Page 4 - Jupiter West - October '24
P. 4

Page 4, Jupiter West
      Won’t My Spouse And Kids Inherit Everything When I Die?

      Part 1 Of 2
                                                           One analysis identified 50 different types of family    Look  for  next  month’s  article  to  finish  this
      By Anné Desormier-                                 structures in American households.  Approximately  40  conversation.
      Cartwright, JD, Esq.                               percent of all marriages in the United States are remarriages    If you have questions about your estate plan and what
        You may think that if you                        for at least one spouse,  and—through adoption and  documents you should have in place to plan your estate,
      die while you are married,                         stepfamilies—millions of children are living in blended  schedule a free consultation today by calling our office at
      everything  you  own will                          families. Unfortunately, the laws have not kept up, and absurd  561-694-7827, Anné Desormier-Cartwright, Esq., Elder
      automatically go to your                           results can occur if you rely on intestacy as your estate plan.  and Estate Planning Attorneys PA, 480 Maplewood Drive,
      spouse and children. But you                       Stepchildren whom you helped raise (but did not legally  Suite 3, Jupiter, FL 33458.
      are thinking of state rules                        adopt) may end up with no inheritance, while a soon-to-be-    The content of this article is general and should not be
      that apply if someone dies                         ex-spouse may inherit from you.                   relied upon without review of your specific circumstances by
      without leaving a will. In                           For example, Carey and Blake each have a child from  competent legal counsel. Reliance on the information herein
      legal jargon, this is referred                     a prior relationship (Carey has a daughter, Rose; Blake  is at your own risk, as it expresses no opinion by the firm
      to as dying intestate. In that                     has a son, Whitley) living with them full-time. During the  on your specific circumstances or legal needs. An attorney
      case, the specifics will vary depending on your state’s law,   marriage, Carey and Blake have a child together named  client relationship is not created through the information
      but generally, your spouse will receive a share of what you   Penny. Carey and Blake treat all three children the same.  provided herein.
      own, and the rest may be divided among your children or   Yet when Carey dies without a will or trust, her family    To comply with the U.S. Treasury regulations, we must
      parents, depending on your situation. Exactly how much your   must rely on state law to determine who receives Carey’s  inform you that (i) any U.S. federal tax advice contained in
      spouse will inherit depends on the state law, though.  assets. Everything that was owned solely by Carey is  this newsletter was not intended or written to be used, and
        Now, it may seem like so far, so good. Your spouse is   divided between Blake, Rose, and Penny. Although treated  cannot be used, by any person for the purpose of avoiding
      getting an inheritance, and so are the kids. But here are   like a son, Whitley would be entitled to nothing. This may  U.S. federal tax penalties that may be imposed on such person
      some examples of how the laws can fail in many common   not be the outcome Carey would have desired. Without an  and (ii) each taxpayer should seek advice from their tax
      family situations.                                 estate plan, however, nothing more can be done. With a  advisor based on the taxpayer’s particular circumstances.
        First, when it comes to who will get your money and   will or trust, you can control what happens to your money   1 David H. Lenok, The 50 Most Common Family Types in
      property, most states’ laws presume that a family comprises a   and property and who will benefit from your hard work,  America, (July 20, 2016), http://
      married couple and their biological children. But because that   essentially eliminating the risk of regrettable results.
      is not how many families are structured, things can quickly     The best way to safeguard and pass along what you have  common-family-types-america.
      become legally complicated.                        worked so hard to build is to talk to a qualified estate planning   2 Jannik  Lindner,  Remarriage  Trends:  Statistics  Show
                                                         attorney. Protect yourself, your family, and your money and  Complex Dynamics for Couples Blending Families, Gitnux
                                                         property by contacting us today.
                                                                                                           (July 17, 2024),
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       By Sally Sima Stahl
         With the presidential
       election just a few weeks
       away, the public is
       naturally interested in
       not just the outcome but
       what the results will mean
       for issues  of  national
       importance. As a citizen,
       you likely share these
       concerns—but how about
       as an investor? After the
       votes are counted—or even before—should you make
       some moves in anticipation of possible changes in policy?                                                                    Expires 11/15/24.
         Let’s look at the big picture first, through the lens of
       history. The financial markets have performed well—and                                                       State Licensed & Insured CPC #
       at times, not so well—under Democratic and Republican   Serving Palm Beach County                                1457468 • LPG#30099
       presidents alike. And the same is true about which party
       controlled Congress.
         While it might be an overstatement to say that decisions
       made in Washington have no effect on the markets, it’s
       not always so easy to draw a direct line between what
       happens there and how the markets perform. For one
       thing, political candidates often make promises that are
       not fulfilled, or, if they are, have different results than
       intended. Also, other institutions can have a significant
       impact on the markets. For example, the Federal Reserve,
       which controls short-term interest rates, can certainly
       affect many market sectors. And there will always be
       external events, such as foreign conflicts and even
       natural disasters, that can make short-term impacts on
       the investment world.
         So, rather than making changes to your portfolio in
       anticipation of what might happen if certain candidates
       get elected, or even in response to actual policy changes,
       look to other factors to drive your investment decisions.
         These factors should include the following:
         • Your goals – You probably have short- and long-
       term goals you’d like to achieve. For your short-term
       goals, such as a wedding, a down payment on a house or
       a long vacation, you may want to invest in instruments
       that provide stability of principal. For your long-term
       goals, most important of which may be a comfortable
       retirement, you’ll need to own a reasonable number of
       growth-oriented investments.                                                           A College Preparatory Catholic High School
         • Your risk tolerance – When you build and maintain
       your investment portfolio, you’ll need to accommodate                                 Our Vision is to build life’s champions
       your individual risk tolerance. All investments carry                                     through FAITH, ACADEMICS,          SCAN TO  LEARN MORE
       some type of risk, but you need to be comfortable with                                    SERVANT LEADERSHIP and a
       the overall risk level of your investments.                                              STRONG FAMILY ATMOSPHERE.
         • Your time horizon – Where you are in life is an
       important consideration when investing. When you                                    
                                                                                                      West Palm Beach, FL
        Financial Focus on page 5                                                                        (561) 683-6266
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