Page 3 - PGA Community News - November '24
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November 2024
November 2024 2 Spaces PGA C.A.N.!, Page 3
From The Editor:
In Thanksgiving… For Our Freedom
“Be careful what you period of time. Polish citizens could not leave with money At the end of the nineteenth century, Irving Berlin’s
say, Grazyna” her parents so Grazyna traveled with a bicycle and minimal cash. parents escaped with their children the pogroms of Russia
continually warned her. It Grazyna would not allow her meager circumstances to the freedom of America. They saw their Russian home
was Communist dominated limit her experience in Finland. She applied for a job at burned to the ground and took a danger filled route out of
Poland in the 1950’s the University Student Union and received a job offer to Russia. In 1918 he wrote the song, “God Bless America.”
and 1960’s and any free clear the tables. In addition she applied for a job at an It was not released until 1938, the 20th anniversary of
expression could result in engineering firm and was offered a job. She worked at Armistice Day (recognizing the end of World War 1). The
a visit from the security the engineering company from 8 am to 4 pm and bussing song was a personal expression of Mr. Berlin’s gratitude
forces or worse, detention tables at the Student Union from 5 pm to 9 pm. After 4 to the country that transformed him from a life of poverty
in prison. Imagine having to months Grazyna saved the equivalent of $10,000.00. and oppression in Russia to become one of the most
engage in self-censorship of She could not return to Poland to visit her family popular songwriters in the world. He donated the royalties
your words because of fear. because she would not be able to leave Poland again. Her from the song to the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts earning
Grazyna was not a typical Polish child in the cold parents wanted to see her. They decided to meet in Berlin. millions of dollars for these organizations. At this time of
war years. She dreamed of the United States and was Grazyna had to fly to Moscow and then to Berlin. She Thanksgiving let us remember Grazyna, Irving Berlin and
determined to travel there – sometime in the future no flew with a friend. When they arrived in Moscow, they the countless millions of people born under the domination
matter how long it would take to do so. Freedom was the went to a public area on the streets and crowds appeared of oppressive societies and give thanks for our freedom.
only choice for her. to buy their clothes. Ever the entrepreneur, Grazyna Until next month…
Grazyna loved the sciences and she was encouraged opened her suitcase and sold them receiving quite a bit of James A. Cioffi, Editor
by her parents in school. They were both attorneys so money. Then KGB appeared and she said the crowd took
Grazyna was exposed to intellectual endeavors – but not her clothes. They interrogated her but let her go. She had P.S. If you know of any other stories of the pursuit of
the freedom to express her thoughts. She always felt a enough money to buy a roundtrip ticket to Berlin. She gave freedom, please contact me.
disconnect – not being able to say what she felt. But her the extra money to a cashier since she could not take the
thoughts and desires could not be suppressed. money out of the country. The cashier stood in disbelief
While in college Grazyna applied for a passport. It was at her good fortune.
denied. She submitted a request again. It was denied. This When she arrived in Berlin, Grazyna saw her parents Attention Dog Owners
process continued for some time with the same result. but she had a high fever. She had to return to Finland
Finally after she received her master’s degree, Grazyna immediately. When she got to Moscow, the woman said It is your responsibility to pick
went to the passport office. She told the receptionist she it would take 1 month to get a ticket for Finland. She up after your dog.
was a friend of the Director. Grazyna had actually never pleaded explaining that she needed medical attention and
met him but it allowed her to gain entry to speak with the woman finally got her a ticket. In Finland, Grazyna It’s the law. Some of you
him. The Director indirectly advised her she would never was diagnosed with pneumonia and had to be hospitalized. have been negligent
receive a passport. The government wanted to minimize In order to stay in Finland, Grazyna applied to Helsinki in doing so.
the ability of its citizens to defect to the West. Grazyna University for the PHD program in electrical engineering.
left the office with a heavy heart but with the renewed She was accepted and was able to remain in Finland. She
determination to find a way to the United States. excelled and even gave lectures in her specialty - which Please keep our
Unexpectedly one day in 1975, Grazyna received a visa was unusual since she was still a student. She wound community beautiful!
to Finland. Finally she had her first opportunity to leave up staying for 10 years and met her future husband.
Poland and its constraints – even though it was for a limited Eventually they moved to the United States.
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