Page 13 - Southern Exposure - October '24
P. 13

Southern Exposure, Page 13

                                      ClEvEland CliniC                                                     good WorKS from page 12

                                         florida nEWS                                                        Connections serves 140 individuals, many of whom might
                                                                                                           not have access to high quality services without the school.
                                                                                                           More than 80 percent  of the school’s students live below the
                                                                                                           poverty line, 94 percent come from minority families and over
                           Cutting Colon Cancer                                                            50 percent live in single parent homes or with grandparents.
                                                                                                             This year’s Fire Truck Pull also featured a Special Needs
                        Out Of The Family Tree                                                             Registry enrollment drive by the Palm Beach Gardens Police,
                                                                                                           allowing families with children who have autism or other
                                                                                                           special needs to register their children, ensuring that police
                                                                                                           are better informed in case of an emergency.
           About  five  of  every                       the latest medical care, education and support,” says      For event highlights and more information, visit
         100 people with colon                          Giovanna da Silva, M.D., a Cleveland Clinic colorectal truck pull.
         or rectal cancer have the                      surgeon and researcher in Florida.                   Learn more at
         disease because of a gene                        The centerpiece of the program is the Jagelman               Photo credit Connections Education Center
         passed down through                            Registry, a database of patient information of families
         their family. Researchers                      with FAP. Using this data, physicians at Cleveland
         at Cleveland Clinic in                         Clinic  in  Florida work  with  teams  elsewhere  to
         Florida are investing in                       research the condition and share the latest medicines
         specialists and resources                      and other treatments. Besides colon polyps, FAP can
         to identify these families                     also cause growths or cancer in the stomach, pancreas,
         at risk, with the goal                         bone and other areas. The earliest preventive care
         of preventing inherited                        ranges from medicines that stop the growth of polyps
         colorectal cancer from   Giovanna da Silva, M.D.  to simple colonoscopies to remove those that have not
         ever developing at all.                        yet become cancer.
           The focus is on familial adenomatous polyposis     “Using the registry, we’re able to let patients know
         (FAP). “Familial” means inherited, or passed down   what screenings they should have and how often,” says
         through families. Adenomas are specific types of polyps   Dr. da Silva. “That can save their lives and those of
         that can become cancer. People with FAP have a 100   their family members. We’re definitely very proud of
         percent chance to get colorectal cancer, and parents   our program, and we’re looking forward to helping   PBG Police pulling
         with FAP have a 50/50 chance of passing it down to   more and more patients through it.”
         their children.                                  To make an appointment with Dr. da Silva or
           “We want to get the word out about our program, so   another Cleveland Clinic specialist in Florida, call
         we can let as many people as possible know if they’re   (877) 463.2010 or visit
         at risk, educate others in their family and offer each one   Access today.

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