Page 18 - PGA Community News - October '24
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Page 18, PGA C.A.N.!                                                October 2024                                                                                                                                                   October 2024
      Palm Beach North

      Chamber Of Commerce Honored With Five Awards

      At Florida Festivals And

      Events Association 2024
      “Sunsational” Awards

         The Palm Beach North Chamber of Commerce is proud
      to announce its recent recognition at the Florida Festivals
      and Events Association (FFEA) 2024 “SunSational” Awards,
      where the organization earned five prestigious honors.
         The Chamber’s ArtiGras Fine Arts Festival, presented
      by Tampa General Hospital received significant accolades,
      securing second place for both the Mobile App category
      and the Television campaign category, third place for
      its Commemorative Poster, and third place in the PR/
      Media Campaign category. These awards underscore
      the festival’s commitment to delivering an exceptional
      cultural  experience  that  resonates  with  the  community   Understanding Chest Pain:
      and visitors alike.
         Additionally, the Chamber was recognized with a
      second place award in the Multi-Agency Program category   A Cardiologist’s Perspective
      for its collaboration with the Jewish Federation of Palm
      Beach County on the impactful event, “Confronting
      Hate: Insights from the Israeli Frontline.” This program      Angina or chest pain can               be burning or sharp and might be exacerbated by certain
      exemplifies the Chamber’s dedication to fostering   occur due to cardiac and                         foods or lying down. Musculoskeletal problems can also
      dialogue, understanding, and action within the community.  noncardiac causes. Often,                 cause chest pain due to strained muscles or inflammation in
         “We are incredibly honored to receive these awards,   chest pain is a symptom                     the chest wall that can lead to chest pain. Repetitive motion
      which reflect the hard work and creativity that go into   that causes individuals to                 injuries, muscle strains, or conditions like costochondritis
      making our events and programs successful,” said Brian   seek medical attention,                     can also mimic cardiac chest pain. Additional causes of chest
      Elkins,  Director  of  Events  at  the  Palm  Beach  North   and rightfully so. Dr. Oral             pain can be respiratory conditions, pneumonia, pleurisy, or
      Chamber of Commerce. “We are deeply grateful to our   Waldo, a cardiologist with                     inflammation of the lining around the lungs. Individuals with
      members, community partners volunteers, and everyone   Cardiovascular Care – Palm                    asthma may also experience chest tightness and discomfort.
      involved in these initiatives. Their support is crucial in   Beach Health Network                       Any chest pain should prompt a visit to a healthcare
      helping us achieve our mission.”                    Physician Group and on-                          professional, especially if the pain is severe, persistent, or
         These recognitions are in alignment with the     staff at Good Samaritan                          associated with other concerning symptoms. Quick and
      Chamber’s strategic imperatives, which focus on     Medical Center and Palm   Dr. Oral Waldo         accurate diagnosis is crucial in determining the underlying
      enhancing the quality of life in Palm Beach North while   Beach Gardens Medical                      cause and initiating appropriate treatment.
      fostering a prosperous economy. The Chamber remains   Center, aims to shed light on the various aspects of chest     “Chest pain is a symptom that demands attention and
      committed to creating an environment where businesses   pain. Dr. Waldo emphasizes the importance of prompt  a thorough evaluation. If you experience chest pain, don’t
      can thrive and the community can flourish.          evaluation and the importance of identifying potential  hesitate to seek medical care and if it’s severe call 911,”
         For  more  information  about  the  Palm  Beach  North   underlying cardiac issues. While chest pain can be caused by  says Dr. Waldo.
      Chamber of Commerce and its upcoming events, please   a variety of factors, it is crucial to recognize when it might     Cardiologists use various diagnostic tools to evaluate
      visit                           be indicative of a cardiovascular problem.       chest pain, including electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG).
         For more information, visit     “Chest pain is one of the most common reasons for which  This test records the heart’s electrical activity and can help
                                                          adults seek the care of a cardiologist. Chest pain can present  identify abnormalities indicative of heart problems. Blood
                                                          from a cardiac or noncardiac origin,” says Dr. Oral Waldo.  tests can include enzymes released into the blood during
                                                             Cardiac causes of chest pain include angina or chest  a heart attack, such as troponin, can be detected through
                                                          pain resulting in discomfort that occurs when the heart  blood tests. Imaging studies or tests like echocardiograms,
                                                          muscle doesn’t receive enough oxygen-rich blood. It is often  stress tests, and coronary angiography can provide detailed
                                                          described as a pressure, squeezing, or burning sensation in  images of the heart and blood vessels, aiding in the
                                                          the chest and can be triggered by physical exertion or stress.  diagnosis of cardiac conditions.
                                                          Another cardiac cause of chest pain can be a myocardial     Preventing cardiac chest pain involves adopting a heart-
                                                          infarction also known as a heart attack. A heart attack  healthy lifestyle. Engage in regular exercise, eat a diet rich in
                                                          occurs when there is a sudden blockage of blood flow to a  fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to support
                                                          part of the heart muscle. Chest pain during a heart attack is  heart health and help control risk factors such as high blood
                                                          typically more severe and prolonged than angina and may  pressure and cholesterol. Quitting smoking is also one of the
                                                          be accompanied by shortness of breath, sweating, nausea,  most significant steps one can take to improve heart health.
                                                          and lightheadedness.                                To learn more about cardiology care and Dr. Oral Waldo,
                                                             Non-cardiac causes of chest pain can include  cardiologist, visit – For more
                                                          gastrointestinal issues due to conditions such as acid reflux,  information or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Waldo
                                                          gastritis, or peptic ulcers that cause chest pain. The pain may  call his office at (561) 407-0611.

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          Samantha Fisher, M.D., F.A.A.D., sees patients of all ages at the                          Dermatology Associates of the Palm Beaches is a group practice
          Dermatology Associates in the Palm Beach Gardens office after more                          of board-certified dermatologists and fellowship-trained Mohs
          than 13 years of experience practicing medical, cosmetic dermatology and                    surgeons providing general dermatology, surgical dermatology,
                                                                                                       and cosmetic dermatology services. These physicians trained
          Mohs surgery for skin cancer treatment.                                                      at some of America’s great medical institutions and conduct
                                                                                                      research into the most advanced treatments. Our physicians are
          Dr. Fisher received her Medical and Bachelor of Science degrees with                               also recognized leaders in the diagnosis and
          honors from the University of Florida, where she completed her post-                                      treatment of skin cancer.
          graduate training, including serving as Chief Resident in Dermatology. 

          Her professional experience includes providing Dermatology services to
          patients in Stuart , FL from 2013-2024, Naples, FL from 2012-2013, and as
          Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Florida Department of
          Dermatology in Gainesville, FL from 2011-2012.                                                        Make an appointment to see Dr. Fisher
                                                                                                                     in Palm Beach Gardens at
          Dr. Fisher looks forward to providing you with excellent                                                 10355 N. Military Trail, Suite A,
          dermatology care.                                                                                          by calling (561) 622-6976.

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