Page 10 - The Jewish Voice - December '24
P. 10

Page 10, The Jewish Voice

      Local Happenings from page 9                      collective memory of millions who suffered during the   Katnip Marketing Wins
                                                        Holocaust. Over the years, Dreier turned to music as a
      delicate pastries, macarons, and scones. The morning was also   form of healing, and it was through this outlet that he and   Award for Outstanding
      a celebration in honor of Rebbetzin Chana Vigler’s birthday.   his fellow survivors found strength, solidarity, and a way
         Rebbetzin Chana spoke about the significance of the   to honor their past while embracing the future.  PR Campaign
      different kinds of love one can express through a hug, a      The Holocaust Survivors Band consists primarily
      kiss, words of admiration, and a gaze. What is interesting   of other  survivors and  their  descendants,  all of whom      Ed Katz, founder and managing principal of Katnip
      about these different expressions is that all but the first one   are deeply committed to keeping the legacy of their   Marketing, has received a Bernays Award for Best Public
      involve the person’s face. A hug encompasses the entire   experiences alive. Their performances feature a range   Relations Campaign by a Small Firm from the Gold Coast
      being of the person we love — the good, the bad, and the   of music — Jewish folk songs, traditional Klezmer, and   Public Relations Council.
      ugly, G-d forbid. In much the same way, when one enters   wartime melodies — that tell stories of pain, survival,      This honor, marking Katnip Marketing’s second
      the sukkah they are embraced by G-d Almighty, who says   and  the  enduring  spirit  of  the  Jewish  people.  Each   Bernays Award win, recognizes the firm’s campaign
      despite your imperfections and all those things that are not   song is imbued with layers of history, emotion, and the   for Academy Award-nominated actor Chris Sarandon’s
      so pretty about you, I love you nonetheless. This important   unbreakable bond between the performers  and their   podcast  Cooking  By  Heart.  The  campaign  achieved
      message doesn’t only pertain to the festival of Sukkos, but   heritage.                              widespread  media  coverage,  with  features  in  People
      gets infused to the entire year. So when we are filled with      For many in the audience, it was a deeply moving   Magazine, Fox News, The New York Post, Entertainment
      self-doubt and insecurities, always remember that we are in   experience  —  an  opportunity  to  witness  firsthand  the   Weekly, Entertainment Tonight, NBC-TV New York, and
      constant embrace with G-d who loves us unconditionally.   power of music to transcend tragedy and inspire hope.   Australia’s Today Show Extra, among others.
         Rebbetzin Chana asked the women to share their Jewish   The band’s performance was a reminder that, despite the      “I’m honored to receive this recognition for the second
      experience of the past year and in which ways they have felt   horrors of the Holocaust, Jewish life and culture continue
      proud of their spirituality. The women shared some special   to thrive.                              Local Happenings on page 11
      moments as well as well wishes and blessings for Rebbetzin
      Chana on her birthday.
         The tea ended with music and dancing, celebrating the     Lithium Battery Collection &
      moment, and feeling the joy of Jewish women coming
      together.                                                      Document Shredding Event

      Holocaust Survivor Band

      Transcends Tragedy and
      Inspires Hope                                                                                When:

         Temple Judea had                                                                    Jan. 11, 2025
      the honor of hosting
      a performance by                                                                     7 a.m.-12 p.m.
      Saul Dreier and his
      Holocaust Survivors
      Band, an extraordinary                                                                   Location:
      group whose music
      serves as a poignant                                                          13400 S. State Road 7
      r e m i n d e r   of   t h e
      resilience and courage                                                                 Delray Beach
      of those who survived
      one of history’s darkest
      chapters.                                              • Drop off lithium batteries and products containing them.
         Sa ul  Dre i er, a
      Holocaust survivor                                     • Bring up to six boxes of documents to be shredded onsite.
      himself, formed the band to preserve the memory of the
      Holocaust and share the stories of survival through the
      universal language of music. Dreier, who was born in
      Poland and survived Auschwitz, was liberated from the
      concentration camp in 1945. His harrowing experiences
      are not just part of his personal history but represent the

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