Page 3 - Hobe Sound Reflections - November '24
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Hobe Sound, Page 3

          Cleveland CliniC Martin HealtH news

      Cleveland Clinic Is Your                          the-art equipment available at locations in both Martin and St.   that offers adjuvant and
                                                                                                           alternative therapies, such as
                                                        Lucie counties. Specialized colorectal, ear, nose and throat, and
      Destination For Cancer Care                       breast surgeons are also on staff.                 acupuncture and supplements,
                                                        State-Of-The-Art Medical And Support Services      to  complement traditional
         Residents of Martin and St. Lucie counties now have the      Martin Health offers next generation sequencing – the most   medicine services.
      convenience of world-class cancer care close to home. For   advanced molecular testing available – to all its patients with   Collaborative Care Offers
      the past few years, Cleveland Clinic Martin Health has been   advanced cancer. Through next-generation sequencing, doctors   More Benefits For Patients
      expanding its services and growing its staff of healthcare   can detect gene mutations, which helps gather information for a      As part of the Cleveland
      providers to offer patients easier access to expert cancer care.  more tailored approach and more targeted treatment options.   Clinic health system, Martin
         “We have an excellent cancer center, and we are continuing      Plans are in progress for same-day breast biopsies – a service   Health cancer care providers
      to build on it,” says Kelley Kozma, D.O., a medical oncologist   for patients who have had an abnormal screening mammogram   have the opportunity to
      and director of the Robert and Carol Weissman Cancer Center   and need follow-up with a diagnostic mammogram. These   collaborate with experts
      at Martin Health.                                 patients would be able to get a biopsy the same day as the   at both Cleveland Clinic’s   Kelley Kozma, D.O.
         Since the center was established in 2021, the number   diagnostic mammogram.                      main campus in Ohio and at
      of medical oncologists has grown to four, and four nurse      “That is going to expedite care and get patients into definitive   Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital regarding individual patients.
      practitioners have joined the staff. Additional staff members   therapy faster,” Dr. Kozma says.     Virtual consults are available for patients who have rare diseases
      include social workers, genetic counselors, nurse navigators, a      Support services such as art therapy, yoga, support groups   for which they would like a second opinion, and any patient
      speech therapist, palliative care physicians, palliative care nurse   and smoking cessation are also available. Kozma says work   with a newly diagnosed cancer may have their case presented
      practitioners, and four radiation oncologists who utilize state-of-  is being done to build an integrative oncology program   at a tumor board in Ohio or Weston in an effort to determine the
                                                                                                           best possible treatment and plan of care.
                                                                                                              Kozma says she and her staff also are working on opening
        Hibiscus Children’s Center from page 1              Event Cochairs Kelley DeCowski and Kate Mikkelson,   up access to more clinical trials in this area through this same
                                                         along with a dedicated committee of volunteers, have been   collaboration with Cleveland Clinic in Ohio and Weston.
        Richard and Deb Kessler, and Ted and Pat Tiemeyer; Bon   busy planning for this exciting evening. Tickets are $250   Access to more trials could give patients the opportunity to
        Chance – Albert M Covelli Foundation and Jo Covelli,   per person and sponsorship packages are available with   enroll in studies specific to their disease, which may offer
        B.D. and Jane McIntyre Foundation and Charles McIntyre,   great recognition opportunities for your business. Contact   treatment benefits.
        Robert Crandall and Ellyn Stevenson, RBC Wealth   us today for more information and to purchase your tickets      Call (877) 463-2010 to schedule an appointment or visit
        Management – Pam Dallas and Gordon Nearing, Frank   at or Lori Swift at lswift@ to learn more about
        and Patricia Noonan and Richard and Nancy Zappala; We look forward to seeing you at An Evening   cancer services at the Robert and Carol Weissman Cancer
        LaVie En Rose – John and Andi Brennan, Sally Batz   in Paris to support the Hibiscus kids!         Center at Martin Health.
        and Henley Sandidge, Dr. Al and Pam Gardner, Elizabeth                       Photo by Amy Freese
        Herold, Dick and Molly
        Hoffman, David and                                                                                  Dancing With The Martin Stars from page 1
        Joyce Powell, and Robert
        Weissman Foundation;                                                                                declared the 2024 Overall Champions as Top Fundraising
        Can Can – Timothy and                                                                               Team and Top Dancing Team. The First Runner-Up Dance
        Maureen Cotter, Richard                                                                             Team was April Milner and Eliseo Ruiz; the Second
        and Cathleen Lennon,                                                                                Runner-Up was Casey Caplan and Brian Spector. The
        Kate Mikkelson – Edward                                                                             First Runner-Up Fundraising Team was Sue Whittington
        Jones Investments; and                                                                              and Jang Don; the Second Runner-Up Fundraising Team
        RE/MAX of Stuart.                                                                                   was Lorna Day and Angel Tamayo. In the first ever live
           Special Thanks  to                                                                               voting, Sue Whittington and Jang Don won the People’s
        Mark Greene, our Call                                                                               Choice Award.
        to the Heart Auctioneer.                                                                               Faith Jacobsen, dance teacher at Exquisite Dance
        Hibiscus Children’s                                                                                 Company and sales manager for the AI Fitness tech
        Center thanks every                                                                                 company Oxefit; Craig Glavin, manager of Astra Dance
        sponsor, supporter and                                                                              Studio and a two-time winner of Dancing with the Martin
        volunteer who is helping                                                                            Stars as a teacher and once as a coach; and Chris Thiel,
        to make a difference for                                                                            a top performing realtor with RE/MAX and a former
        the children and give   An Evening in Paris Committee – Left to right/front: Pam Gardner, Dana Anderwald, Doris   dance teacher and competitive ballroom dancer served
        them a brighter future   Clements, Molly Hoffman, Cochair Kate Mikkelson, Linda Schwaderer, Debbie Owens and   as judges. Charles Jones of CDJ Entertainment served
        filled with hopes and   Cochair Kelley Decowski. Left to right/back: Mary Zottoli, Rita Nelson, Joyce Powell,   as emcee at the Lyric, with Dr. Ed Savage emceeing the
        dreams.               Carolynn Strom, and Judie Wolfe                                               live feed at Ross Hall.
                                                                                                               “We’re so grateful for the entire community who
                                                                                                            support us each year,” Suffich said. “From our local
                                                                                                            celebrities who danced their hearts out onstage and raised
                                                                                                            funds offstage, to the audience that filled the Lyric to
                                                                                                            capacity, everyone brought their passion for both the event
           EVERY SUNDAY | FLAGLER PARK                                                                      and the cause it supports.”
                     9AM-2PM                                                                                  its thanks to all of its sponsors and supporters, in particular
                                                                                                               The Martin County Healthy Start Coalition expressed

