Page 15 - Southern Exposure - November '24
P. 15

Southern Exposure, Page 15

                                                                   pet Matters

                                                     The Pet Cottage Post

      Senior Maltese Mix Needs
        At  The Pet Cottage, we
      often welcome pets in need
      of rehabilitation due to their
      owners’ declining health, both
      physical and mental.  As a
      person’s  health  deteriorates  –
      whether from aging or illness – the
      care they provide to their beloved pets often suffers. We
      frequently encounter animals that have not been groomed
      for a long time, arriving matted and dirty. Others come
      to us underweight because their owners have forgotten to
      feed them, while some are significantly overweight due   Sophie            Sophie in the car
      to overfeeding during periods of neglect. Fleas and other
      parasites are not uncommon as well.                  Recently, The Pet Cottage welcomed Sophie, a 10-year-  recover, ensuring she receives the love and care she
        In our society, it’s common for families to live far apart,   old Maltipoo, in terrible shape. Her owner had suffered a   deserves.
      especially in South Florida, where many seniors retire and   stroke, was hospitalized, and never returned home. Family     By matching pets with caring Forever Guardians and
      leave their extended families behind. Family members   members, overwhelmed with grief, struggled to manage   covering all their medical expenses, The Pet Cottage
      often visit during the holidays, only to be heartbroken   her affairs. For three months, Sophie was left alone in the   ensures these cherished animals can enjoy their golden
      by the changes in their parents or grandparents.   home, receiving only brief visits for feeding and walking.   years in loving homes. This essential service comes at a
      Difficult  decisions  are                          When a niece flew in to check on things, she was shocked to   great cost, as we currently care for 56 pets, 47 of whom are
      sometimes made during                              discover Sophie still living there. The little dog was terrified   seniors. Your generous donation can make a meaningful
      these visits, including                            of people, severely matted, in clear pain, and had become   difference in the lives of Sophie and many other deserving
      moving  loved  ones                                aggressive. Her owner had been unable to care for her for   animals.
      into assisted living or                            some time before being hospitalized, leaving Sophie in a     To become an active part of our work for all pets please
      memory care facilities.                            dire situation.                                   consider donating today!
      Unfortunately,  this                                 The Pet Cottage is fortunate to have dedicated volunteers     Your heart will grow a whole size bigger, and our tails
      often means they can                               like Michelle and Matt, who possess a special talent for   will wag even more.
      no longer care for their                           caring for these hurting souls. They open their hearts and   The Pet Cottage
      pets. Similarly, when a                            home to pups like Sophie, providing the extra TLC and time   Wendy Derhak Founder/Executive Director
      relative passes away,                              needed before these animals can be placed with a Forever   17049 Thunder Road
      pets may be left in the                            Guardian. It takes patience, perseverance, and an abundance   Jupiter, FL 33478
      care of family members                             of love to build trust with a senior pet that has experienced     Please visit or call
      who are now faced                                  neglect.                                          (561) 818-5025 for more information.
      with  making  urgent                                 Now, with the support of our Lifelong Guardianship     Visitors are welcome by appointment.
      decisions.            Michelle Perunko and Sophie  Program, we are committed to helping Sophie heal and
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