Page 2 - Boca Exposure - November '24
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Page 2, Boca Exposure

      The Fifth Annual from page 1                       academic institution, a global nonprofit organization, and   Cabot, chair of the Dean’s Advisory Board, Suely Berelson,
                                                         a for-profit architecture studio to advance innovative   Alisa Cohen, Nancy Dershaw, Silvana Halperin, Andrea
      for the adaptive reuse of old buildings as a key solution for   solutions to the affordable housing problem in Florida   J. Karsch, Frank LoRé, Bonnie and Jon Kaye, Sandra
      America’s housing affordability crisis and sustainable living.  and across the United States. Approaching the affordable   Meyer, Marcia Mithun, Dr. Deborah Mulligan and Linda
         “As a center of academic excellence and a cultural   housing crisis from different perspectives, the three   Satz. Along with Cabot, sponsors include Marilyn and Jay
      resource for the South Florida community, where the arts and   partners work with FAU students to identify adaptive   Weinberg, Beth K. Schwartz, the Mithun Family Foundation
      humanities are the foundation of all learning, the College of   reuse opportunities and amplify the voices of the next   (Marcia and Doug Mithun), Margie and Maurice D. Plough,
      Arts and Letters is pleased to showcase the diverse disciplines   generation in solving generational problems. Through   Kaye Communications PR & Marketing, Bonnie Halperin
      and programs at our CAST Party as we put an ‘appreciative’   the  new partnership,  FAU students have developed a   and family, Sally and Digh O’Loughlin, Linda and Jay
      spotlight on those who invest and engage with us as partners,   guidebook to help identify which kinds of existing vacant   Rosenkranz, and Judith and Dr. Howard Weiner. The Boca
      donors and role models for our students,” said Michael J.   properties may be most viable for affordable housing   Raton Observer is the exclusive magazine sponsor; Legends
      Horswell, Ph.D., dean of the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of   projects, putting adaptive reuse into practice. The students   Radio 100.3 WLML-FM is the exclusive broadcast sponsor.
      Arts and Letters.                                  have also unveiled comprehensive architectural designs      All proceeds from the event will benefit student
      A Standing Ovation Awaits For Preserving Legacy,   on specific sites in South Florida, taking advantage of the   scholarships for the Schmidt College of Arts and Letters.
      Supporting Music Education                         state’s new Live Local Act that allows certain properties   The college houses 21 academic programs including the
         Jon Lappin is being                             to be rezoned for housing. Over time, the FAU students’   School of the Arts, along with humanities degrees, social
      honored for his recent                             design proposals will become new models for adaptive   science degrees, and the areas of communication and
      establishment of the                               reuse and sustainable living in Florida and beyond.  architecture. The college also houses the Center for Peace,
      Bob Lappin and the                                    Chairpersons for the CAST Party evening are Dean’s   Justice and Human Rights; the Center for the Future Mind;
      Palm Beach Pops Music                              Advisory Board members Maurice D. Plough and Beth K.
      Legacy Endowment for                               Schwartz. CAST host committee members include Melanie   The Fifth Annual on page 3
      the College of Arts and
      Letters music program,
      which includes assets
      and an extensive music
      library comprised of
      more than 1,600 titles
      and scores  of  which
      a significant amount  CAST Party Honoree Jon Lappin,
      were arranged by  president and executive director of
      the industry’s most  the Legacy Foundation of Palm    Do you know a family member,
      prestigious arrangers  Beach County/Palm Beach Pops.
      and from some of  Photo courtesy of FAU.              friend or a neighbor in need of
      the  Great American
      Songbook’s greatest composers. The endowment will     Home Health Care?
      fund scholarships, graduate fellowships and other student
      financial aid to recruit and retain top music students. It also
      provides financial support for students to purchase higher
      quality instruments, as well as specialized instruments and
      pianos within the music department. This support bolsters   Home Health Aides / Certified Nursing Assistants / Registered Nurses  to assist you with:
      the Department of Music’s successful degree programs in
      commercial music, music education, music performance     • Personal Care      • Companionship     • Respite Care      • Alzheimers & Dementia Care
      and conducting, which have produced Grammy-winning                • Medication Management     • Transportation     • Meal Preparation
      artists and producers, industry-leading music executives,          • Light Housekeeping      • Grocery Shopping      • Post Surgery Care
      world-class music educators, and top-tier scholars.
      Applause Will Spotlight A First-Of-A-Kind Strategic
      Partnership In Architectural Design                                              Complimentary In-Home Consultation
         The college’s partnership with AHF and Glavovic
      Studio is the first-of-its-kind, bringing together a leading         Care provided in the comfort of your Home, Hospital, or Facility

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                                                                       Upscale Resale

                                                             Experience The Difference
      Streamline, a design proposal for reuse of an old building,
      by FAU students Dane LaRocque, Daniel Lasso and Cristian   New and consigned furniture, unique lighting, accessories and gifts.
      Sanchez. FAU’s School of Architecture is working with CAST   Complete wallpaper and fabric library for all your design needs.
      Party Honoree AIDS Healthcare Foundation to deliver
      new transformational models to address America’s housing
      affordability crisis. Photo courtesy of FAU.

       Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of
       Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
       the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.

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                         (561) 746-3244
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         Seabreeze Publications                            Over 32,000 sq. ft. in 2 locations to serve you!
                           Publisher                                                             New Location
                         M. Sean Reid                      PALM BEACH GARDENS:
                       S. Miller • E. Miller               7700 N Military Trail • 561.694.0964
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