Page 7 - Jupiter Spotlight - November '24
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Jupiter Spotlight, Page 7
      Financial Focus                          ®                                                            Jupiter Senior

      Donor-Advised Funds: A                            matter, virtually any appreciated asset – to a DAF, you can
                                                        avoid paying the capital gains taxes that would otherwise
      Smart Way To Give                                 be due if you were to simply sell the asset and then  Softball
                                                        donate the proceeds to charitable organizations. Plus, by
      By Sally Sima Stahl                               receiving the appreciated asset, rather than the proceeds     The  Jupiter  Senior  Softball  program,  which  has
        You can find several ways                       from a sale, the charitable groups can gain more from   had record membership increases in recent years, has
      to make charitable gifts but if                   your contribution. And you can also take a tax deduction   opened registration for the 2025 season and persons
      you’re looking for a method                       for your donation.                                  of all abilities are welcome.
      that  can  provide  multiple                        While these potential tax benefits can certainly make a     The slow-pitch league is open to persons 55 and
      tax benefits, along with an                       DAF an attractive method of charitable giving, you should   over  and  persons  who  register  can  play  in  pickup
      efficient platform for giving                     be aware of some potential tradeoffs. Once you contribute   games through the remainder of this year as well
      year after year, you might                        assets to a DAF, that gift is irrevocable, and you can’t   as through 2025. “We had 243 members this year
      want  to  consider  a  donor-                     access the money for any reason other than charitable   which is a 20 percent increase over 2023,” said
      advised fund.                                     giving. Also, your investment options are limited to what’s   Commissioner Paul Storch.
        Once you open a donor-                          available in the DAF program you’ve chosen. And DAFs     The league’s three-division format accommodates
      advised fund (DAF), you can                       can incur administrative costs in addition to the fees   persons of all skill levels, from recreational play, to
      contribute many types of assets, including cash, publicly   charged on the underlying investments.    very competitive and everything in between. Games
      traded  stocks,  bonds,  CDs  or  non-cash  items  such  as     You  may  want  to  consult  with  your  financial   are every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning at
      closely held business interests, art or collectibles. You can   professional about other potential benefits and tradeoffs   Jupiter Community Park, beginning at 8:30 a.m.
      then decide how to invest the money, possibly following a   of  DAFs  and  whether  a  DAF  can  help  you  with  your     This  year’s  January–March Winter  League  that
      strategy suggested by the DAF sponsor organization you’ve   charitable  giving  goals. Also,  different  DAF  sponsors   featured  five  teams  in  three  divisions  also  was  a
      selected. The next step involves choosing which charities   offer different features, so you will want to do some   record. Players are coming from as far away as Port St.
      to support, how often to provide support (such as once a   comparisons.  And  because  DAFs  can  have  such   Lucie in the north as well as from the Jupiter-Tequesta
      year) and how much to give each time. You’re essentially   significant implications for your tax situation, you should   area and other North County communities.
      free to direct the money to any charities you like, provided   consult with your tax professional before taking action.    Players most often
      they’re IRS-approved charitable organizations.      If  a  DAF  is  appropriate  for  your  situation,  though,   cite the camaraderie of
        Now, let’s look at the possible tax advantages offered by   consider it carefully — it might be a good way to support   playing a game they love
      a DAF:                                            your charitable giving efforts for years to come.   with others as among
        • Immediate tax deduction – A few years ago, changes in     This article was written by Edward Jones for use by   the reasons they signed
      tax laws resulted in a vastly increased standard deduction,   your local  Edward  Jones  Financial Advisor,  Edward   up. They include retired
      which, in turn, led to far fewer people itemizing on their   Jones, Member SIPC.                      Jersey  City,  N.J.,  fire
      tax returns and having less incentive, at least from a tax     Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in   captain John Cariero, who
      standpoint,  to  contribute  to  charities.  But  if  you  don’t   all states and Washington, D.C., through Edward D.   said, “It’s like being in the
      typically give enough each year to itemize deductions,   Jones & Co., L.P., and in California, New Mexico and   fire service again. I have
      you could combine several years’ worth of giving into one   Massachusetts through Edward Jones Insurance Agency   a whole new brotherhood
      contribution to a DAF and take a larger deduction in that tax   of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones Insurance Agency of   of friends.”
      year. And you can claim that deduction, even though the DAF   New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones Insurance Agency     A  Jupiter  Farms
      may distribute funds to charities over several years.  of Massachusetts, L.L.C.                       resident, Cariero joined
        • Tax-free growth of earnings – Once you contribute an asset     Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors   the softball program in  Retired fire captain John
      to a DAF, any earnings growth is not taxable to you, the DAF   cannot provide tax advice. You should consult your   2017, upon retiring from  Cariero, 61, about to make
      or the charitable groups that receive grants from the DAF.   qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.   his 25-year career in the  contact
        • Avoidance of capital gains taxes – When you donate     Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, CFP ,   fire service and relocating
      appreciated  stocks  or  other  investments  –  or  for  that   AAMS , 1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.  with his family to Jupiter. His stellar play in center field has
                                                                                                            earned him the nickname “Johnny Big Glove.” He’s also
                                                                                                            undergone two knee replacements and serves as Executive
                   Experience Dentistry                                                                     Director of the Jupiter Senior Softball Association.
                                                                                                              Also enthusiastic about playing senior softball
                                                                                                            is Barry Skolnik, who turns 78 October 31. “I can’t
                                                                                                            tell you how many friendships I’ve made and I think
                                                                                                            it  keeps  me  healthy,”  he  said. The  senior  softball
                                                                                                            program is sponsored by the nonprofit Jupiter Senior
                                              with a                                                        Softball Association  in  cooperation  with  Jupiter’s
                                                                                                            Parks and Recreation Department.
                                                                                                              Registration  can  be made  online  at  www.
                                                                                                   For more information contact
                                                                                                            Gary Newman at (917) 623-0791.
             Woman’s Touch

              Cosmetic & Comprehensive Restorative Dentistry

                     State of the Art & Same Day Restorations

                     Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Sedation Available
                                                                                                             Pitcher Barry Skolnik, 78, is grateful for the friendships
                                                                                                             he’s made.
                      Joanne Green, D.D.S.

                10887 N. Military Trail, Suite 6

                Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410

                        (561) 622-2815


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