Page 10 - The Shores of Jupiter - October '24
P. 10

Page 10, The Shores
      Live Like Jake Announces Sell-Out Of Seventh Annual Be The

      Light Gala Fundraiser On October 4 At Pelican Club, Jupiter

        Live Like Jake, the                             more perfect, and we are so grateful to the Live Like Jake   Lee Petereit; The Gilbert Family; The Barone Family; The
      local foundation created                          community for the opportunity. Based on the response, I   Broadhead Family; and The McCarty Family.
      in the memory of  Jake                            know we are not alone in our enthusiasm, which bodes well     For information about future events, scholarships, or the
      Roarke Morrison                                   for support of our mission to end childhood drowning,” says   foundation, please visit or call (561)
      announces that tickets to                         Morrison. “We have fun surprises in store, and I can’t wait   441-7611.
      its upcoming “Buoys &                             to welcome everyone on October 4 at the Pelican Club.”   About The Live Like Jake Foundation
      Bourbon”-themed gala                                All monies raised from the fun-filled event go to support     Committed to honoring the life and joy of Jake Roarke
      are sold out.                                     Live Like Jake’s mission of raising awareness for drowning   Morrison, the foundation’s mission is to raise awareness for
        The Seventh Annual Be                           prevention through self-rescue swim scholarships, outreach   drowning prevention. Following the 2013 tragic drowning of
      the Light gala fundraiser                         programs and financial assistance to families who have lost   their 2-year-old son, Keri Morrison and her husband Roarke
      took place October 4 at the elegant, waterfront Pelican Club,   a child or have a child with critical care needs.   created the Live Like Jake Foundation to raise awareness
      Jupiter. Along with special libations celebrating this year’s     Sponsors for the night include: The Atkins Family, Life Saver   for childhood drowning prevention. Partnering with other
      theme, the evening includes a live and silent auction, open   Pool Fence, Infant Swimming Resource (ISR), The Weinberger   drowning prevention agencies and instructors, supporting
      bar, hors d’oeuvres, a sumptuous dinner and dessert, dancing,   Family, Counter Forced Labor Technologies, Hobgood Estate   other families who have experienced the same loss; providing
      awards ceremony, and a live musical performance by country   Services, Ritter & Ramsey General and Cosmetic Dentistry,   an indoor, heated pool dedicated to infant swimming resource
      music artist, Ricky Young.                        Window Doctor, Trelles Injury Law, 16 Handles, The Forgatch   (ISR) instruction, and connecting with their community, the
        “We are absolutely overwhelmed by the outpouring of   Group – Compass, Atlantis Car Wash, Allyson Sullivan & Lang   foundation has been able to provide thousands of self-rescue
      support and excitement for this year’s gala,” says Live Like   Realty, Nanny, Pandora, Illustrated Properties and Love, Tito’s.  swim scholarships and critical care funds around the nation.
      Jake Founder, Keri Morrison. “Having our Be the Light Gala     Table Sponsors: A&S Electric; Premier Pediatrics; Dr.     Visit and and
      underneath the actual beams of the lighthouse could not be   Michael Connor, MD; Guardian Angel Inspections, Inc.;   @livelikejake3939 on Instagram.
      Financial Focus                          ®

      Vote For Solid Investment                         to focus more on growth, as you have time to overcome the     This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
      Strategies                                        inevitable short-term market downturns. But as you near   your local  Edward  Jones  Financial Advisor,  Edward
                                                        retirement, you may want to consolidate any gains you
                                                                                                           Jones, Member SIPC.
                                                        may have achieved, and lower your risk level, by moving     Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in
      By Sally Sima Stahl                               your portfolio toward a somewhat more conservative   all states and Washington, D.C., through Edward D.
        With the presidential                           approach. Even in retirement, though, you will need some   Jones & Co., L.P., and in California, New Mexico and
      election just a few weeks                         growth potential to stay ahead of inflation.       Massachusetts through Edward Jones Insurance Agency
      away, the public is naturally                       •  Your needs for liquidity – As you invest, you’ll   of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones Insurance Agency of
      interested in not just the                        need to maintain an adequate amount of cash and cash   New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones Insurance Agency
      outcome but what the                              equivalents in your holdings. Without this liquidity, you   of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
      results will mean for issues                      might be forced to sell long-term investments in case you     Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors
      of national importance. As                        have unexpected expenses.                          cannot provide tax advice. You should consult your
      a citizen, you likely share                         In any case, when it comes to investing, you may want   qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.
      these concerns—but how                            to pay less attention to what names are on the ballot—and     Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, CFP ,
      about as an investor? After                       instead “vote” for the longer-term strategies that reflect   AAMS , 1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL
      the votes are counted—                            your needs and goals.                              33458.
      or even before—should you make some moves in
      anticipation of possible changes in policy?
        Let’s look at the big picture first, through the lens of
      history. The financial markets have performed well—and
      at times, not so well—under Democratic and Republican
      presidents alike. And the same is true about which party
      controlled Congress.
        While it might be an overstatement to say that decisions
      made in Washington have no effect on the markets, it’s not
      always so easy to draw a direct line between what happens
      there and how the markets perform. For one thing, political
      candidates often make promises that are not fulfilled, or,
      if they are, have different results than intended. Also,
      other  institutions  can  have  a  significant  impact  on  the
      markets. For example, the Federal Reserve, which controls
      short-term interest rates, can certainly affect many market
      sectors. And there will always be external events, such as
      foreign conflicts and even natural disasters, that can make
      short-term impacts on the investment world.
        So, rather than making changes to your portfolio in
      anticipation of what might happen if certain candidates
      get elected, or even in response to actual policy changes,
      look to other factors to drive your investment decisions.
        These factors should include the following:
        • Your goals – You probably have short- and long-
      term goals you’d like to achieve. For your short-term
      goals, such as a wedding, a down payment on a house or
      a long vacation, you may want to invest in instruments
      that provide stability of principal. For your long-term
      goals, most important of which may be a comfortable
      retirement, you’ll need to own a reasonable number of
      growth-oriented investments.
        • Your risk tolerance – When you build and maintain
      your investment portfolio, you’ll need to accommodate
      your individual risk tolerance. All investments carry
      some type of risk, but you need to be comfortable with
      the overall risk level of your investments.
        •  Your time horizon – Where you are in life is an
      important consideration when investing. When you are
                                                            Licensed and Insured
      young and just starting out in your career, you may be able
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