Page 20 - The Jewish Voice - November '24
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Page 20, The Jewish Voice
Lifestyles from page 19 of-the-art technologies. Tampa General is the primary teaching • hearing aids, hearing exams, and hearing tests that haven’t
affiliate of the USF Health Morsani College of Medicine, and been ordered by a doctor
progression from traditional open surgery to minimally invasive is one of the largest hospitals in the nation. • long-term care, such as that delivered in most nursing
spine surgery,” he said. “The endoscopic spine surgery represents For more information about the minimally invasive homes (custodial care)
the pinnacle of that progression.” endoscopic spine surgery offered at Tampa General, visit TGH. • orthopedic shoes (with only a few exceptions)
Tampa General’s Spine Neurosurgery Program leverages org/MinimallyInvasiveSpineSurgery. • outpatient prescription drugs (with only a few exceptions)
a multidisciplinary team of physicians who specialize in the • routine foot care (with only a few exceptions)
treatment and management of degenerative cervical and lumbar Medicare Corner with Kathy O • routine physical exams (beyond the annual wellness visits)
conditions, and complex spinal deformities. • screening tests (with some exceptions)
How do you know if you’re a candidate for spine surgery? It’s Time for Medicare Annual Enrollment • shots (vaccinations — except those approved)
Dr. Kim said that 80 percent of the U.S. adult population Period, Oct. 15-Dec. 7 • some diabetic supplies (like syringes or insulin, unless it
experiences lower back pain or neck pain in their lifetime. “As is used with an external insulin pump)
a surgeon, my role is to distinguish whether surgery is a patient’s You have time to change • first three pints of blood
best option,” he said. Dr. Kim works closely with the TGH plans — call me! • additional charges for a private hospital room
Neuroscience Institute’s team of chiropractors, acupuncturists, Is it time for hearing aids? • private nursing care
physical therapists, and pain interventionists to determine Need new glasses? • skilled nursing care costs beyond 100 days a year
the next course of action. “First, we try as many nonsurgical Traveling outside the • meals delivered to the home
treatment options as possible,” he said. “In most cases, surgery U.S.? • medical charges billed by relatives
is usually a last resort. So far we’ve successfully treated athletes, Need dental cleanings, or • personal comfort items
soldiers, and even patients in their 90s. Collaborating with Tampa more? • intermediate care
General’s anesthesia team, we’ve been able to perform awake Original Medicare does • custodial care
spine surgeries with minimal sedation, similar to colonoscopies. not include coverage for these Medicare Advantage Plans or Supplements can fill in the
This is a game-changer for patients usually deemed too sick for potentially high-cost health gaps that Medicare does not cover in most instances. Call today
general anesthesia.” care expenses. Medicare for your free, no-hassle consultation. I can meet with you one
Dr. Kim notes that patients with ruptured discs typically Advantage Plans may fill in the gaps for items Original Medicare on one or virtually. I am here to help find the best plan for your
recover the same day, whereas those with more chronic illnesses does not cover. needs today!
recover in the span of a few days up to a week. Think about your healthcare needs when you read this I speak Medicare: Supplement, Drug Plan, and Advantage
TGH Neuroscience Institute surgeons perform more surprising list of other common services that are not included Plan.
minimally invasive spine surgeries than any other hospital in Original Medicare. For your free Medicare plan review, please call me, Kathy
in the region, including endoscopic laser spine surgeries, Olejniczak, agent, 561-835-5413, or cell/text 561-212-7640.
microdiscectomies, laminectomies, foraminotomies, and lumbar What Medicare Does Not Cover
fusions. Health care costs that are not covered include, but are not Ovarian Cancer: What You
Tampa General is ranked by U.S. News & World Report limited to:
2024-2025 as a high performing hospital for Neurology & • acupuncture Need to Know
Neurosurgery, meaning the academic health system is among • ambulance services (except in emergencies or when the
the top 10 percent of hospitals in the nation. Additionally, the individual’s health would be in danger if other transportation Ovarian cancer is one of
TGH Neuroscience Institute is one of the top neurology and was used) the most prevalent gynecologic
spine programs in the U.S., according to Becker’s Hospital • chiropractic services, except for some limitations cancers. When found in its earliest
Review’s 2023 list of “Hospitals and Health Systems with Spine • dental care and dentures (with only a few exceptions) stages, it can often be cured, but
and Neuroscience Programs to Know.” • cosmetic surgery early ovarian cancer can be hard to
Since 2020, Tampa General has been creating a framework • custodial care (help with bathing, dressing, using the detect. Typically, it is not discovered
of state-of-the-art services for patients in Palm Beach and Martin bathroom, and eating) at home or in a nursing home until after the cancer has spread to
counties with the expertise and innovation of a preeminent • health care while traveling outside of the United States other organs.
academic health system. Patients treated by Tampa General (except in limited cases)
East Coast physicians enjoy several benefits, including access • eye care — routine exams, eye refractions, and most
to minimally invasive and complex surgeries that utilize state- eyeglasses Lifestyles on page 21 Dr. Joel Cardenas
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