                                                                                                            Title Sponsor Mark R. Kaiser Dermatology; Samba
                                                                                                            Sponsors Women’s Health Specialists and Rommel
                              Live Music                                                                    Wilson Memorial Fund; and Tango Sponsors Ooo La La,

                      Fresh Local Produce                                                                   Muscle Vodka, and the Lichtenberger Foundation.
                                                                                                               For more information and event photos, visit https://

                         Artisanal Foods                                                          
                                                                                                               For more information about Martin County Healthy
                Unique Handcrafted Goods                                                                      Start Coalition and its ongoing programs, visit www.

        Monthy FREE Yoga & Wellness Activities                                                    , call (772) 463-2888 or follow the
                                                                                                            organization on Facebook.

             Kids Market (1st & 3rd Sunday Monthly)
                                                                                                            Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of
                                                                                                            Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
                                                                                                            the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.

                                                                                                                          1102 W. Indiantown Rd., Suite 5, Jupiter, FL 33458
                                                                                                                             (561) 746-3244
                                                                                                                             FAX (561) 746-2509
                                                                                                             Seabreeze Publications
                          SCAN TO                                                                                              Publisher
                            LEARN                                                                                           S. Miller • E. Miller
                                                                                                                              M. Sean Reid
                            MORE                                   Operated by Stuart Main Street

                                                                                                                   Tom English, Laura Berrio, Bret McCormick
                A market for growers, crafters, artists & other creators                                
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