Page 22 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - November '24
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Page 22, Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens
       Three Advantages Of One-To-One College Planning

      By Peggy Forgan, M.Ed., College Planner            helps your child identify the right high school activities,   in identifying and applying for scholarship opportunities,
        Navigating the college admissions process can    courses, and experiences to build a resume that supports   maximizing their chances of reducing college costs.
      be overwhelming for you and your child. I offer a   their passions. This positions your child to uniquely stand     Third,  when  students  begin  working  with  me  in
      comprehensive  one-to-one  personalized  approach   out amongst the many competing college applicants.  eighth or ninth grade, they learn to develop essential
      to college planning, that will provide advantages to     Second,  I  offer  comprehensive  support  and  start   skills such as time management, goal setting, effective
      significantly  enhance  your  child’s  opportunity  to  gain   working  with  your  child  as  early  as  eighth  grade.   communication,  and  self-advocating.  One-to-one
      admission into their top college.                  Although most begin in tenth or eleventh grade, starting   college planning positions your child for a future full of
        One of the benefits of working with me is the tailored   early gives your child more time to complete my speed-  opportunity.
      guidance I provide to your child. Every child has unique   reading course, take two SAT test prep classes, resume     I am the owner of Class 101 College Planning North
      academic strengths, interests, and career aspirations. I   writing, college lists, tours, and step-by-step assistance   Palm Beach and offer a free consultation to discuss your
      take the time to work alongside your child to understand   in the application process. My test prep course pinpoints   child’s college planning process. I can be reached at (561)
      specific goals and then create a customized plan that   where your child  should  concentrate  their efforts to   418-7897 or
      aligns with their ambitions. This personalized approach   increase their test scores. Additionally, I guide your child
      Tax Talk

      Dear Friends:                                     Honoring Palm Beach                                Congratulations, TCO!
        ’Tis  the  season!  No,
      I am not referring to the                         County’s Vietnam Veterans                            Our organization has
      upcoming holidays or the                                                                             recently been the recipient
      arrival of our friends from                         Our organization has                             of five awards – one for the
      the  north  for  the  winter.                     the honor to participate                           Finance & Budget team and
      I  am  talking  about  tax                        in  the  United  States  of                        four for the Communications
      season!  Yes, tax season                          America Vietnam War                                and New Media team!
      is upon us and my office                          Commemoration program.                               The F&B team were once
      is in full swing. Once the                        Over the past several                              again awarded the Certificate
      tax bills are mailed at the                       years, we have honored                             of Merit for Audit by the
      beginning of November,                            hundreds of  Palm  Beach                           Florida Tax Collectors Association. This award recognizes our
      we see a jump in online payment activity, which is your   County Vietnam Veterans                    office’s achievement for a perfect 2023/24 audit! Congratulations
      easiest and quickest way to pay your taxes. Our mailroom   and their families with a special commemorative lapel   to Carmen C. Richardson, Chief Financial Officer, and her
      is about to become overrun with mail trays for those who   pin as my way of saying “thank you” for their service   hardworking team for all they do to ensure we are fiscally
      prefer to send in their                           and sacrifice. This is the fifth year we have participated   responsible and delivering exceptional service to our clients.
      tax payment through                               in this special partnership with the Florida Department     The Communications and New Media team is proud of
      the  mail. Whichever                              of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV).     the hard work that went into our Welcome Guide, which was
      way you choose to pay,                              This is the official pin of the United States of America   created and designed for people relocating to Palm Beach
      remember that paying                              Vietnam War Commemoration, authorized by Congress to   County. It details the services offered by the TCO, including
      your taxes in November                            recognize the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War. Each   driver’s license, motor vehicle registration and property tax
      provides you with the                             pin is embossed with the heartfelt message, “A Grateful   payment information. It also includes valuable information to
      largest money saving                              Nation Thanks and Honors You.”                     assist new residents with voter registration, school enrollment
      discount of 4% so getting your tax payment to us by     Requests can be made by completing a request form   and other popular county services. We are extremely proud and
      November 30 will save you money.                  online at Your pin, along with my   honored that several national communication organizations
        For complete information about paying your property   personal letter of appreciation will be mailed directly   have awarded the TCO’s Welcome Guide.
      and tangible personal property, visit our website at www.  to you.  These commemorative pins are available to                                Vietnam Veterans now through November 30. Veterans
                                        Anne M. Gannon,  are  only  eligible  to  receive  one  pin;  therefore,  if  you
                               Constitutional Tax Collector,   previously received your commemorative pin, no need
                               Serving Palm Beach County  to request again. You must be a Palm Beach County
                                                        resident to participate. We thank you for your service and
      First Look! Introducing Our                       we are most honored to recognize you with this special
                                                        commemorative lapel pin.
      New Website

        I am pleased to announce the new Tax Collector website
      is ready for its debut with a new look and name – say
      goodbye to and hello to With the
      new “.gov” domain, we get enhanced levels of security
      and reliability.
        Our  new  website  was  developed  using  years  of     CAMPBELL AND KARLIK, P.A.
      feedback  from  visitors  to  our  website.  Our  goal  is  to
      ensure that we provide exceptional service in everything                       ATTORNEYS AT LAW
      we do and that includes our website. Our goal with a new
      website was to not only give it a cosmetic refresh, but a
      total renovation from the ground up featuring a new look,
      enhanced functionality, and updated content.                             Wills • Trusts • Estate Planning • Probate
        When you visit the site, you will notice our use of color
      and imagery to help our visitors navigate our website,                     Taxation • Real Estate • Corporations
      allowing them to locate needed information easily. In
      addition to the color and imagery we made significant
      upgrades to the functionality including a new accessibility
      widget that assists individuals with disabilities to
      customize the site allowing them to navigate the website
      more effectively. We also worked on editing the content
      of our website – simplifying the language and the display
      of information.
        I invite you to experience the new website for yourself,
      by visiting We invite you to take
      a moment to share your experience with our website by

                                                                                          Diane L. KarLiK

                                                                                                                         Tel: (561) 625-5220
                                                          3450 Northlake Boulevard Suite 210                 Fax: (561) 625-5201• Mobile: (561) 797-5004
                                                          Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33403                                EMail:
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