, you’ll   AAMS™, 1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.
      Medicare Corner With Kathy O

        Since  the  Medicare                              Moving? Do  not  change  your  address  with  your     Why is Social Security involved when I need services with
      Annual Enrollment Period                          Advantage, supplement or drug plan carrier prior to your   Medicare? Social Security (SSA) is the gatekeeper for Medicare.
      is  ending  Dec.  7,  I’d  like                   move without first speaking to your agent – if you don’t have   Your earnings are tracked by SSA and you must qualify with
      to offer some general                             one, find one. When you call member service and change your   40 work quarters to receive Medicare. Medicare also relies on
      Medicare tips and advice.                         address, they may cancel your plan at the end of the current   SSA to determine your Part B Premium and if you receive SSA
        The  single  most                               month, even if you don’t move until next month. This could   benefits, to collect your premium. If you are not receiving SSA
      important thing you can do                        unknowingly leave you with no coverage.            benefits, you will be billed quarterly by Medicare.
      for yourself is to have your                        The Special Enrollment Period for moving outside your     If you still need to review or change your Medicare plan,
      own agent. Your agent is an                       plan service rules are: 1) If you tell your plan before you   Open Enrollment is Jan. 1 to Mar. 30 and you may qualify
      amazing resource to reorder                       move, your chance to switch plans begins the month before   for a Special Enrollment. Call me! If you have new Medicare
      lost  cards,  answer  benefit                     the month you move and continues for two full months after   Topic suggestions, email me at
      questions, give a list of                         you move or 2) If you tell your plan after you move, your     I  speak  Medicare:  Supplement,  Drug  Plan  and
      specialists, review notices, claim statements and so much   chance to switch plans begins the month you tell your plan,   Advantage Plan.
      more. Your agent can even answer questions about those   plus two more full months.                    For your free Medicare Plan review please call me.
      pesky TV ads and all the gossip from your friends about     It is also important to change your address with Medicare. This   Kathy Olejniczak, Agent, at (561) 835-5413 or cell/text
      Medicare. Best of all, there is no cost to have an agent.  is done through Social Security by phone or online at  (561) 212-7640.
      Gifting Greatness With College Planning

      By Peggy Forgan, M. Ed.                             Giving  the  gift  of  college  planning  to  children  and   workshops, career assessment, applications, and scholarship
        Give  a  high  school                           grandchildren is a thoughtful and impactful way to support their   opportunities. These services help your student become
      aged loved one a college                          future success. As the cost of higher education continues to rise,   positioned to succeed. The SAT prep courses are tailored
      planning gift that will last                      many families feel the financial strain of paying for college. By   to improve test scores, while the college essay workshops
      beyond the holiday season.                        gifting college planning, you can help ease that burden and set   guide students in crafting compelling essays that stand out
      The  many  steps  of  the                         the next generation up for financial stability. I offer expert, 1:1   in the competitive admissions process. Additionally, the
      college application process                       college planning services, helping you navigate the complexities   career assessments help students explore their strengths and
      are stressful. I offer a                          of the admissions process and create a personalized plan to   interests, giving a clearer sense of direction for the future. No
      comprehensive roadmap for                         maximize financial resources and minimize student debt. Using   detail is left unnoticed in the application process. Ultimately,
      students to stand out in the                      Class 101’s approach, the college planning process can begin as   gifting the college planning services through Class 101 is
      crowd and help them connect                       early as ninth grade, ensuring that students have ample time to   an investment in your student’s academic success, financial
      all the details and meet all the                  build a strong academic and extracurricular profile that aligns   well-being, and future career opportunities.
      deadlines. My flat fee and all-inclusive 1:1 approach helps   with their college and career goals.     For information or to schedule a free consultation please
      your student build a college resume, increase test scores, and     Class 101’s comprehensive 1:1 services are designed   contact Peggy Forgan at (561) 418-7897 or www.class101.
      find the best schools at the best price, which all helps students   to provide expert college planning. Our approach offers   com/northpalmbeachfl/.
      achieve greatness.                                speed reading, SAT prep courses, college essay writing     Happy Holidays from Class 101!
       NEED A/C? We’ve Got You Covered!                                                           “Service is our number one priority”


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