Page 8 - Abacoa Community News - December '24
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Page 8, Abacoa
                                                        Financial Focus                          ®

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                                                        Consider Tax-Smart Charitable                     on your IRA, you may have lower RMDs in the future.

                                                                                                             Of course, if you need some or all your RMDs to help sustain
                                                        Gifts                                             yourself in retirement, the use of QCDs may not be of interest
                                                                                                          to you. Keep in mind, though, that you can start making QCDs
                                                        By Sally Sima Stahl                               at 70½, even before you must start taking RMDs. QCDs up to
                                                           As we enter the annual                         $105,000 can be taken in 2024.
                                                        season of giving, you might                           • Consider a donor-advised fund. If you’re interested in
                                                        be thinking of charities you                      a long-term charitable giving arrangement, you might want
          Celebrate the holidays with the iconic Jupiter landmark’s   wish to support. But you also       to consider establishing a donor-advised fund. You can put
       exciting and memorable holiday events at the Jupiter Inlet   might be wondering how to             many types of assets into this fund, and then direct it to make
       Lighthouse & Museum, the historical landmark operated   gain some tax benefits from                grants periodically to the charities you’ve chosen. You get an
       by the nonprofit Loxahatchee River Historical Society!  your gifts.                                immediate tax deduction for your contribution, and, if you
                                                           It  used  to  be  pretty                       donate appreciated assets, such as stocks, you’ll avoid the
                                                        straightforward: You wrote                        capital gains taxes you would have incurred if you simply sold
                                                        a check to a charity and then                     the stocks and then gave the money to the charities. One note
                                                        deducted the amount of the gift,                  of caution, though—your contributions to a donor-advised fund
                                                        within limits, from your taxes. But a few years ago, as part of  are irrevocable, and once the assets are in the fund, you can’t use
                                                        tax law changes, the standard deduction was raised significantly,  them for anything except charitable giving.
                                                        so fewer people were able to itemize deductions. Consequently,     These strategies—QCDs and donor-advised funds in
                                                        there was less financial incentive to make charitable gifts.   particular—can be complex and involve several issues of
          Looking to finish your holiday shopping early? The Sip      Of course, this didn’t entirely stop people from making them.  which you should be aware. So, you should consult your tax
       & Shop event takes place on Wednesday, December 4.   And it’s still possible to gain some tax advantages, too.   advisor before taking action. But if any of these techniques are
       This event will bring together local artisans and creators      Here are a few tax-smart charitable giving strategies:  appropriate for your situation, give them some thought—because
       for a festive evening of holiday shopping and refreshments.   • Bunch your charitable gifts into one year. If you combine  helping a charitable group and getting tax benefits for doing so
       From 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., guests can browse unique gifts   a few years’ worth of charitable gifts in a single year, you  is a “win” for everyone.
       and artworks on the Lighthouse deck and in the gift shop   could surpass the standard deduction amount and then itemize     This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
       while enjoying complimentary wine, champagne, and beer.   deductions for that year. In the years following, you could revert  your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward Jones,
       Local artists and vendors will include Katie Herman Art,   to taking the standard deduction.       Member SIPC.
       known for her colorful, tropical home decor and art pieces;   • Make qualified charitable distributions. Once you turn     Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in all states
       Slip Pottery, offering handmade ceramics; and KaiBlu,   73 (or 75 if you were born in 1960 or later), you must start  and Washington, D.C., through Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P., and
       showcasing handcrafted jewelry and art made from natural   taking withdrawals from your traditional or inherited IRA.  in California, New Mexico and Massachusetts through Edward
       materials. Additionally, historian and author Josh Liller   These withdrawals—technically called required minimum  Jones Insurance Agency of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones
       will be signing copies of his book Five Thousand Years on   distributions, or RMDs—are taxable at your personal income  Insurance Agency of New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones
       the Loxahatchee: A Pictorial History of Jupiter-Tequesta,   tax rate, so, if the amounts are large enough, they could  Insurance Agency of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
       Florida. This free event requires no registration and is   push you into a higher tax bracket or cause you to pay larger     Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors cannot
       an excellent opportunity to find last-minute gifts while   Medicare premiums.                      provide tax advice. You should consult your qualified tax advisor
       connecting with the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse & Museum      But if you donate these RMDs directly to a qualified charity,  regarding your situation.
       team.                                            you can avoid the taxes. And because these donations, known as     Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, CFP ,
                                                        qualified charitable distributions (QCDs), will reduce the balance  AAMS™, 1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.

                                                        See Road Closures Map from page 1

           On  Saturday,  December  14. the Jupiter Inlet
        Lighthouse  &  Museum  will  be  hosting  the  annual
        Holiday Extravaganza for the whole family to enjoy.
        This year’s theme will be “There’s Snow Place Like
        Home” and will have mounds of real snow for sled
        riding, photo opportunities with winter characters,
        family fun entertainment, crafts for children, food
        trucks,  photos  with  Santa  and,  last  but  not  least,  a
        special showing of Disney’s Frozen. The event starts
        at 3 p.m. with the movie starting at 5:45 p.m. and
        tickets will be $10. There will also be a toy drive for
        Chasin a Dream Foundation, whose mission is to ease
        the burden on families with children battling cancer,
        cystic fibrosis, heart disease, and other life-threatening
        illnesses and disabilities, by offering individualized
        assistance that promotes healing and hope.

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