Page 16 - Jupiter Spotlight - October '24
P. 16

Page 16, Jupiter Spotlight
      The Pet Cottage Post

      Senior Special Needs Dogs Fiona
      And Shamus Join Our Pack

        The loss of a beloved owner can
      be utterly devastating for a senior
      dog or cat. These elderly pets
      often form intensely close,
      codependent bonds with their
      human  families,  and  when  that
      support system is suddenly taken
      away, the grief they experience can
      be profound.
        It’s not uncommon for grieving pets to withdraw, lose
      interest in eating and playing, vocalize incessantly, or even   Fiona      Shamus
      act out in destructive ways as they struggle to cope with the
      absence of their person. The sadness and sense of loss is     But the Pet Cottage exists to give these vulnerable, elderly   Peanut, Sugar, Angel and Tuffy
      palpable in their eyes, as they search in vain for the familiar   animals the love and support they so desperately require, and
      sights, sounds, and affection they’ve grown accustomed to.  they’ve found the perfect new guardians in Melanie, Les, and   difference in the lives of Fiona, Shamus, and countless other
        Thankfully, there are organizations like The Pet Cottage   their senior mother Nonnie, who have been seeking to open   deserving animals in need.
      that specialize in caring for pets who have lost their humans,   their home to a furry companion after the recent loss of their     To become an active part of our work for all pets please
      due to death, disability, or deployment. This local animal   own three senior dogs – Coconut, Pippi and Jazmine.  consider donating today!
      nonprofit has become a haven for senior dogs like Fiona, a     By matching rescued pets with caring Forever Guardians     Your heart will grow a whole size bigger, and our tails
      14-year-old Shih Tzu, and Shamus, an 11-year-old terrier   and covering all their medical expenses, the Pet Cottage   will wag even more.
      mix, who were left grieving after the recent passing of their   ensures that no matter what, these cherished animals will              The Pet Cottage
      devoted owner, Margaret.                          live out their golden years in the comfort and security of a   Wendy Derhak, Founder/Executive Director
        With their advanced age and special needs, rehoming   loving forever home.                                        17049 Thunder Road, Jupiter, FL 33478
      these pups proved extremely challenging for Margaret’s     It’s  a  vital  service  that  comes  at  great  cost,  as  the     View or call (561) 818-
      mourning family, who even considered the heart-wrenching   organization currently oversees the care of 53 pets, 47 of   5025 for more information.
      option of euthanasia.                             whom are seniors, your generous donation can make all the     Visitors are welcome by appointment.
      Lighthouse ArtCenter Receives A $42k Grant To Expand

      Free Art Classes For Individuals With Special Needs

        Lighthouse ArtCenter (LAC) is pleased to announce a
      $42,000 grant to expand free art classes for youth and adults
      with special needs. Awarded through the Cultural Council of
      Palm Beach County’s Arts & Cultural Education Fund, this
      two-year grant spans through May 2026, allowing LAC to
      increase its support for this important community initiative.
        In  2009,  thanks  to  the
      generosity and vision of
      Doctors  Vince  and Anne
      Palumbo, Lighthouse
      ArtCenter  launched The
      Olivia Palumbo Special
      Needs Art Class, inspired by
      their granddaughter, which
      provided free monthly art                         and adolescents, seniors, and economically disadvantaged     For more information about Lighthouse ArtCenter’s
      classes to individuals with                       individuals. With a focus on community collaboration,   special needs programs and how to get involved, visit
      special needs.  With the                          Lighthouse ArtCenter runs sixteen art outreach programs
      new funding, these classes                        in partnership with ten local organizations.       classes/.
      will now be held weekly,
      opening up more consistent artistic expression and a wealth
      of personal growth opportunities for our participants.
        “It has always been our long-term goal to offer weekly
      rather than once-a-month classes. This grant will make
      this dream come true,” Anne Palumbo explained. “It is
      especially meaningful because those we serve flourish most
      readily with familiar environments and routine. It is also a
      boon to their caregivers, who can count on a few hours off
      each week, knowing their loved ones are enjoying a safe
      and enriching experience.”
        Research shows that weekly art classes for individuals
      with special needs improve social skills, self-expression, and
      self-esteem and reduce stress. They also foster community
      and enhance well-being through creative expression.
        Participants in the youth classes engage in various art
      projects using pencils, crayons, colored pencils, markers,
      watercolor paints, and tempera paints. Similarly, adult
      students explore these mediums while working on projects
      tailored to their interests and abilities.
        “We are thrilled to expand our special needs art classes
      thanks to the generous support of the Cultural Council
      of  Palm  Beach  County  and  the  Frederick A.  DeLuca
      Foundation,” said Jeni Licata, executive director at
      Lighthouse ArtCenter. “These classes play a crucial role
      in our Art For All outreach programs, which aim to make
      art accessible to underserved populations and contribute to
      their education, skill development, and overall well-being.”
        Lighthouse ArtCenter’s art outreach initiative, Art
      For All, ensures access to art for everyone, including
      veterans, individuals with special needs, at-risk children
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