Page 10 - Jupiter West - October '24
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Page 10, Jupiter West
      Medicare Corner  The Pet Cottage Post

      With Kathy O                                      Senior Special Needs Dogs Fiona

                                                        And Shamus Join Our Pack
      It’s Time For Medicare                              The loss of a beloved owner can be

      Annual Enrollment Period                          utterly devastating for a senior dog
      (AEP) Oct. 15 To Dec. 7                           or cat. These elderly pets often
                                                        form intensely close, codependent
                                                        bonds with their human families,
      What Does  This Mean                              and when that support system is
      To Me,  What  Are My                              suddenly taken away, the grief they
      Options?                                          experience can be profound.
      • Change from Original                              It’s not uncommon for grieving pets to withdraw, lose interest
      Medicare to a Medicare                            in eating and playing, vocalize incessantly, or even act out in   Fiona    Shamus
      Advantage Plan                                    destructive ways as they struggle to cope with the absence of
      • Change from a Medicare                          their person. The sadness and sense of loss is palpable in their
      Advantage Plan back to                            eyes, as they search in vain for the familiar sights, sounds, and
      Original Medicare                                 affection they’ve grown accustomed to.
      • Switch from one Advantage                         Thankfully, there are organizations like The Pet Cottage that
      Plan to another Advantage                         specialize in caring for pets who have lost their humans, due to
      Plan                                              death, disability, or deployment. This local animal nonprofit has
      • Join, drop or change Medicare Drug coverage     become a haven for senior dogs like Fiona, a 14-year-old Shih
                                                        Tzu, and Shamus, an 11-year-old terrier mix, who were left
      Supplement Or Advantage                           grieving after the recent passing of their devoted owner, Margaret.
                                                          With their advanced age and special needs, rehoming
      Plan?                                             these pups proved extremely challenging for Margaret’s
                                                        mourning family, who even considered the heart-wrenching
        Advantage Plans must cover all the medically necessary   option of euthanasia.
      services that Original Medicare covers. Most plans offer extra     But the Pet Cottage exists to give these vulnerable, elderly
      benefits that Original Medicare doesn’t cover – like prescription   animals the love and support they so desperately require, and
      drugs, dental, vision and hearing.                they’ve found the perfect new guardians in Melanie, Les, and
        Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans (also called Medigap)   their senior mother Nonnie, who have been seeking to open their   Peanut, Sugar, Angel and Tuffy
      help fill “gaps” in Original Medicare and are sold (extra cost)   home to a furry companion after the recent loss of their own three
      by private companies to cover deductibles and copays.   senior dogs – Coconut, Pippi and Jazmine.      To become an active part of our work for all pets please
        Prescription drug coverage must be purchased separately.    By matching rescued pets with caring Forever Guardians and   consider donating today!
      What Do I Look For? How Do I Know What Advantage   covering all their medical expenses, the Pet Cottage ensures that     Your heart will grow a whole size bigger, and our tails will
      Plan Is Best For Me?                              no matter what, these cherished animals will live out their golden   wag even more.
        First, we review the costs of supplement and drug plans and   years in the comfort and security of a loving forever home.            The Pet Cottage
      look at your healthcare budget. Then we review the Advantage     It’s a vital service that comes at great cost, as the   Wendy Derhak, Founder/Executive Director
      plans to see if your doctors in network and review the cost of   organization currently oversees the care of 53 pets, 47 of   17049 Thunder Road, Jupiter, FL 33478
      medications you take. Another consideration is to determine   whom are seniors, your generous donation can make all the     View or call (561) 818-5025
      which of the ancillary benefits of Advantage plans are most   difference in the lives of Fiona, Shamus, and countless other   for more information.
      important to you; dental, eye exam, glasses, gym membership,   deserving animals in need.              Visitors are welcome by appointment.
      hearing aids, over-the-counter medication, etc.
      How Do I Decide? offers tools to look up medications and all
      plans in your area. However, there is an overwhelming amount
      of information there. A licensed local agent like me can review
      your plan and help you make an informed decision.
      I Am Already On An Advantage Plan I Like … Should
      I Change?
        Each year you receive the Annual Notice of Change (ANOC)
      for your plan which outlines the changes for the upcoming year.
      A free plan review will let you know if other plans you previously
      ruled out may have coverage that better meets your needs now
      or if your current plan is sufficient.
        If you do not do a plan review, you miss out on a plan with
      lower costs, higher benefits or lower maximum out of pocket
      costs in and out of network. This is your financial exposure. It
      is important to ensure a major illness will not bankrupt you.
        Happy AEP and Happy Medicare Planning!
        I speak Medicare: supplement, drug plan and
      Advantage plan.
        For your free Medicare plan review please call me:
      Kathy Olejniczak, Agent, at (561) 835-5413, Cell/text at
      (561) 212-7640.

       NEED A/C? We’ve Got You Covered!

       “WE SHOW


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                      231 Jupiter St., Jupiter, FL
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